General Stygian Design: While all subspecies have unique traits and looks, there are some elements that are common among most, if not all, Stygian. The following traits are required on most subspecies, unless otherwise specified, so please to to keep them in mind when you're designing your Stygian! These elements include:
Elbow Wings: All common Stygian and many other Stygian have some form of elbow wing.
Side Tufts under the ears. Nearly all subspecies require side tufts.
Front hooves and back hooves. Nearly all Stygian have one or both of these - see subspecies info for details.
Forward facing ears with pointed tips. Common and required for most Stygian.
A deer or canine-like head/skull shape. This means a longer, pointed muzzle.
Indication that the Stygian has fur and looser fluff around the neck, elbow (joining to elbow wings), butt (butt fluff), and where fetlocks should be
Eyes showing three parts: Sclera, iris, and pupil.
There may be some variations among the subspecies, please see individual subspecies information below!
For a visual side by side guide, please click here for a visual side by side size guide!
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with modified ears potion), front legs (with front paws), elbow wings (with elbow wing potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skeletal face), side ear tufts.
Miniature Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws), elbow wings (with elbow wings potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (smaller deer or canine-like skeletal face), side ear tufts. Should generally include a small body and short legs.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Mane Fluff
[Restricted - Event Only] Styx Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Styx are a 'powered down' form of Stygian. They all look very much alike. Stygian cannot speak while in Styx form.
Species Unique Traits: Small Body Size, Mane that goes around the head (see reference image), tuft of hair that sticks up, ear pompoms.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: None. Styx cannot have traits applied to them. They can, however, have some small edits to their bangs!
Styx have a smaller body with a larger head porportionally. Their head is generally rounded with a shorter muzzle. The muzzle must still be present, though!
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: All: Quad form, round head with a shorter muzzle, front and back hooves, small elbow wings, small body size, single ear tip, ear pompoms, small deer tail, mane, and hair a little hair tuft that sticks up are all required for all Styx.
Default Traits that can be inherited: None! No traits can pass down from Styx. They also cannot pass down their subspecies.
[Restricted - Event Only] Styxling Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Styxlings are a 'powered down' form of Stygian. They all look very much alike in body type and shape. Stygian can speak in a garbled 'animal speak' form while Styxlings.
Species Unique Traits: Small Body Size (1x head size), short hooved limbs (1x head/body size), large pointed ears, large poofy inner ear fluff, deer tail.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Deer tail. Can be changed to another tail type using a potion or trait slot.
Styxlings have a smaller body with a larger head porportionally (1:1 ratio). They have a regular Stygian face/head, though the muzzle can be shorter than normal. The muzzle cannot be flat, it must be present.
Styxlings have short hooved limbs that are the same lenght as the torso (or head). These hooves cannot be altered with potions or traits.The limbs/hooves cannot be removed, replaced, or duplicated.
Styxlings come with optional accessories. These can be Light, Medium, or Heavy Accessories (whichever is appropriate for the accessories; it will not affect the rarity of the Styxling as it is a default trait).
Styxlings can come with an optional platform in their Masterlist art. It can be max 150% of the head width (not counting ears) and should have nothing on it other than the Styxling (no items, animals, etc). Some short grass, as seen in the reference, is okay! This platform is not a trait (accessory or elemental) nor can it have traits applied to it. It is just a cute addition to Styxlings.
Styxlings can have traits such as Long Hair, Paired Horns, Halo, Elemental Aura, Back Wings, and other traits that do not change the body base/shape added to them. Traits added to Styxlings cannot be used to change the body base/shape in any way.
Styxlings bodies (body, limbs, head, ears) cannot be modified, duplicated, or changed from the base size or shape. As such, some traits cannot be applied to Styxlings at all. These include: Detached Limbs, Elemental Outer Body, Front Paws, Modified Ears, Multiple Ears, Multiple Heads, Multiple Limbs, Object Head, Parasitic Foliage, Skeletal Replacement, and Shapeshifter
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal form, Regular Stygian head, short limbs with front and back hooves, small body size, larege single tipped ears, and large poofy inner ears.
Default Traits that can be inherited: None! No traits can pass down from Styxlings. They also cannot pass down their subspecies.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws), Betta Tail (Can be made into a fantasy fish tail), Elbow Wings (can be modified with an elbow wing potion)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, side ear tufts, hind hooves, betta/fish tail, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull) (deer or canine-like skull)
Default Traits that can be inherited: Elbow Wings (non-fin type), Body Scales (if present on Stygian)
Carnivorous Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Long Whiskers from behind head/ears, sharp pointed hooves
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Double pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, side ear tufts, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), long Carnivorous style whiskers
Default Traits that can be inherited: Dark Sclera
Parasitic Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Closed eyes (never open), 'Hinged' fantasy tail, Spine elbow wing
Parasitic tails that have an "animal jaw" appearance must only have the animal jaw shape, not the eyes or upper face
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, side ear tufts, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), closed eyes (for normal eyes only), spine elbow wing, parasitic tail
Default Traits that can be inherited: Long Spine Fur, Elbow Wings (non-spine), Fantasy Tail
Shark Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws), elbow wings (with an elbow wing potion)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, side ear tufts, back fin, shark tail, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull)
Default Traits that can be inherited: Back Fins, Elbow Wings (non-fin)
Snowy Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Bulkier Build, Extra fluff on legs, Extra fluffy Long Tail
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws), long fluffy tail (can be made fantasy or multiplied), elbow wings (with an elbow wings potion)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, side ear tufts, hind hooves, bigger snowy build, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull)
Default Traits that can be inherited: Long Tail, Mane Fluff, Fetlocks
[Restricted] Bat Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Large bat ears, Clawed paws (4 digits) and arms with bat wings, forked tongue, can be bipedal or quadruped freely
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single pointed ears (with ear modification potion)
The clawed arms with bat wings cannot be replaced with any other type of wings.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hind hooves, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), winged, front paws + clawed arms
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail, Mane Fluff, Front Paws (no wings), Colored Sclera
[Restricted] Blossoming Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Hedge mane, flower side tufts, leaf shaped inner ears, hedge tail
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front hooves (with front paws potion), hedge tail (can be modified or replaced with tail potions)
Hedge Mane: A thick or dense covering of hedge leaves that fully covers the Stygian's chest, neck, and back. Must be a full, dense covering, almost like fur. Will always be hedge leaves as shown in the reference above, but can be any colour. Cannot be thinned out and cannot be changed to another type of hedge/plant. (Blossoming Stygian take after a particular type of hedge, after all!)
Minimum sizing: Hedge will cover the chest, neck, and back of the Stygian. Cannot cover less, and canoot be removed.
Maximum sizing: Hedge will fully cover the neck and torso of the Stygian, down to mid-leg. This cannot be made longer (cannot be affected by supersize, [++], foliage traits, or long fur).
Hedge will always be a single type of hedge, as shown in the reference above. Cannot be changed to any other kind of hedge or plant. Leaves can be any colour.
Please see the reference above for details on leaf style and min and max hedge sizes!
Hedge Mane Flowers: Can be any type of flower, and can be a mix of flowers. Flowers, when added together, cannot exceed more than 50% of the Stygian's body size in coverage.
Accessory traits such as heavy accessory and enchanted accessory can be used to have objects or ornaments sticking into/out of and hanging off of the hedge. Accessories cannot, however, cover or hide the hedge mane, as most of it should be visible.
Flower Side Tufts: Will always be a single flower under the ears. Can be any type of flower, but always a single flower. Should be small enought to stay under the ear, but large enough to cover the area the side tufts would be.
Hedge Tail: Can be a short to long tail. Made of the same hedge as the mane. Will also be rather dense or solid leaf coverage. Can be multipled and supersized. Can be replaced/made into another type of tail with the proper potions. Replacing the tail fully overwrites the hedge tail, and a foliage potion would need to be used to add foliage to the new tail.
Traits such as Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether would only affect the body of the Stygian, not the hedge or flowers.
Blossoming Stygian ears cannot be modified. They should always stay the same shape, and always have the leaf shaped inner ear.
Light Body Foliage, Foliage Takeover, and Parasitic Foliage cannot affect the hedge or it's leaves and flowers in any way. These traits can be applied to the legs and tail (if it is not the hedge tail), however.
Elemental Aura cannot be used to infuse the hedge or make it no longer be a hedge. Long Fur cannot affect the hedge mane. Semi-transparency cannot affect only the hedge, it would affect the whole of the stygian.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hind hooves, flower side tufts, hedge mane, flowers on hedge, Stygian shaped ears with leaf shaped inner ear, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Foliage Takeover
[Restricted] Nudibranch Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Squishy top mantle, squishy bottom mantle, squishy feelers, squishy psuedo tail
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front hooves (with front paws potion), ears (with modified ears potion)
Squishy Mantles: 2 mantles, layered over one another.
Will always be furless and of a smooth, squishy texture. Squishy texture means a smooth spongy (without holes) texture. Basically the same texture as a nudibranch!
Mantle sizing: Average sizing is as seen in the reference. Mantles can drape down to the Stygian's "knees", or be shorter so that it covers at least half of the back.
Mantles will always have the smooth "trim" as seen in the refernce image. Trim should be a line around the whole mantle, and distinctly different in colour from the rest of the mantle.
The top mantle will always be shorter than the bottom mantle (smaller layer on top!).
Should not resemble a feather, fur, or torn/jagged texture at all - will always have smooth, rounded edges.
Please see the reference above for details on the overall look!
Psuedo Tail: A fake tail always layered over the mantles and always over where the Stygian's butt is. The shape and size will always match the reference image. The fake tail texture matches the mantles - squishy and always smooth/rounded (not feathery or fur-like). Psuedo tails cannot be changed by any trait or potion, as they are not real tails (cannot be supersized or replaced).
Squishy Feelers: Should match the image in sizing and style. Same texture as the other squishy parts! Cannot be changed with potions (cannot be supersized or replaced)
Fantasy, Weaponed, and Object Tails can be added to Nudibranch Stygian! They will not replace the pseudo tail, rather they will layer UNDER the mantles. So they will come out from under the lower mantle.
Elbow Wings, as well, can be added to Nudibranch Stygian. They will attach on the legs under the mantles.
Back Wings and Multiple wings can be added - they layer over the mantles.
The mantles, pseudo tail, and feelers can be affected by semi-transparency and glowing markings!
Traits such as Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether would only affect the body of the Stygian, not the squishy mantles, pseudo tail, or feelers.
Back Fins/Spines, Spine Fur, Feather Back Ridge, Multiple Spines and similiar cannot be added to Nudibranch Stygian. (The mantles cancels these traits out)
The mantles, squishy feelers and pseudo tail cannot be supersized, ++'d, removed, replaced, in any way, nor infused with elemental aura (Their sizing and texture cannot be changed).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hind hooves, double layer squishy mantles, squishy pseudo tail, squishy feelers, under-ear side tufts, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Antennae
[Restricted] Operator Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Digital/Hologram Ears, Metallic Whiskers, Metallic Spines, Metallic Legs
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front hooves (with front paws potion)
Metallic Legs:
Will always be from the hooves to just under where the legs meet the body. Please see reference image for sizing.
Will always be a standard leg shape. Should not have additional fins or wings or other added shapes to the base leg shape.
Can glow! Glowing parts should be less than 25% of the metallic leg. Glows should not leak or trail aether or other lights.
Standard legs should always include a line or split to show the split deer hooves.
Front hooves can be changed to paws with a Front Paws potion/trait. However, please keep in mind paws should be generic animal paws and not be much larger than the hooves would normally be.
Digital/Holographic Ears:
Will always have a metal ear base (the two lower ear sides) with a single colour hologram ear for the remainder of the ear!
Hologram part of the ears will always be a single colour. (It should not go light to dark, instead use semi-transparency.)
Digital ears can glow! They can also be semi-transparent.
Digital Ears will always be a standard stygian ear shape. Modified Ears cannot be applied to Operator Stygian.
Digital Ears cannot be upsized with [++]
Metallic Whiskers: Long, thin wire-like whiskers with metallic ends will always attach to the back of the head. These cannot be changed or removed.
