D-126: Aldebaran
Owned By: infel-phira
Designed By: Machati
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Dragon (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)


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ABOUT D-126: Aldebaran

Lampadias is a miserable red wasteland of a kingdom, and Aldebaran is its solemn king. 

Though he carries himself with great dignity and proud bearing, there is a sadness to him. In his eyes, in his manner of speech.

To lose everything-- to be born of such a nightmare of great loss of life-- affects you. 

Children: Antares (G-137), Regulus (G-147), Spica (G-167)


Aldebaran designated α Tauri (Latinized to Alpha Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau), is a red giant star about 65 light-years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation Taurus. It is the brightest star in Taurus and generally the fourteenth-brightest star in the night sky, though it varies slowly in brightness between magnitude 0.75 and 0.95. Aldebaran hosts a planet several times the size of Jupiter, named Aldebaran b.

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