Metallic Spines: Optional! Can be added along the spine along the neck and back. Should be of similiar size to the ones in the example graphic. Cannot be made larger (without trait potions). The default version will always be similiar to what is in the graphic above.
Operator Stygian come with a standard dear style short tail for free! For another other type of tail, please use a tail potion/trait.
Elbow Wings are standard feathered Stygian elbow wings. For changes use an Elbow Wing potion following standard rules.
Glows can be many colours on Operater Stygian! Only the ears must be one colour!
Traits such as Exposed Aether, Corrupted Aether, and Molting Body (and simliar) would only affect the organic parts of the Stygian - any metallic or digital parts would not be affected..
Modified Ears cannot be applied to Operater Stygian.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hind metallic hooves, digital/holographic ears, metallic legs, metallic whiskers, under-ear side tufts, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Glowing Markings
Species Unique Traits: Spider legs extending from the back, two-clawed feet/legs, leg and arm spines, additional eyes on forehead.
Arachnid muzzles are smaller and shorter than usual (but not entirely flat for profile views). Their faces/head are rounder than normal Stygian, as well! See the reference image above.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), additional eyes (can glow, have coloured sclera added), spider legs (cannot be replaced but can be affected by some traits, see below).
The spider legs on the back must resemble a type of naturally occuring spider. They will always have 8 legs extending from the back. These can be modified/affected by glowing markings, body sparkles, elemental aura (must still resemble spider legs!), crystalline growth, accessories, foliage accessories, semi-transparency, and supersize traits.
The spider legs on the back cannot be removed or replaced. Arachnids cannot have back wings, multi wings, or tentacle traits. Spider legs on the back cannot be affected by multiple limbs; they will always be 8 legs.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal, side ear tufts, extra tufts of fur at wrists/ankles, general face shape (rounder face with a smaller muzzle, deer or canine like skull), two-clawed hind legs, spider legs from back (see above), clawed hands, spines on back legs, 3 additional eyes on forehead (This counts as both third eye and extra eyes. Cannot be replaced or stacked with single horn.).
Default Traits that can be inherited: Extra Eyes, Third-Eye Exposed
Behemoth Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tufted tail (with a tail modifying potion), large horns (Can be replaced but not fully removed). *See limitations below
Behemoth Stygian back legs will always be longer and larger than their front legs. The front legs will always be thinner and shorter than the back legs.
Behemoth Stygian front paws cannot be modified or changed with potions. They will always be dog/cat style front paws with large claws showing. The front paws will always be smaller than the back feet.
The hind feet will always have hoof claws - two claws on front and then a third claw on the back of the leg. See the image for an example of how they look. Hind feet cannot be modified.
The default tail is a long, tufted tail (2x body length chest to butt) . This can be changed to other types of tails with the proper potions.
Behemoth's default large horns will always be the same size and shape as what is seen in the example image above. They will always start on the side of the head under the ear.
Behemoth horns can be modified with a horn or antlers potion.
If the horns are replaced, the new horns must still start (attach to the head) in the same spot as the original. This would be under the ear on the side of the head.
If replaced with antlers, the antlers can attach behind the ears.
Behemoth horns cannot be fully removed, they will always have some kind of horn or antler.
Behemoth have optional cheek fluff.
They will always have long fangs that come from the upper jaw.
The mane fluff will always cover the neck (front and back, but not onto the head) as well as the chest. The spine fur, by default, will always be short, and connect to the mane at the back of the neck. Spine fur can be made longer with a Spine Fur potion.
The mane fluff and spine fur cannot be removed or reduced.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: General face shape (deer or canine-like skull), horns of some kind, front paws, hoof hind claws, mane fluff and spine fur, long fangs.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Cheek Collar, Mane Fluff, Spine Fur, Fantasy Horns (unless horns are replaced), Fantasy Tail (unless tail is replaced), Front Paws, Long Fangs.
Bookwyrm Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Feathered texture instead of fur, large feathered ear wings, feather back ridge, extra long body, arched neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: front legs (with front paws potion), tail (can be replaced and/or multipled), ears (with modified ears potion).
Bookwyrms always have a feathered texture instead of fur! This cannot be replaced in any way. If using a Long Fur trait, they gain long feathers instead.
Bookwyrms have a distinct body shape! They are always 2x a normal stygian length (so much longer) and they always have an arched neck! Their default tail is long (2x body length) and thin with the same feather texture as the body.
Feathered back ridge is optional! It can run in a single line along the spine from the base of the neck down the tail.
Ear wings should always be larger than normal, but no longer than 100% of the stygian's body length (chest to butt; see reference). Must always be feathered, cannot be changed to another type of wing or replaced, and cannot be supersized. They can have elemental layering applied over them, but cannot be replaced by elemental aura.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal body, extra long body, Stygian skull (deer or canine-like skull), long feathered ear wings, feathered elbow wings, feather texture all over body, back hooves, arched neck.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail (Unless the tail has been replaced), Elbow Wings, Ear Wings (normal size).
Carousel Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Horse-like neck, horse hooves (no split), horse mane (extending down neck), carousel pole, reins and optional saddle.
Carousel pole is optional. Poles should be a "thin simple pole" shape in appearance, with the top and bottom shape size not exceeding 25% the length of the pole. Poles cannot be replaced with an existing trait, nor can the be turned into any element that is not standard pole material (wood or metal). If adding a trait (accessories, elemental, foliage, etc) to the pole, the trait can be layered over the pole, but cannot fundementally change the pole. It will always be a simple pole.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tail (can be modified with a tail trait potion), front hooves (can be made paws with a front paws potion), poles (poles can be optional, or can only be edited with accessories/traits coating it but not be a part of the pole), heavy accessories (saddle can be optionally removed).
While regular Carousel Stygian can have a slightly bulkier build, they should not be as hefty as Primordial Carousel are. They should remain more Carousel horse or deer in stature.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), back hooves (must always be horse hooved),horse mane, reins/halter on head (though it can be of any design of your choice).
Default Traits that can be inherited: Heavy Accessories, Hair/Tail length listed on Stygian
Dragon Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws), elbow wings (with elbow wings potion), dragon wings (with a backwings/multi wings potion), dragon tail (with a tail modifying potion), dragon horns (Can be made into another horn type with paired horns or fantasy horns). *See limitations below
Back wings are always required for dragons. For default dragon/bat wings - the wings must start at the shoulder and the wing membrane must run along the back/spine and onto the tail (as seen in the image above). Back wings can be changed to other types of wings with a potion.
The default tail is a dragon tail, spaded or spiked at the tip. This can be changed to other types of tails with the proper potions.
Paired horns and body scales are considered optional base traits. However, the dragon must always have at least 2 of the following 3 traits: paired horns, body scales, dragon tail. You can choose to remove or change max 1 of these, as long as the wings remain dragon wings.
If the wings are changed to non-dragon/bat wings, then the dragon must retain all three of the following traits: paired dragon horns, body scales, and spaded tail.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, elbow wings, back wings of some kind (doesn't have to be bat), choice of one of these: (spaded tail, horns, or scales (cannot remove more than one))
Default Traits that can be inherited: Backwings, Scales (if present on Stygian), Fantasy Tail, Elbow Wings, Colored Sclera, Paired Horns (if present on Stygian)
Feline Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Front feline paws, back feline paws, slit pupils, fur tufts at the elbow instead of elbow wings.
Feline Stygian can have shorter muzzles, but they must still keep a deer or canine-like muzzles. Forward facing perspectives for front views should have at least a slight indication of the muzzle, but from a side perspective, it should show a noticeable muzzle (see reference for examples)
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tail (cat type unless modified with tail trait potions).
FELINE STYGIAN ARE NOT ACTUAL CATS but mimic SOME feline traits. They are actually a Stygian with four front paws and a tail. They still need Stygian anatomy, including body shape, and the MAINTAIN A Stygian SKULL HEAD SHAPE.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), back paws, front paws.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Front Paws, Whiskers, Colored Sclera, Tail size listed on Stygian
Grendel Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Bipedal, thin back legs, long arms with large paws and claws, mane on back of head/neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion).
Grendel muzzles are smaller and shorter than usual (but not entirely flat for profile views, see reference image above).
Grendel faces are slightly more rounder than normal Stygian! (see reference image above)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal form, hind hooves, general face shape (shorter muzzle deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, pawed arms. While back mane cannot be entirely replaced, it can be much shorter, so it ends in the back either as a short "haircut" or a bob.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Front Paws, Fluffy Mane, Colored Sclera
Jellyfish Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Jellyfish style multiple, fantasy tails. Ear tendrils and stingers, as well as fetlock tendrils. Hat Jellyfish Animal Familiar.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tail (can be modified with a tail trait potion to be non-jellyfish), front hooves (can be made paws with a front paws potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), ear tendrils and stingers, fetlock tendrils, jellyfish tail, jellyfish-type hat (if using a hat, otherwise you can remove it).
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail, Multiple Tails, Glowing Markings, Semi-Transparency, Animal Familiar (if Stygian has a hat jelly), Fetlocks
Kirin Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Swirls in hair and fetlocks, curved single horn, tuft of fur with swirls in place of elbow wings.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tail (can be modified with a tail trait potion), front legs (with front paws potion).
Body scales should appear only on the body and legs, not the face.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, long tail of some kind, swirly fetlocks (but can be longer), curved single horn (though sizing and curved shape is up to you)
Default Traits that can be inherited: Single Horn, Scales, Fetlocks, Hair/Tail Length listed on Stygian
Owl Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Front paws with three claws and feathered forearm wings. Two claw toes on the hind feet. Heart shaped fluffy collar around neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tail (can be modified with a tail trait potion).
Owl Stygian have rounder faces and (optionally) smaller muzzles, though the skull should be similar to the regular Stygian skull
Owl Stygian hind legs are actually two hooves shaped like "claws" that have a fluffier base!
Owl Stygian paw wings can be single layered feathers or extra layered (limit 100% the size of the Owl Stygian's body)
Should always be quadrapedal in anatomy, as they are a quadrapedal species.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), two-clawed rear toes, front paws with forearm wings, side ear tufts.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Front Paws (no wings), Fluffy Mane, Colored Sclera, Tail Length listed on Stygian
Page Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Human shaped face, large book accessory (or other paper based record keeper), clothing, and hands.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), large book accessory (can be combined with magic accessory or weapon mastery).
CLARIFIED due to confilict with Treatlings: Page Stygian have human shaped skulls/faces, but they still have a thin coating of fur on their face. While this fur can be any color, it should not appear to be missing or flesh-like. It should always have a fur texture or tone to it, and would usually be the same color as the rest of the stygian's fur. While the fur on the face can be flesh coloured, there should always be some indication that this is fur and not actual skin (keep in mind that this colouring should show up on other alt forms if this is the case).
Page Stygian should have their little hooved feet be visible.
Page Stygian have a somewhat "chibi" appearance. Their standard height is 4 heads tall (max 4.5 heads), as seen in this image: Page Height.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (flat human-shaped skull), back hooves, book/paper based accessory, clothing covering page from chest to knee, and extra fluff at the wrists and neck.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Heavy Accessories, Mane Fluff
Serpent Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Snake-like fangs inside mouth, long tail, short spine fur.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), short spine fur (can be made long with long spine fur potion), tufted tail (can be changed with a fantasy tail potion; must still be long), front legs (with front paws potion).
Serpent bodies (from foreleg to hindlegs) can be 1.5 to 2x the length of a regular Stygian's body length.
Serpent tails at a default can be max x3 body lengths. The main part of the tail should be at least x2 body lengths, and the tuft should be no more than x1 body length.
Serpent tails cannot be entirely replaced. They will always be solid (as seen in the example) though the tuft at the end can be changed or replaced with a fantasy tail, elemetnal aura potion, sentient tail, or weaponed tail potion.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrupedal, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, serpent tail (the tuft can be replaced/changed), slightly longer body length, slightly more prominent two fangs from muzzle.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fluffy Mane, Spine Fur, Fantasy Tail
Sylph Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Fairy/Insect wings, branch antennae with flowers, forehead jewel, large ears, small hand paws, extra back fluff, moth antennae.
Sylph muzzles are smaller and shorter than usual (but not entirely flat for profile views, see reference image above).
Sylph faces are slightly more rounder than normal Stygian! (see reference image above)
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), backwings (can be changed to another type using a backwings potion), forehead jewel (can be replaced by a third eye or a single horn but it cannot stack with either trait).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), back hooves, branch antennae, forehead jewel (but can be covered), insect wings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Foliage Accessories, Backwings, Antennae, Colored Sclera
Void Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Space elemental mane and tail, space halo, diamond shaped glowing markings, and wispy fetlocks. *Note: Void only come with 1 Space-themed Elemental as a default, it simply extends to tail, mane, and halo at once.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Pointed ears (with ear modification potion), tail (can be combined with another tail, however some form of space elemental must remain), mane (can be combined with a standard mane, however the lower part of the mane must be space elemental) front hooves (can be made paws with a front paws potion), and glowing markings (are optional - can be changed to another shape with a glowing markings potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), some form of halo, void tendril fetlocks, back hooves, must always have some form of space elemental in the mane and tail.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Elemental, Halo, Glowing Markings (if listed in list/cleary visible on the Stygian), Fetlocks, Colored Sclera
[Restricted] Lindwyrm Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Reptilian Mouth: long, jagged with hinge, bat elbow wings, large plated scales from the neck to the tail, two claw 'hooves' on each foot, plated scales on legs, large solid pointed tail, fin ear tufts, dark sclera, eye scales, teeth, forked tongue, extra long body, arched neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: front legs (with front paws potion), tail (the tip can be replaced with potions), ears (with modified ears potion), elbow wings (with potions). See details below.
Lindwyrms are very long, and have long torsos with long, arched necks! The torso will always be longer than normal Stygian (even primordial dragons) and their necks will always be long and should be arched.
Torso Length: Lindwyrms have very long torsos. They are 2-3x as long as a normal Stygian (always 2x as long at minimum). For specific sizing, the torso should always be longer than the lindwyrm's leg - 1.5-2x longer than the leg is high (floor to where it connects to the body). You can see the reference image for an example of sizing.
Neck Length: The neck will always be long and arched. For legth, it should be 1-1.5x the length of the Stygian's leg. This should be 1.5-2x the neck lenght of a Regular Stygian.
Lindwyrms will always have a long a long, solid tail just like what is seen in the reference image above. This tail will always end in a spaded point (as seen in the reference). The tip of the tail can be changed to a tail tuft, or to another fitting (solid) shape with a fantasy tail potion - however, only the end (the tip) of the tail may change, the bulk of the tail will always be long and solid and have plating along the bottom. The tail tip cannot be made elemental itself, though elemental aura can wrap around it. The tail tip can be affected by Weaponed Tail or Sentient Tail potions. The Lindwyrm tail cannot be affected by Multiple Tails potions.
Lindwyrm Stygian have Reptilian-like jaws. This means they have longer, jagged mouths that end in a hinge, as seen in the reference image. The mouth is longer than normal Stygian mouths, ending at or behind the eye. The mouth has a 'hinge' at the back, that is seen when they open their mouths. The jagged points on the outer mouth are separate from the reptile-like teeth that are inside the mouth. (The teeth inside the mouth are optional, the jagged outer mouth is not). See the reference image for examples.
Lindwyrm Stygian have large plates that run along their entire underside, from the start of the neck down toward the end of the tail. These plated scales run in an unbroken line for the whole length of the Stygian. The plated scales will always be a single row of large plate scales, shaped like (or very similiar to) the reference image has. These plats should be flat and smooth (they will not have points, hooks, bumps, or any other raised parts.) Plate sizing should be simliar to what is seen in the reference image. These plates cannot be removed or changed to another type of texture.
Mane potions (Mane Fluff and Full Collar Mane) can be used on Lindwyrm Stygian. However, the mane will go around the plating, as the plating cannot be removed or replaced. Similiarly, Long Fur will not affect plates.
Lindwyrm Stygian have two clawed "hooves" on all four feet. These claws are not attached to separate toes, they are more like "hooves" that are long. See the reference image above.
All four legs can have plated scales on their front. This is optional. These leg plates follow simliar rules as the belly plates - they are smooth and interlocking, they will not stick up, stick out, or have hooks/points on them.
Instead of regular side ear tufts, Lindwyrm Stygian have Side Ear Fins! These fins will always be under the ears, and should look just like the reference image (3 spines with webbing between). Max lenght of a single spine is the same lenght as the head, minimum length is 50% of the head length.
The eyes will always have dark sclera. These are usually black, but can be any dark colour. To be a lighter colour, a Coloured Sclera potion is needed.
Under the eyes Lindwyrm Stygian will always have small, interlocking scale plates. They will always be on the underside/lower edges of the eye (as seen in the reference image). These scales cannot be removed or replaced.
Lindwyrm Stygian have a forked and slightly longer tongue (serpent sized). If Long Tongue trait/potion is applied, the tongue will still be forked (but quite long).
Lindwyrm Stygian have bat-wing shaped elbow wings. They can be made featherd with Elbow Wing Modifcation potions, but no other type of wing, feathered/bird wings only. They can be affected by Eblow Wings Plus.
The plates on the Lindwyrm Stygian cannot be removed or changed (cannot be made elemental, for example). The leg plates are optional, the eye/belly/neck/tail plates are not.
The plates on the Lindwyrm Stygian do not count as Body Scales. Body scales can be added to Lindwyrm Stygian, however Body Scale potoins/traits will not affect the plates in any way.
Lindwyrm Stygian cannot have Ear Wings applied to them.
The tail cannot be multiplied, nor can the core/base of the tail be altered in any way. Only the shape of the end can be changed with the proper potions.
Lindwyrm Stygian cannot have the full combination of Antlers (back-facing), Spine Fur, and Front Paws at the same time, as this would too closely resemble a Primordial Dragon.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal body, extra long body, long arched neck, Stygian skull with a longer reptilian-like mouth +hinge, fin side ear tufts, elbow wings, large neck/belly/tail plates, single long solid tail, two claw "hooves".
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail, Elbow Wings, Coloured Sclera.
[Restricted] Mimic Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Mimic body (dripping shadows), Stygian 'coat' (resembles a regular Stygian), mimic antlers (dripping shadows), elbow wings (drooping), deer tail.
Mimic Stygian have a very deer-like shape, from the legs to the head, to the tail. They're trying their very best to appear to be very normal Stygian!
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tail (can be replaced but not removed), antlers (can be replaced or removed), elbow wings (can be another type of wing but not removed), Stygian ears (can be modified).
Mimic Stygian all have a body made out of shadows. These shadows will always be very, very dark (dark gray to black), and should drip slightly and the legs should be semi-tranparent closer to the hooves (see reference image above). The mimic body (shadow) cannot be affected by any traits save for Multiple Eyes, Exposed Aether, Corrupted Aether, and Hollow Crater (hollow crater will always have dark, shadow insides). The shape of the mimic body (deer shape with deer legs) cannot be changed.
Mimic Stygian always have a regular Stygian 'coat'. This coat fully covers their head and back, and all or most of the neck (see reference image). This gives them a very normal Stygian type head, neck and back. The coat should be fluffy, as they are trying to mimic Stygian fluff, after all! The Stygian's elbow wings will attach to this coat, rather than to the mimic's leg (see reference). The fur coat cannot be removed, nor can it be made to be see-through in any way.
Mimic Stygian come with a short or medium deer tail. This tail attached to the fur coat of the Stygian, rather than the shadow body. It can be changed to other types of tails, but the tails will always attach to the fur coat. Traits such as wings attach to the fur coat only, and do not expose the shadow underneat in any way.
Most traits, for example, Glowing Markings, Crystalline Growth, Body Sparkles, Long Fur, Foliage Takeover, etc., will always attach to the fur coat of the Stygian, and have no effect on the mimic's shadow body. Shadow Weaving cannot be used to change the limbs of the shadow body, however, it can be added to other traits on the Stygian.
Mimic Stygian can have antlers that are made of the same material as their shadow body. If a potion is used to change their antlers to another type or to horns, they will no longer appear as the mimic's shadow body - rather they will take on normal antler/horn appearances.
Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether can affect the mimic's shadow body. This will turn the shadows into exposed aether. However, the exposed aether will not carry over to the mimic's fur coat in any way. This means the Mimic Stygian's head will not be turned to aether.
Some traits cannot be applied to Mimic Stygian at all. These include Object Head, Front Paws, Fetlocks, Fin Fetlocks, Glass Body, Elemental Insides, Shapeshifter, Elemental Outer Body, Detached Head, Detached Body, and Skeletal Replacment. Other traits cannot be used in such a way as to change the base structure of the mimic's body.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), elbow wings, mimic body, Stygian fur 'coat', deer shaped legs.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Elemental Aura (if not replaced by aether), Elbow Wings, Antlers (if present on Stygian)
[Restricted] Spectral Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Flame Elemental lower legs and fetlocks, Diamond shaped flame markings above legs and on chest, Wispy Side Ear Tufts, Dark Sclera.
Spectral Stygian generally have a very normal Stygian body shape (deer!).
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Stygian ears (can be modified with a potion).
Spectral Stygian have Flame Elemental lower legs.
This flame elemental will always be the lower portion of all four legs, covering the same amount of leg as seen in the example image above - see the reference.
These legs will always be semi-transparent at the ends!
The Flame Elemental can be of any single colour, though it can have a slight single-colour gradient to it.
The Flame Elemental cannot have sparkles or swirls of colour in it (this would mimic space elemental and/or aether traits.)
The lower elemental legs will always have flames coming off of them. These leg flames should always have breaks in between the fire, so as to not obscure the leg shape nor mimic a mantle. The leg flames should always look like multiple smaller flames. Please see the reference image above for examples!
The max length of the leg flames is x1 the lenght of the leg (from floor to chest).
Please see the reference above for details on sizing and examples of the leg flames!
Flames and flame traits cannot be affected or changed by any other traits or potions. As such, they cannot be infused/changed with other elementals, have sparkles added, changed to aether, etc. They'll always be the default flames.
Spectral Stygian also have diamond-shaped flame markings on their legs and chest. Their shape will always be a 4 sides diamond, as seen in the reference. There will always be two diamonds on the legs above the flame elemental and three diamonds on the chest. These diamonds will always be stacked on top of eachother in a row, but not touching. Theycan have very tiny wisps of flame coming off of them (Very tiny!). The diamonds will always be the same colour as the rest of the flame elemental on the legs.
Spectral Stygian do not have regular side ear tufts. Instead, they have longer, Wisply Side Ear Tufts! These tufts are made of fur, but are always longer and a bit wispy! Sizing should be similiar to what is seen in the reference above.
Spectral Stygian have dark sclera. This will always be black or dark grey, unless a Coloured Sclera potion is applied to change the colour.
Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether can affect Spectral Stygian! These traits would always affect the solid body of the Stygian, and have no effect on their flame elemental in any way.
Detached Limbs can be applied to Spectral Stygian!
Some traits cannot be applied to Spectral Stygian at all. These include Fetlocks and Front Paws, for example, as the lower leg flame elemental cannot be changed in any way.
Other traits cannot be applied to these Stygian in such a way that would alter their Flame Elemental default traits. For example, Skeletal Replacement cannot affect the lower legs (flame elemental areas) of Spectral Stygian, but it can affect the upper body.
Spectral Stygian do not come with elbow wings or tails as defaults. These can be added with potions!
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, wispy side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), deer shaped legs, flame elemental lower legs, diamond shaped markings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Elemental Aura, Coloured Sclera
[Restricted] Warden Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Reptilian Mouth: long, jagged with hinge, fluffy elbow wings with swirl, clawed front and back feet, long fox tail, fluffy ear tufts with swirl, teeth, longer body, longer neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: front legs (with front paws potion - will always be some for of paw), tail (can be replaced with potions), ears (with modified ears potion). See details below.
Wardens have longer bodies than regular stygian.
Torso Length: Wardens have long torsos, being 2-3x a regular stygian's body length. For specific sizing, the torso should always be longer than the warden's leg - 1.5-2x longer than the leg is high (floor to where it connects to the body). You can see the reference image for an example of sizing.
Neck Length: The neck will always be longer. For legth, it should be 1-1.5x the length of the Stygian's leg. This should be 1.5-2x the neck lenght of a Regular Stygian.
Wardens come with a long, fox-like tail by default. Max sizing is 2x the warden's torso length. The tail can be replaced with tail modification potions.
Warden Stygian have Reptilian-like mouths. This means they have longer, jagged mouths that end in a hinge, as seen in the reference image. The mouth is longer than normal Stygian mouths, ending at or behind the eye. The mouth has a 'hinge' at the back, that is seen when they open their mouths. The jagged points on the outer mouth are separate from the teeth that are inside the mouth. See the reference image for examples. The head should remain deer/stygian like in shape!
Warden stygian have fluffy elbow wings with a swirl in the elbow wing fur. The fluffy elbow wing cannot be removed or changed to another type. The swirl and fluff is required. They can be made larger with Elbow Wings Plus. The fur tuft with swirl on the back leg is optional.
Warden stygian have fluffy ear side tufts, also with a swirl in the side tuft fur. The side tufts and swirl are required and cannot be removed or altered.
Wardens have clawed front and back feet. These claws are on generic paws - think canine/feline paws. Claws are required by default. Front paws can be replaced with paw modification potions following the rules of those potions.
The claws on the back paws cannot be removed.
The fluffy elbow wings and side tufts, as well as their swirl in the fur, cannot be removed or changed.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal body, longer body, longer neck, Stygian skull with a longer reptilian-like mouth +hinge, fluffy side ear tufts with swirl, fluffy elbow wings with swirl, clawed feet.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Longer Tail, Front Paws
[Restricted] Wishing Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Fur mantle extending from elbows up to tail with space elemental underside, space elemental hind legs (hooved), long swooping tail (part of mantle), with space elemental underside, space elemental ear insides, wish tags (star shap with paper tag below) under the ears, no elbow wings.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ear shape (with ear modification potion - space elemental insides must remain!), front hooves (with front paws potion), tails (can be multiple or supersized only).
The mantle must be made of fur. It cannot be modified with potions to be made of something else. It cannot be affected by the supersize trait, nor can it be stacked with elbow wings.
Space Elemental mantle/tail underside and hind legs must always be space elemental. It can be any color, but it cannot be any element other than space. The hind legs must retain a hooved, standard Stygian leg shape. (Think of it as Elemental Outer Body!)
Wishing Stygian can have multiple tails! However, no other modifications can be made to their tails. They must always be long with fur on the top and space on the underside, as shown in the reference above.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), furred mantle with space underside, long tail connected to mantle with space underside, hooved, space elemental hind legs, ear elemental insides, wishing tags under ears.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Space elemental, long tail.
[Restricted] Wraith Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Ghost Aether mane and tail, Mane and Tail Fragments in their Ghost Aether, Very Long Body, Two "Clawed" hooves.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Stygian ears (can be modified with a potion), Front hooves (with Front Paws), Tail Tip (With certain tail potions).
Wraith Stygian always have a Very Long Body! It will always be 3-4 times longer than a normal Stygian. Please see the infographic for sizing examples. (Wraiths cannot be made to have a short body - they are very noodle!)
Wraith Stygian will always have a Ghost Aether Mane and Tail.
The Ghost Aether will always be one colour. It can be light and dark, but will always be the same tone of colour throughout.
The Ghost Aether will always be semi-transparent. At least 50% of the aether on each part needs to be see-through.
The Ghost Aether Mane will be from the top of the chest/shoulders to the back of the head. See the infographic for positioning.
The Ghost Aether Tail will always start near the base of the tail and cover the whole tail. The tail will always be a regular tail shape - it should not end in a weapon or other similar shape (use a potion for this).
Inside of the Ghost Aether there will always be a few fragmented mane and tail pieces. These fragments cannot be free-floating. They will always be wrapped in the ghost aether.
Accessories cannot be attached to the Ghost Aether areas - it's ghost aether, not solid enought to hold accessories!
Ghost Aether CANNOT be combined with other types of elemental auras or traits. It cannot be made another element, have sparkles, skeletal replacement, or extra eyes, etc. It will always be only semi-transparent Ghost Aether.
Ghost Aether CANNOT be removed or replaced.
Ghost Aether on either part should remain as one connected piece. There should not be bits of aether floating away.
The Ghost Aether Tail can can be modified slightly by some potions: Fantasy Tail, Weaponed Tail, Object Tail, and Sentient Tail.
If a tail modification potion is used, only the very tip of the tail will change, the majority of the tail will remain ghost aether.
If a tail mod potion is used, the tip of the tail will be made solid as well.
Elemental Auras cannot be used to add elemental tail tufts or similiar to wraith tails.
Max Length for the tail is x2 the stygian's body length.
Wraith Stygian have two claw-like hooves for each foot as seen in the image above. The front limbs can be changed with Front Paws.
Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether can affect Wraith Stygian! These traits would always affect the solid body of the Stygian, and have no effect on their ghost aether in any way.
Two-Toned and Three-Toned Aether mutation tickets (and similiar special inheritances) can be applied to Wrait Stygian to give their Ghost Aether more colour! The Aether would still need to be semi-transparent.
Some traits cannot be applied to Wraith Stygian at all. These include Elemental Tail and Full Collar Mane.
Other traits cannot be applied to these Stygian in such a way that would alter their Ghost Aether default traits. For example, Skeletal Replacement cannot be used on the neck or tail as it would replace the ghost aether. Body Sparkles would not affect the Ghost Aether.
Wraith Stygian do not come with elbow wings as defaults. These can be added with potions!
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: quadrupedal, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), two clawed hooved legs, ghost aether mane and tail, very long body.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Elemental Aura, Fantasy Tail
[Restricted] Wyvern Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Wyvern wings with 2 claws and optional scales, chest plates, Solid Tail with optional fin, 3-clawed back legs, cheek fins.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears (with modified ears potion), tip of the tail (with Fantasy Tail, Weaoned Tail, Object Tail, or Sentient Tail trait)
Wyvern Wings
Wyvern Wings - Bat-like wing arms with a transparent membrane. See reference image for example.
Max length of wings is 300% of body length (chest to butt) when extended. See reference image for example of how to measure. Minimum size is at least standard stygian leg length.
Wing Membrane: Membrane will always be semi-trasparent. Membrane will always connect along the body of the stygian and onto the tail.
Wings will have 2 claws at the foot/hand part of the wing. See reference image for placement and example. These will be claws only, they cannot be finger-like digits ending in claws.
Membrane can be tattered or torn, but should always be present (not missing).
Scales on the wings are optional. Sizing should not exeed what is seen in the example image.
Wyvern wings cannot be edited or replaced by other types of wings. So they cannot be made feathery or have their claws changed.
Wyvern Wings cannot be duplicated by multi-limbs or by adding Back Wings/Multi Wings traits.
Supersize can be applied a wyvern's wyvern wings! This would take a separate potion than other wing traits on the stygian.
Please see the reference above for details on the overall look of wyvern wings!
Wyvern Tail: The tail will always be a solid, long tail as seen in the example (max sizing 200% of body length (chest to butt). Fin with transparent membrane on the end of the tail is optional!
Tail cannot be fully replaced or made elemental/non-solid. The end of the tail can be edited with Object Tail, Fantasy Tail, Sentient Tail, and Weaponed Tail. Without a potion, the tail will taper to an end or have a fin.
Multiple tails would duplicate the end of the tail only.
Chest Plates: Large, interlocking plates on the chest. Should be smooth (not pop-out or stick up at all) and flush with the stygian body. They will be on the chest only - not on the neck, belly, or under the tail.
Cheek Fins: Will always have fins with a semi-transparent membrane on the cheek. See reference image for example! Fins should match with the reference image. Fins cannot be replaced Cheek Collar, nor can they be changed to another type of fin. There can be a little bit of extra fluff on the cheek, as seen on the reference.
Hind Legs: The back legs will always end in three claws. Two claws in the front, one in the back. See reference image.
Body Scales: Body scales can be added to a wyvern stygian's body without an extra potion if scales are present on the wings. Scales on the body will follow standard body scale rules (e.g.: no scales on the head/face, scales cannot cover more than 75% of the stygian's body, should be smallish scales).
Long Tongue: Wyvern Stygian will always come with a long, forked tongue. Does not have to be visible in ML art (as it is not a listed/inheritable trait).
Dark Sclera: Will always have dark/black sclera. For other or lighter colours, add a coloured sclera potion!
Traits such as Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether would only affect the body of the Stygian. It would not affect the chest plates, scales, or claws.
Some traits can be added to Wyvern Stygian with some limitations: Back Wings/Multi Wings can be added, however these wings cannot duplicate or mimic the wyvern's wyvern wings. (Only one set of wyvern wings allowed!) Added wings will always be along the back spine above the wyvern wing membrane or on the tail. Fetlocks cannot be added to a wyvern's wings (but can be added to the back legs). Detached Limbs cannot affect the Wyvern Wings.
Some traits cannot be added to wyvern stygian. These include: Front Paws, Multiple Limbs, Cheek Collar, and Elbow Wings traits. Other traits cannot be used to override a wyvern's default required traits.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Wyvern wings with two claws and wing membranes, three clawed back legs, chest plates, cheek fins, solid tait, long tongue, under-ear side tufts, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail, Coloured Sclera, Body Scales (if scales are present on the body/wings)
Sometimes a Stygian can evolve into a Primordial Stygian! This requires them to have the Primordial Trait, gained either through breeding or by using a Primordial Potion.
Any subspecies can evolve to a Regular Primordial - otherwise they are restricted to their own subspecies when evolving.
For more information on Primordial Evolution please GO HERE!
Primordial Regular Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Triangular ears, larger mane.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Triangular ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), cheek fluff, mane fluff, lack of elbow wings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Regular Subspecies, Mane Fluff, Colored Sclera
Primordial Regular β (Beta) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from regular (or another species) to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial regular cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use an alt-myo to turn it into a primordial regular β.
A Regular Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is regular, or if a Stygian myo is a regular subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tails can be added and changed with the proper potions.
Primordial Regular β Stygian are fully skeletal, and rather deerlike. The torso and legs should always be a deer shape and hooved. The skull and skeletal structure should be as close to the reference image above as possible.
Primordial Regular β Stygian have empty/hollow eyes in the main eye sockets of the skull. Glowing eyes, cosmic eyes, coloured sclera, and other eye affecting traits cannot be added to these main hollow eyes. (They can be added to other eyes added to the Stygian, however, if applicable.) Other traits cannot be used to mimic eyes.
Primordial Regular β Stygian come with a short/medium tail. It can be skeletal or it can be fluffy or feathered (following the normal short/medium tail rules). The tail can be changed to other types of tails, as long as it follows the rules of that tail type. Tails do not need to be skeletal.
They will always four deer-like legs, thin and ending in hooves. Front paws cannot be added to change this. Also, fetlocks and fin fetlocks cannot be added to legs.
The bony elbow wing should be similiar to the reference image (like a simplified bird wing). Elbow wing modification cannot be applied to change the wing type, shape, or add feathers or membranes - it will always resemble the reference image. Elbow wings plus can be used to lengthen the elbow wing.
Traits such as back wings (any type), long hair, spine fur, mane fluff, and foliage are a-okay to add.
Elemental Aura cannot be used to infuse, replace, or change the texture of the skeleton. It can, however, wrap in and through the rib cage and the skull. For the ribcage, it must also be outside of the ribcage in some way. In the case of the skull, the elemental must also leak out through the eyeholes and mouth.
Elemental Insides can be applied to Primordial Regualar Beta, however it only affects the inside of the bones - where the marrow would be. It must be visible, using either small cracks or another trait such as fragmented body.
Ears and modified ears (and ear tufts) cannot be added, unless using an object head potion (under usualy object head rules).
The Skeletal body cannot be removed, replaced, or changed in any way. The ribcage and legs will always be based on deer as seen in the reference image above. Multiple limbs, extra mouths, glass body, hollow crater, and other body modifying traits cannot be applied to Primordial Regular β Stygian. Elemental Aura cannot affect the texture of the skeleton. Additionally, long fur (guardian trait) cannot be added.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, general face shape (deer or slightly canine-like skull- see reference above), skeletal body (no modifications at all), bony elbow wings, four hooved legs, and hollow/empty eye sockets.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Regular Subspecies, Skeletal Replacement (usual size and rules), Elbow Wings (non-bony), Short/Medium Tail
Primordial Arachnid Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: x4 small pawed arms, small pawed legs, 4 distinct layers of fur (see reference image), pointed elbow wings, leg spines, bee ear wings, 3 eye spots on forehead, bee back wings, large fluffy tail with stinger.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion), tail with stinger (to another type of tail with modifying potions), bee back wings (with wing modifying potions).
Primordial Arachnid muzzles are smaller and shorter than usual (but not entirely flat for profile views). Their faces/head are rounder than normal Stygian, as well! See the reference image above.
Primordial Arachnid Stygian have 4 arms. Theys arms are smaller, and end in small, clawless arms. Soft bees! There will always be 4 arms, never more, never less. They cannot be modified with front paw potions, skeletal potions, nor multiple limb potions. The elbow wings will always be on all 4 arms, and always small pointed barbs (cannot be affected by elbow wings plus).
Primordial Arachnid Stygian have small legs that end in paws. They also have a single spine on the legs (see reference image). This spine can be made smaller, but not larger than the example above. More spines can be added with a Leg Spines potion (but never more than 4 spines total per leg.)
Will always have 4 distinct layers of fur (as seen in example above).
Fur Layer 1: A fluffy mane around the neck and over the shoulders of the Stygian. Will always be quite fluffy. Can be affected by a full collar mane potion. (Should not be hidden by accessories, as it's very, very fluffy!)
Fur Layer 2: The torso fur will always be short-medium fur, covering the torso from the neck (under the mane) to the top of the hips.
Fur Layer 3: The fur that covers the hips will also be short-medium fur, but a distinctly different layer from the torso fur. The hips will also have longer hip "buttfluff" (see reference image above).
Fur Layer 4: The fur covering the arms, legs, and head will be short fur, also distinctly different from the other layers of fur. This shorter fur will still have points of fluff (see reference for examples).
Primordial Arachnids cannot be affected by the Long Fur trait.
Primordial Arachnid Stygian will always have bee ear wings at the base of their ears (see example for placement). These ear wings can be a set of two wings (as standard bees have) or a sing wing. These ear wings cannot be modified to another type of wing, nor can they be removed.
Can come with bee back wings (following usual back wings rules). The default wings would always appear like bee wings, transparent and rounded. These wings are optional, they can be left off, or they can be changed to another type of wing with a backwings potion.
Can come with bee like tail - round, fluffy tail with a stinger (as seen in image above). This tail is optional. It can be left off at creation, or replaced with the proper tail modifying potions.
Primoridal Arachinid Styigan will always have 3 "eyes" on their forhead. These eye spots mimic normal eyes in their shape, and will always appear to have a sclera/pupil. These are not real eyes, and cannot be affected by eye modifying potions. They cannot be removed or replaced, except by Third Eye Exposed. Cannot be layered with Single Horn Potion.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal form, bee ear wings, x4 arms with small front paws and pointed elbow wings, pawed hind feet with small spines, 4 distint layers of fur, 3 "eye" spots on forehead.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Arachnid Subspecies, Multiple Limbs, Ear Wings (normal), Front Paws, Back Wings (if present on Stygian), Fantasy Tail (if present on Stygian).
Primordial Bat Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Aether wing arms and tail, connected together as a mantle of aether. Large, single tipped, bat ears with bat ear insides.
Aether arm wings and aether tail are connected to each other by an aether mantle that covers the entire back of the primordial bat. This aether should always have a foggy or misty texture, with a galaxy or starry pattern only. It can be any colour, and be multiple colours. The hands themselves should always be large and made with 4 long, vaguely claw-like digits, like in the reference image above. The ends of the wings very lightly taper down into mist before forming the tail. (See reference image)
The aether tail is connected to the arm wings and mantle. The tail will always be long, thin and end in a simple spaded shape. While the shape of the tail cannot be modified or changed, the tail can be supersized or multiplied (must retain the spaded shape).
The palms of the Aether Wing Arms each have a single large eye in them. This eye will always have black sclera (cannot be changed to another colour) and the iris should be the same colour as the Stygian's normal eyes.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: The default traits cannot be modified or replaced, unless otherwise noted above.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Aether arm wings and spaded tail, single tipped bat ears, dark sclera, eyes in the palms of the arms, texture and patterns of the aether mantle/arms/tail, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, dark sclera, fluffy mane, hooved back legs.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Bat Subspecies, Elemental Aura, Fantasy Tail, Multiple Eyes
Primordial Behemoth Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Curved behemoth horns, side cheek tufts, bat wings with plating on base, chest plate, four-clawed hands with scales, leg plating, three-clawed toes, claw hook, spaded tail.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion), tail with stinger (to another type of tail with modifying potions), bat back wings (with wing modifying potions).
Primordial Behemoth stygian have a bipedal stance.
They will always have large, curved behomoth horns, as seen in the example image. They will always begin on the side of the head under the ears. Max length is x3 head heights, min size is 1 head height. The horns cannot be removed or replaced.
Primordial Behemoth stygian will always have wings. The default is bat style wings, as seen in the reference. Wings should be 1-2 body lengths long. Wings can be replaced with a Back Wings trait to another type of wing, but they cannot be removed entirely.
Clawed Hands: The front paws are clawed.
Should looks like a paw hand.
Will always have claws as a default.
Will always have scales on the fingers and back of hand and wrist, as seen in the example image.
Can be modified with Front Paws! Will follow the rules for the front paws potion (so they will be paws).
Will always have 4 digits, unless modified with a potion.
Hind Feet: Three clawed toes.
Will always be a standard, generic type of paw.
Will always have claws as a default. Claws cannot be removed.
Will have plating on the front of the leg.
Will always be 3 digits. 3 clawed toes.
The back of the leg has an extra claw hook as seen in the example image.
Bat Wings: Bat style wings with boning and webbing. Will always have plating at the base of the wings.
The wings should be in the same style and shape as the example image.
Wings should be 1-2 body heights long.
Wings can be modified with wing potions/traits. Can be turned to feather wings or insect, for example.
Wings cannto be fully removed. Primordial Behemoth stygian will always have some sort of back wing on the back.
Comes with a fantasy spaded tail as default. Can be replaced or modified with tail potions.
Side Cheek Tufts: Extra fluffy cheek tufts. Cannot be removed.
Chest Plates: Will always be a row of interlocking plates on the chest.
Should be in a style similiar to example image. Cannot stick up or pop-out, for example.
Will always be on the chest only. Cannot extend to the neck or down past the waist. See the example image for sizing.
Should not be wider than the head.
Cannot be changed or extended. Cannot be removed.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal form, Stygian head shape, cheek fluff, chest plates, leg plates, three toed claws, claw hook on back of leg, wings of some kind, behemoth horns.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Behemoth Subspecies, Front Paws, Back Wings, Fantasy Horns, Fantasy Tail (with default tail).
Primordial Betta Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: No back legs, instead only long finned fish tail is present, along with a fish fin on the back and finned elbow wings. Body scales and side tails fins are optional.
All fins must be of a fish type (spines with webbing) rather than shark or flipper-like type.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws), elbow wings (with elbow wings potion).
Primordial Betta Tails can be maximum twice the body length of the Stygian measured from the chest to where the hips would normally be.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: No hind legs, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, fish finned tail, fish back fin.
Cannot have multiple tails.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Betta Subspecies, Back Fins, Elbow Wings (non-finned), Body Scales (if present on Stygian)
Primordial Blossoming Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Petal (or dot only) ringed neck, petal cluster back ridge, petal under-eartufts, pointed ears with petal insides.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front hooves (with front paws).
Neck Ring: Can be A) only neck dots around the neck or B) neck dots and individual petals. One style will encompass the whole neck (cannot mix and match styles). Each dot will hold a single petal (if petal style is chosen). Neck ring cannot be removed or altered by potions.
Petal "clusters" back ridge: Will only be on the back of the stygian, along the back ridge. Runs from the base of the neck to where the tail would start.
Petal Eartufts: Will always be three (3) separate petals under each ear. Cannot be affected by Long Ear Tufts potions.
General Petal Notes:
Sizing: Size will be relative to the Stygian. See reference image for maximum and minimum sizing examples.
Shape: Petals will always be ONE of six pre-determined shapes - Rounded, Heart, Wavy, Pointed, Flat, or Split. See the reference image for examples of each shape. ONLY petals of these six shapes can be used.
Petals will always match: The neck petals, petal eartufts, and back ridge petals will always be of the same shape across all three areas. Petal shapes cannot be mixed-and-matched.
Rendering: Petals on the back can be clustered and do not have to be indivually rendered, as long as a few show the basic shape.
Please see the reference above for details on petal style and min and max hedge sizes!
Ears will be of a pointed shape, as seen in the reference image. The ear insides will be of a petal texture, rather than fluffy. The pointed ears with petal insides cannot be changed or altered. (Modified ears cannot be applied to primordial blossoming stygian).
Primordial Blossoming Stygian do not come with a tail - a trait slot or potion can be used to add a tail style of your choice.
The petal cluster back ridge, petal eartufts, pointed ears with petal insides, and neck orbs (petals optional) cannot be removed, replaced, or made smaller or larger than petal sizing allows (should generally resemble the refrence image in size). It cannot be replaced or changed with elemental aura, foliage, long fur or spine fur.
Some traits cannot be applied to primordial blossoming stygian. These include Spine Fur, Feather Back Ridge, Long Side Ear Tufts, Long Inner Ear, and Modified Ears.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Neck ring with orbs (and optional petals), petals on back ridge, petal eartufts, pointed ears with petal insides, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), and hind hooves.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Blossoming Subspecies, foliage takeover
Primordial Blossoming Beta (β) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from regualar blossoming to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial blossoming cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use an alt-myo to turn it into a primordial blossoming β.
A Blossoming Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is blossoming, or if a Stygian myo is a blossoming subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Leaf 'scarf' on shoulders and neck, leaf tendril ear tufts, foliage back spine, pointed petal ears, wooden single horn, wooden hooves, leaf tail.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front paws with front paw potion, tail with proper potions.
Wooden Single Horn: A long, thin single horn made of wood. Should always be mostly straight and thin. Can have thorns or leaves. Cannot be replaced by third eye or different single horn.
Wooden hooves: All four feet ending in deer hooves made of wood. Cannot be changed to another material/element.
Leaf Tendril Ear Tufts: Clusters and trailing leaves under the ears. See reference for example. Can have flowers, but should be mostly leaves. Tendrils should be min. below the jaw, and max length bottom of chest.
Leaf Scarf: A cluster of leaved on the back of the neck at the shoulders, hanging down over either shoulder.
Can have flowers, but should be made mostly of leaves.
Leaves should be dense, not thinly places/spread out.
Scarf length: Should hang below the belly of the stygian, max length could have 1x body length dragging on the floor.
Rendering: Leaves on the stygian can be clustered and do not have to be indivually rendered, as long as a few show the basic shape.
Please see the reference above for examples!
Foliage back spine: Some foliage along the spine (only along the spine) trailing onto the back. Should end around the hips. Will not connect to the tail.
Ears will be of a pointed shape, as seen in the reference image. The ear insides will be of a petal texture, rather than fluffy. The pointed ears with petal insides cannot be changed or altered. (Modified ears cannot be applied to primordial blossoming b stygian).
Leaf Tail: A short or long tail (max 2x body length) made of leaves. Can have flowers. Should match the scarf. Can be replaced with proper potions.
Foliage Accessories and Foliage takeover can be applied to primordial blossoming b stygian. However - foliage cannot be added to mimic the hedge or petals found on other blossomign subspecies.
Some traits cannot be applied to primordial blossoming stygian. These include Spine Fur, Feather Back Ridge, Long Side Ear Tufts, Long Inner Ear, and Modified Ears.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Leaf Scarf on neck/shoulders, leaf back spine, leaf tendril ear tufts, single wooden horn, pointed ears with petal insides, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), and hind wooden hooves.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Blossoming Subspecies, foliage takeover, single horn
Primordial Bookwyrm Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: No back legs, feather fur, front arm birdwings, feathered backridge.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion).
Primordial Bookwyrms have no legs whatsoever. Instead they have birdwings where their front legs would be. Each wing should be the same size (no bigger, and not much smaller) as the distance from the bookwyrm's chest to head. See reference above for sizing guide.
These front bird wings cannot be changed to another type of wing (will always be feathered only), cannot be supersized, and cannot be multiplied. Front paws, elbow wing potions (any), and shape-shifter also cannot be applied to them.
Primordial Bookwyrm Stygian have a standard Stygian head, deer/canine in shape. They come with standard Stygian ears, and will always have side ear tufts.
Primordial Bookwyrms are covered in feather fur! Think of it like fine feathers or light fur, making for rather fluffy Stygian. This feather fur is especially prominent on their chest, as that would be extra fluffy. They also have a feathered back ridge along their spine - this would be more standard feathers that stand out some from their normal feather fur.
Back Wings and Multiple Wings can be applied to primordial bookwyrm Stygian following the same rules they usually have. These can be any style of wing, and must be along the back/spine of the Stygian.
Primordial Bookwyrms have a solid tail that ends in a tuft! This tuft can be styled to be parted, but will always be a feather/fur tuft. It cannot be changed or replaced with elemental aura. Max size of the tail tuft is the same size as the wing length (see reference above). Overall, the max the tail can be is 2.5 times the wing length in total (solid tail + tuft, starting from where the torso cut off is). See reference above for max sizing. The tail can be Supersized, made skeletal (with skeletal potion), or have Weaponed Tail applied to it.
The tail cannot be changed to another kind of tail (save for Weaponed Tail), nor can it be multiplied. It can only be affected by Supersize, Skeletal Replacement, and Weaponed Tail.
Elemental Aura cannot replace ANY part of a primordial bookwyrm's body, this includes tail, wings, and feathers. Skeletal Replacement can only be used on the tail of a Primordial Bookwyrm after the torso cutoff (it would affect the tail only, not the torso or other body parts).
Front paws, multiple limbs, multiple tails, and elbow wings potions (any) cannot be applied to primordial bookwyrms in any way.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: No hind legs, solid tail ending in a tuft, front birdwings, side ear tufts, standart stygian head shape, feather fur, fluffy chest feather fur, and feathered back ridge.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Bookwyrm Subspecies, Mane Fluff, Fantasy Tail
Primordial Carnivorous Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Long whiskers with serrated ends, bear-like front body shape.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Triangular ears (with ear modification potion), front legs (with front paws).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), cheek fluff, mane fluff, lack of elbow wings, primordial whiskers, bear-like body shape.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Carnivorous Subspecies, Mane Fluff, Colored Sclera
Primordial Carousel Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Hefty or bulky body build, horse neck and mane, four horse hooves and fetlocks, bridle/halter and reins, neck yoke and back straps, two wheeled cart or carriage attached to the straps with carriage poles.
Primordial Carousel Stygian have a heftier body build than normal carousels do. They'll have bulkier bodies and legs. You can imagine them like the work or draft horses of the Nightmare Realm. They have a horselike neck, complete with a horselike mane. Their head should be bulky as well, and can be more horselike than usual. Their ears should be nomral Stygian ears and will always have side tufts under their ears.
Primordial Carousel Stygian have 4 bulky legs that end in horse hooves. They will always have fetlocks on all four legs. Front paws cannot be added primordial carousels.
Primordial Carousel Stygian come with a horse mane (hair that connects on the back of the neck as well) and a horse hair tail. You can choose to make these short/medium length or long length at the time of creation. Mane can be affected by elemental aura potions. Tail can be changed with the proper potions. They can be supersized.
They will always have a bridle or halter on their head with reins attached to it. They will also always have a cart-horse yoke at their neck, as well as at least 2 saddle or back straps over their back (extra straps are optional). These will always resemble standard or common carriage horse items. These cannot be removed in quest art.
Primordial Carousel Stygian will also have a cart they are pulling behind them. This can be a cart, carriage, or chariot - it must always be a 2 wheeled cart or carriage-like item. This cart or carriage will always be made of wood or metal, but can be lined with things like fabric (think traditional carts or carriages). They will always have two wheels (no more, no less) that are side by side, again made of wood or metal. The max size of the cart/carriage is 150% of the Stygian's body length, the smallest size should be 50% of body length. The cart/carriage should attach to the Stygian's saddle straps with a carriage pole (see refrence above).
The cart or carriage cannot be replaced or changed in any way. It cannot be infused with elemental, or replaced with foliage takeover. It can, however, be coated with elemental aura, or have foliage inside of it. The cart cannot be fully covered or hidden by these traits.
The cart can be filled with accessories, familiars, elemental auras, weapons, foliage (takeover or parasitic), or enchanted accessories. These traits would follow their usual rules for sizing and application. For these traits, filling the cart is seperate from coating the cart, for example, filling the cart with fire would take one elemental potion, coating the wheels with fire would take a second potion.
The cart, reins, yoke, and saddle straps do not count against the heavy accessory size limit. They are a unique species trait and required. However, decorations added to the yoke, straps, or cart do count towards the heavy accessory size limits (this includes bows, blankets, and things inside the cart).
Carts are always required for Primordial Carousel Masterlist art. It is, however, optional in quest art. The rest of the reins, yoke, and straps are required in both Masterlist and quest art.
Primordial Carousel Stygian do not have elbow wings, nor can they have elbow wings added to them.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears can be modified with an ear modification potion, tails can be modified with the proper potions (but not removed), mane can be affected by elemental aura.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bulkier body and build for the body, legs, and head, horse neck, horse mane, side ear tufts, lack of elbow wings, horse style tail, reins and bridle/halter, neck yoke, 2 saddle straps over the back, 2 wheeled cart or carriage behind the Stygian, 4 horse hooved feet, and fetlocks.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Carousel Subspecies, Heavy Accessories
Primordial Dragon Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Long whiskers, front and back claws (4 digits each), long mane around neck, sideways facing ears, longer neck and body shape.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Sideways facing ears (with ear modification potion),tail type (with a tail modification potion), scales (optional), and wings can be added with a potion.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind clawed legs, longer body shape, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), long whiskers, mane fluff, lack of elbow wings. Back spine ridge can be of varied length, but not entirely replaced.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Dragon Subspecies, Mane Fluff, Colored Sclera, Fantasy Tail, Long Spine Fur
Primordial Dragon β (Beta) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from dragon to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial dragon cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use an alt-myo to turn it into a primordial dragon β.
A Dragon Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is dragon, or if a Stygian myo is a dragon subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Long neck with multiple heads, dragon horns, fins under ears, front dragon claws (4 digits), dragon wings, dragon tail.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Sideways facing ears (with ear modification potion), scales (optional).
Heads cannot be replaced with object heads. Max 1- 3 heads. Heads cannot exceed reference image size. All heads need to have paired dragon horns. They should also have fins under the ears (see ref). Horns and fins cannot be removed or replaced.
Tails cannot be replaced, but can be stacked with multiple tails, foliage takeover, glitch/fragmentation, crystalline, or elemental. Tails will always be dragon type (spaded or spiked at the end).
Cannot be entirely reptillian, should be a fluffy Stygian/fur body texture with scalees that can trasition to more reptillian wings/tails/front arms
Wings cannot be replaced, but can be stacked with multiple wings, foliage takeover, glitch/fragmentation, crystalline, or elemental. Wings should always be dragon/bat type and begin at the shoulder with the wing membrane connecting along the back to the tail (as seen in the reference image above).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), paired dragon horns, fins under ears, dragon wings, dragon tail, back stygian hooves, long neck, lack of elbow wings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Dragon Subspecies, Colored Sclera, Fantasy Tail, Wings, Front Paws, Paired Horns
Primordial Feline Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Quadrapedal, feline paws on front and back feet, no elbow wings, a head with fluffy, tufted ears that have a single point (fur tuft), no side ear tufts under ears, a long tail, and instead of a face they have a large void mouth filled with pointed teeth. They have no eyes, nose, or face aside from the void mouth.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears (with Modified Ears Potion), Long Feline Tail (with tail modification potions).
Primordial Feline Stygian have a rouned head with no face! Instead of eyes, nose, and a normal muzzle, they have a large Void Mouth filled with pointed teeth (see reference image). Even when closed the teeth will always be visible. Inside the mouth it can be dark, or a single color (the stygian's inner aether). The insides cannot glow, leak, or sparkle without being combined with Elemental Insides.
The head should always be attached to the body. Primoridal Feline's cannot have the Object Head trait applied to them.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal, rouned head with no eyes, nose, muzzle, or face, void mouth with pointed teeth, back feline paws (3 digits), front feline paws (3 digits), and lack of elbow wings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Feline Subspecies, Front Paws, Long Tail (unless changed with potions)
Primordial Feline β (Beta) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from feline to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial feline cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use a feline alt-myo to turn it into a primordial feline β.
A Feline Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is feline, or if a Stygian myo is a feline subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Quadrapedal, feline paws on front and back feet (claws optional), no elbow wings, shorter feline-like muzzle (but not flat), ear arms that come from behind the ears and end in large 4 or 5 toed paws that must include a thumb, third eye always open, Stygian style ears, feline like whiskers (optional), mane fluff (optional).
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Whiskers can be modified with a potion.
Primordial Feline Beta Stygian always have large ear arms (max 200% of body length, see reference image) that start behind their main ears and end in large paws. These paws have 4 or 5 toes, one of which should be thumb-like. Claws are optional. Paw ears cannot be modified by elemental aura, skeletal replacement, replaced by parasitic foliage, nor can they be multiplied or supersized.
Primordial Feline Beta Stygian always have a standard Stygian ear. It must look similar to the reference above (larger base, inner fluff, and a thin, pointed ear tip that is clearly defined). These ears cannot be modified, multiplied, or removed in any way.
Primordial Feline Beta Stygian always have a Third Eye Exposed. This eye cannot be closed or removed. It cannot be replaced by a Single Horn, nor stacked with one.
Primordial Feline Beta Stygian do not come with a tail as a default trait.
Primordial Feline Beta Stygian cannot have Ear Wings or Object Head applied to them. Their head must always have a single set of Ear Paws, Stygian Ears, and be attached to the body.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal, shorter and smaller cat-like muzzle, front and back cat paws, large ear paws, Stygian ears with inner tufts and pointed tips, third eye exposed, and lack of elbow wings.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Feline Subspecies, Third Eye exposed, whiskers (if present on Stygian).
Primordial Grendel Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Slightly hunched head and shoulders, large front paws with 4 digits and claws, long back hair fluff, pawed hind feet (3 toes), bipedal.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion).
Grendel muzzles are smaller and shorter than usual (but not entirely flat for profile views, see reference image above).
Grendel faces are slightly more rounder than normal Stygian! (see reference image above)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal form, hunched back posture, hind paws with 3 toes, large front paws with 4 digits and claws, general face shape (slightly shorter muzzled deer or canine-like skull), mane fluff, long back mane.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Grendel Subspecies, Front Paws, Fluffy Mane, Colored Sclera
Primordial Grendel β (Beta) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from grendel to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial grendel cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use a grendel alt-myo to turn it into a primordial grendel β.
A Grendel Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is grendel, or if a Stygian myo is a grendel subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Bipedal, large front paws with claws (4 digits), hind pawed feet with no claws (3 digits), shorter grendel muzzle, mane fluff around neck that extends like a scarf.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears can be modified with Modified Ears.
Primordial Grendel Beta Stygian have a fluffy mane that goes all around their neck. This mane also extends, much like a fluffy scarf! The scarf will always be 75%-150% of the stygian's body height.
Primordial Grendel Beta Stygian will always have large grendel front paws with claws. These paws will have 4 digits always.
Their hind feet will always be paws with no claws. 3 digits.
Primordial Grendel Beta Stygian do not come with a tail as a default trait.
Their fluffy mane that extends outwards cannot be removed or replaced. It cannot be made smaller, or hidden under accessories (it should always be visible at the neck and beyond). The mane also cannot be supersized or ++'d.
The fluffy mane cannot be made non-fur. It cannot be changed to elemental aura, exposed aether, corrupted aether, ect. It will always be a fluffy mane. It would not be affected by molting body, either.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal, grendel face/muzzle, large paws with 4 claws, hind pawed feet (no claws), fluffy mane around neck that extends like a scarf.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Grendel Subspecies, Front Paws, Fluffy Mane.
Primordial Jellyfish Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: 1-10 tentacle or tentacle like tails, optional shell covering the top of the tails, tentacle or tentacle like fetlocks, anglerfish head crest, multiple spines.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with a front paws potion), tail type (with a tail modification potion), shell (optional).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), tentacle fetlocks, angler head crest, side ear tufts.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Jellyfish Subspecies, Fantasy Tail, Multiple Tails
Primordial Jellyfish β (Beta) Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from jellyfish to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial jellyfish cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use an alt-myo to turn it into a primordial djellyfish β.
A Jellyfish Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is jellyfish, or if a Stygian myo is a jellyfish subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Humanoid face, stygian ears with fin ear tufts, jellyfish tendrils and stingers under ears, fluffy mane, frilled elbow wings, small finger-like paws and wrist fluff, arm and side scales, mermaid tail with mermaid fish fin, jellyfish frills under scales (see reference).
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tail (lengthened with Supersize only).
Jellyfish frills should be semi-transparent and in two layers under the scales. See refrence image.
Mermaid tails should always be a classic mermaid style ending in a mermaid fish fin. Mermaid fish fin can be semi-transparent or opaque. Tail length should be x1 to x2 body size (starting from the buttocks). (The reference image is max length!)
Tail cannot be replaced with any other type, nor be mutliplied with multiple tails.
Fluff on wrists and fluffy mane on chest/neck cannot be removed. Fluffy mane can be of varied sizes, though!
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Humanoid face, fin ear tufts with stygian ears, jellyfish tendrils and stingers under ears, frilled elbow wings, arm and side scales, fluffy mane, finger-like paws with wrist fluff, single mermaid tail with mermaid fish fisn, semi-transparent jellyfish frills.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Jellyfish subspeices, fantasy tail, scales, elbow wings, fluffy mane, semi-transparency.
Dual layered elbow wings always required. The larger outer layer may be semi-transparent, and may be a max of 150% the Stygian's body length (chest to rump). The inner layer should be opague and normal elbow wing sized.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with a front paws potion), tail type (with a tail modification potion), straight unicorn horn (use a single horn potion to change to curved).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), layered elbow wings, side ear tufts, single horn.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Kirin Subspecies, Fantasy Tail, Single Horn
Primordial Lindwyrm Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Reptilian Mouth: long, jagged with hinge, bat elbow wings, large plated scales from the neck to the tail, pawed feet with claws, large solid pointed tail, fin ear tufts, dark sclera, eye scales, teeth, forked tongue, extra long body, arched neck.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tail (the tip can be replaced with potions), ears (with modified ears potion). See details below.
Primordial Lindwyrms are very long, just like normal lindwyrms, and have long torsos with long, arched necks! The torso will always be longer than normal Stygian (even primordial dragons) and their necks will always be long and should be arched.
Torso Length: Lindwyrms have very long torsos. They are 2-3x as long as a normal Stygian (always 2x as long at minimum). For specific sizing, the torso should always be longer than the lindwyrm's leg - 1.5-2x longer than the leg is high (floor to where it connects to the body). You can see the reference image for an example of sizing.
Neck Length: The neck will always be long and arched. For legth, it should be 1-1.5x the length of the Stygian's leg. This should be 1.5-2x the neck lenght of a Regular Stygian.
Lindwyrms will always have a long a long, solid tail just like what is seen in the reference image above. This tail will always end in a spaded point (as seen in the reference). The tip of the tail can be changed to a tail tuft, or to another fitting (solid) shape with a fantasy tail potion - however, only the end (the tip) of the tail may change, the bulk of the tail will always be long and solid and have plating along the bottom. The tail tip cannot be made elemental itself, though elemental aura can wrap around it. The tail tip can be affected by Weaponed Tail or Sentient Tail potions. The Lindwyrm tail cannot be affected by Multiple Tails potions.
Lindwyrm Stygian have Reptilian-like jaws. This means they have longer, jagged mouths that end in a hinge, as seen in the reference image. The mouth is longer than normal Stygian mouths, ending at or behind the eye. The mouth has a 'hinge' at the back, that is seen when they open their mouths. The jagged points on the outer mouth are separate from the reptile-like teeth that are inside the mouth. (The teeth inside the mouth are optional, the jagged outer mouth is not). See the reference image for examples.
Lindwyrm Stygian have large plates that run along their entire underside, from the start of the neck down toward the end of the tail. These plated scales run in an unbroken line for the whole length of the Stygian. The plated scales will always be a single row of large plate scales, shaped like (or very similiar to) the reference image has. These plats should be flat and smooth (they will not have points, hooks, bumps, or any other raised parts.) Plate sizing should be simliar to what is seen in the reference image. These plates cannot be removed or changed to another type of texture.
Mane potions (Mane Fluff and Full Collar Mane) can be used on Lindwyrm Stygian. However, the mane will go around the plating, as the plating cannot be removed or replaced. Similiarly, Long Fur will not affect plates.
Primordial Lindwyrms have pawed feet with large claws on all four feet. 3-4 digits per paw. The claws cannot be removed. Front paws cannot be replaced.
BAT ARM WINGS: Primordial Lindwyrms signature trait is their front leg with small wing attached:Their front legs are regular sized ending in paws with claws. Attached to the leg is a bat-like wing.
Arm-wing will always have 3 spines attached to the forearm.
Will always have a semi-transparent wing membrane. Membrane will attach to the lindwyrm along the side of their torso.
The wing spines (and thus wing size) should be 1-1.5 times the leg length. See diagram.
A primordial lindwyrms front legs cannot be affected by trait potions. These include (but not limited to) front paws, multiple limbs, shapeshifter, detached limbs. The front limbs cannot be altered.
See reference image for examples of sizing and look!
Instead of regular side ear tufts, Lindwyrm Stygian have Side Ear Fins! These fins will always be under the ears, and should look just like the reference image (3 spines with webbing between). Max lenght of a single spine is the same lenght as the head, minimum length is 50% of the head length.
The eyes will always have dark sclera. These are usually black, but can be any dark colour. To be a lighter colour, a Coloured Sclera potion is needed.
Under the eyes Lindwyrm Stygian will always have small, interlocking scale plates. They will always be on the underside/lower edges of the eye (as seen in the reference image). These scales cannot be removed or replaced.
Lindwyrm Stygian have a forked and slightly longer tongue (serpent sized). If Long Tongue trait/potion is applied, the tongue will still be forked (but quite long).
The plates on the Lindwyrm Stygian cannot be removed or changed (cannot be made elemental, for example). The leg plates are optional, the eye/belly/neck/tail plates are not.
The plates on the Lindwyrm Stygian do not count as Body Scales. Body scales can be added to Lindwyrm Stygian, however Body Scale potoins/traits will not affect the plates in any way.
Lindwyrm Stygian cannot have Ear Wings applied to them.
The tail cannot be multiplied, nor can the core/base of the tail be altered in any way. Only the shape of the end can be changed with the proper potions.
Lindwyrm Stygian cannot have the full combination of Antlers (back-facing), Spine Fur, and Front Paws at the same time, as this would too closely resemble a Primordial Dragon.
The front limbs cannot be altered or duplicated. Front paws, shapeshifter, and multiple limbs cannot be applied to primordial lindwyrm stygian. Detached limbs cannot affect the front limbs.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quadrapedal body, extra long body, long arched neck, Stygian skull with a longer reptilian-like mouth +hinge, normal lindwyrm face, fin side ear tufts, clawed front limbs with bat-like arm wings. clawed back pawss, large neck/belly/tail plates, single long solid tail.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Fantasy Tail, Coloured Sclera.
Primordial Mimic Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Mimic body (dripping shadows), Grendel Stygian-like 'coat' (resembles a Grendel Stygian).
Primordial Mimic Stygian have a very Grendel Stygian-like shape, from the legs to the head, to the tail. They're trying their very best to appear to be very normal Grendel Stygian!
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Tail (can be added to the fur coat only), Stygian ears (can be modified).
Primordial Mimic Stygian all have a body made out of shadows. These shadows will always be very, very dark (dark gray to black), and should drip slightly. The legs should be semi-tranparent closer to the hooves (see reference image above). The mimic body (shadow) cannot be affected by any traits save for Multiple Eyes, Exposed Aether, Corrupted Aether, and Hollow Crater (hollow crater will always have dark, shadow insides). The shape of the mimic body (grendel shape with hooved hind legs) cannot be changed.
Primordial Mimic Stygian always have a Grendel-like Stygian 'coat'. This coat fully covers their head and back, arms, and all or most of the chest (see reference image). This gives them a very normal Grendel Stygian type head, chest, and arms. The coat should be fluffy, as they are trying to mimic Stygian fluff, after all! They will always have extra mane fluff around the neck and chest (see reference). The fur coat cannot be removed, nor can it be made to be see-through in any way.
While they do want to appear to be Grendel Stygian, Primordial Mimics have not mastered the Grendel's standard long back mane. As such, they do not come with a long back mane or anything similar. (Hair can be attached to the head with a potion, of course!)
They will always have dark sclera to match their shadow color!
Primordial Mimic Stygian will always have large arms that end in large paws. These paws will always have 4 digits and large claws. See the refrence image for an example.
Most traits, for example, Glowing Markings, Crystalline Growth, Body Sparkles, Long Fur, Foliage Takeover, etc., will always attach to the fur coat of the Stygian, and have no effect on the mimic's shadow body. Shadow Weaving cannot be used to change the limbs of the shadow body, however, it can be added to other traits on the Stygian.
Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether can affect the mimic's shadow body. This will turn the shadows into exposed aether. However, the exposed aether will not carry over to the mimic's fur coat in any way. This means the Mimic Stygian's head will not be turned to aether.
Some traits cannot be applied to Primordial Mimic Stygian at all. These include Object Head, Fetlocks, Fin Fetlocks, Glass Body, Elemental Insides, Shapeshifter, Elemental Outer Body, and Skeletal Replacment. Other traits cannot be used in such a way as to change the base structure of the mimic's body.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: bipedal, side ear tufts, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull with a shorter muzzle), mimic body, Grendel Stygian-like fur 'coat', hooved hind legs in a standard Grendel shape.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Mimic Subspecies, Elemental Aura (if not replaced by aether), Front Paws (cannot pass to standard mimics), Dark Sclera
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Front hooves (with front paws potion), ears (with modified ears potion)
Squishy Scale-like Mantle: A mantle of thicker, squishy texture "scales".
Will always be furless and of a smooth, squishy texture. Squishy texture means a smooth spongy (without holes) texture. Basically the same texture as a nudibranch!
Mantle sizing: Average sizing is as seen in the reference. Scales will always start smaller at the neck and grow larger (in layers) as they reach the butt. Sizing should always be similiar to what is seen in the reference image - cannot be made smaller or larger.
Scales generally have a 3D popout effect, but they can lay flat - as long as they resemble the reference image.
Markings are as you wish! (The black tips are optional - added to the reference just for some pop!)
Should not resemble a feather, fur, or torn/jagged texture at all - will always have smooth, rounded edges.
Please see the reference above for details on the overall look!
Squishy Scale-like Tail: A fake tail that is the same shape as the scale-like mantle. Again, these are thick, fat, squishy "scales". Sizing should resemble the reference image - not much smaller or larger than see above! This tail cannot be removed, replaced, resized, or affected by potions.
Squishy Feelers: Should match the image in sizing and style. Same texture as the other squishy parts! Cannot be changed with potions (cannot be supersized or replaced)
Fantasy, Weaponed, and Object Tails can be added to Nudibranch Stygian! They will not replace the pseudo tail, rather they will layer UNDER the the squishy scale-like tail. So they will come out from under the scale-like tail.
Back Wings and Multiple wings can be added - they will layer under the scale-like mantle (so grow out from between the scales).
The mantle, pseudo tail, and feelers can be affected by semi-transparency and glowing markings!
Traits such as Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether would only affect the body of the Stygian, not the squishy mantle, scale-like tail, or feelers.
Back Fins/Spines, Spine Fur, Feather Back Ridge, Multiple Spines and similiar cannot be added to Nudibranch Stygian. (The mantle cancels these traits out)
The mantle, squishy feelers and scale-like tail cannot be supersized, ++'d, removed, replaced, in any way, nor infused with elemental aura (Their sizing and texture cannot be changed).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hind hooves, squishy scale-like mantle, squishy scale-like tail, squishy feelers, under-ear side tufts, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Antennae
Primordial Owl Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Large front paws with 4 digits (claws optional) with wings attached, very long primary feathers, a bird-like body/form with hind legs ending in owl talons/claws. They also have long ears with feathered tufts.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Feather tufted ears (with ear modification potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal bird form, hind talons/claws, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), large pawed arms with wings, side ear tufts.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Owl Subspecies, Front Paws
Primordial Page Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Bipedal, upright form and human-shaped skull. Small hand claws and hind foot paws. Clothing accessories that must cover Page from at least the waist to upper thigh. 1 to 5 floating cards (aura optional).
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion).
CLARIFIED due to confilict with Treatlings: Page Stygian have human shaped skulls/faces, but they still have a thin coating of fur on their face. While this fur can be any color, it should not appear to be missing or flesh-like. It should always have a fur texture or tone to it, and would usually be the same color as the rest of the stygian's fur. While the fur on the face can be flesh coloured, there should always be some indication that this is fur and not actual skin (keep in mind that this colouring should show up on other alt forms if this is the case).
Page Stygian should have their pawed feet be visible.
Page Stygian have a somewhat "chibi" appearance. Their standard height is 4 heads tall (max 4.5 heads), as seen in this image: Page Height.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal, general face shape (flat human-like skull), back paws (3 digits), floating card accessory, clothing covering page from waist to upper thigh, and extra fluff at the wrist and neck, side ear tufts.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Page Subspecies, Heavy Accessories
Primordial Parasitic Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Closed eyes, large bladed elbow wings, jagged aether on chest, jagged mandible ear tufts, long thorny tail.
Large Bladed Elbow Wings: Will always be large, 50-100% of leg length. Comes in 3 types, see reference image for each option. Choose one option (they cannot overlap). Elbow wings cannot be changed to other types of elbow wings, nor can they be made larger that leg length.
Thorny Tail: A long thorny tail. Style is as seen in reference image. Max size is 200% of body length. Tail tip (just the end of the tail!) can be changed with Object Tail, Weaponed Tail, or Fantasy Tail (but cannot be made to mimic other species tails).
Mandible Ear Tufts: Small (about 50% of head length) jagged mandibles under the ears. They will always be shaped as seen in the reference image (venus flytrap style).
Jagged Aether on Chest: Will always have a jagged line of aether on their chests and belly, with edges and sizing just like what is seen in the reference image. This line will show the Stygian's inner aether. This inner aether, as usual, cannot leak, glow, sparkle, or be more than one colour (since inner aether is always one, single colour). Elemental Insides can be applied to Primordial Parasitic Stygian, and in that case any colour, texture, and very minor (very minor!) aether leaking out is okay (following usual Elemental Inside rules). Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether, however, would affect the whole Stygian, making both the outside and the jagged aether line the same colour/texture.
Primordial Parasitic Stygian also have noticably short fur, leading to smaller or not there fur tufts on their legs and body. They will always have a bit of chest and ear fluff, though.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single ear tips (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with a front paws potion).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Quad form, hind hooves, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), large bladed elbow wings, jagged mandible ear tufts, jagged aether on chest, long thorny tail, closed eyes.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Parasitic Subspecies, Modified Elbow Wings (standard type), Elbow Wings Plus, Fantasy Tail
Primordial Serpent Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: No back legs, instead only a very long tail is present, forked tongue, mane fluff and short spine fur.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), spine fur (with long spine fur potion), front hooves (with front paws).
Primordial Serpent Tails can be maximum twice the body length of the Stygian measured from the chest to where the hips would normally be.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: No hind legs, solid serpent-like tail, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), slightly more prominent two fangs from muzzle.
Cannot have multiple tails.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Serpent Subspecies, Mane Fluff, Long Spine Fur, Fantasy Tail
Primordial Shark Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: No back legs, instead only long shark tail is present, shark gills, shark back fin, jagged teeth.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws), elbow wings (with elbow wings potion).
Primordial Shark Tails can be maximum twice the body length of the Stygian measured from the chest to where the hips would normally be.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: No hind legs, shark gills, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, shark tail, shark back fin, jagged teeth.
Cannot have multiple tails.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Shark Subspecies, Back Fins, Elbow Wings (non-pointed)
Primordial Shark Beta Subspecies:
What is a primordial β (beta)? Basically, when your Stygian is evolving from shark to primordial, it can choose the regular primordial form, or the primordial β (beta) form. It's basically an alternate option to the original primordial form!
A Stygian that is already regular primordial feline cannot swap to β unless they have another primordial potion, rewind ticket, or alt-myo ticket.
A Stygian that already has the primordial trait can use a shark alt-myo to turn it into a primordial shark β.
A Shark Stygian with no primordial trait can use a primordial potion to select if it wants the regular primordial or the β version.
A Stygian jar that has primordial inheritance, if the subspecies of the jar is shark, or if a Stygian myo is a shark subspecies and has a primordial potion picked for it, can pick regular or β form.
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Manta ray tail, large fin-like, semi-transparent elbow wings, fin ear wings, shark gills, shark back fin, jagged teeth.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws), tail tip (with weaponed tail or object tail).
Primordial Shark Beta Tails should always be a manta style, as seen in teh reference image. A few small shark-style fins are okay to add, but overall it should be a thin, fleshy tail ending in a tapered point. The end of the tail can be modified with Weaponed Tail or Object Tail, but the entire tail cannot be modified or replaced.
Primordial Shark Beta will always have large, manta style fin-like elbow wings.
Fin shape should be triangular - wider at the base tapering to a point at the end
The fin must be semi-transparent (as seen in reference).
The fin elbow wings always come from the Stygian's elbow on the leg - they do not attach to the shoulder or torso of the Stygian in any way.
Max size is 200% of body length. Min size 75% of body length.
See the reference image for an example of style and shape.
The fin ear wings should resemble the elbow wing fin in style and semi-transparency (fins should match). Max size for the fin ear wings is 100% of head length.
Shark back fin should be on the back or butt (not on the tail).
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Hooved hind legs, shark gills, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), finned ear wings, large, manta style fin elbow wings, manta ray tail, shark back fin, jagged teeth.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Shark Subspecies, Back Fins, Elbow Wings (non-finned), Ear Wings (non-finned)
Primordial Snowy Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Bulkier body and legs, fluffy elbow wings/tufts, extra fluffy and coarse mane that covers the chest, back, and extends over the tail.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws).
Primordial Snowy Stygian will always have a bulkier body and legs than normal Stygian.
The fluffy elbow wing is a tuft of fluff that is large (but not overly long) and of the same texture as the mane. It cannot be changed to a feather or bat wing, or remobed.
Primordial Snowy Stygian have an extra fluffy and large mane. The mane covers the chest, back and will extend out and layer over the tail, to a max length of 200% of body size. The mane cannot be the tail (it's just fluff!) or become part of a tail, extend down a tail, or go into the tail (it's just extra fluff over it). The mane fluff itself will always be coarse and bulky in texture and style. It cannot be fine or long strands of fur.
Primordial Snowy Stygian do not come with a tail - a trait slot or potion can be used to add a tail style of your choice under the fluffy mane.
The fluffy mane cannot be removed, replaced, or made smaller or larger/taller (should generally resemble the refrence image in size). It cannot be replaced or changed with elemental aura, foliage, long fur or spine fur. As such, Spine Fur cannot be added to primordial snowy stygian. Elemental Aura cannot affect the mane fluff.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bulkier body and legs, fluffy elbow wings, extra large and long fluffy mane, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), side ear tufts, and hind hooves.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Snowy Subspecies, Mane Fluff (normal sized)
Primordial Spectral Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Semi-Transparent Elbow Wing Flames, Flame Fetlocks, Glowing Hooves Underneath, Upper Leg Elemental Diamonds, Flame Ear Tufts, Wavy Back Neck Fur, Glowing Ear Insides.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears with ear modification potion.
Elbow Wing Flames: Can be wing-like or a single flame fanning out, but must always connect to a single, continuous base at the elbow. See reference image for examples. Elbow Wing Flame max sizing is 100% of Stygian body length (chest to butt). Should fan out, it's a wing after all!
Flame Fetlocks: Flames that can partially wrap around and behind the leg, above the hooves, flowing freely behind the leg. Can split into different points, but must always be connected to a single, continuous base. Should only be just above the hooves, where the fetlocks would otherwise be. Sizing: Max length would match the leg length, from elbow wing to floor (see ref). Can fan out a little, but should not be as wide as the elbow wing flames.
Flame Ear Tufts: Wispy flame ear tufts under ears. Should be a single tuft of flame, see reference for general sizing.
General Flame Notes:
Flames should always be a single, matching colour across all flames on the Stygian.
The Flame Elemental cannot have sparkles or swirls of colour in it (this would mimic space elemental and/or aether traits.)
Should be semi-transparent at the ends.
Will always be flames - cannot be changed to another texture.
Flames and flame traits cannot be affected or changed by any other traits or potions. As such, they cannot be infused/changed with other elementals, have sparkles added, changed to aether, etc. They'll always be the default flames.
Primordial Spectral Stygian also have diamond-shaped flame markings on their upper front legs. This shape will always be a 4 sides diamond, as seen in the reference. There will always be three diamonds on the legs, with the center diamond being the largest. These diamonds will always be stacked on top of eachother in a row, but not touching. Theycan have very tiny wisps of flame coming off of them (Very tiny!). The diamonds will always be the same colour as the rest of the flame elemental on the legs.
Hooves will always be standard Stygian hooves (split deer hooves) but have a glow on the bottom side. See reference image. This glow will always match the flame colour.
Ears are default the standard Stygian ear shape - a triangle with a pointed ear tip and fluffy insides. The insides of the ears will glow the same colour as the Stygian's flames. Modified Ears can be applied following normal rules. In this case, the inner ears will still glow.
Primordial Spectral Stygian come with wavy back neck fur. This is optional! It is slightly longer and wavy fur at the back of their neck. This is not long hair, a mane, nor a full collar mane, but rather a longer spot of fur.
Primordial Spectral Stygian do not come with a tail - a trait slot or potion can be used to add a tail style of your choice.
Some traits cannot be applied to primordial spectral stygian. These include Front Paws, Elbow Wing Modification, Elbow Wing Plus, Fetlocks, and Fin Fetlocks. Other traits cannot be used in a way that would remove or replace the Primordial Spectral's flame traits.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Semi-transparent flame elbow wings, semi-transparent flame fetlocks, glowing hooves (on the bottom), flame ear tufts, glowing ear insides, diamond-shaped flame patches on front legs, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), and all hooves.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Spectral Subspecies, Elemental Aura, Glowing Markings
Primordial Sylph Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Large claw ears, claw-like hands, forehead jewel, moth antennae.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Forehead jewel (can be replaced with single horn or third eye exposed, but cannot stack with either trait), back wings can be added with a potion.
Primordial Sylph Ears can be max 1 to 1.5 times body size. See reference here. Primordial Sylph Ears cannot be multiplied, duplicated, replaced by parasitic foliage, affected by skeletal replacement, or supersized.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Bipedal Form, Claw-like hands, large claw ears, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), forehead jewel (but can be covered).
Default Traits that can be inherited: Sylph Subspecies, Antennae, Foliage Accessories (if present on Stygian)
Primordial Void Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Longer body, space elemental along belly and underside of tail turning into an aether tail after the solid tail ends, diamond neck and leg fragments, void hair tendrils and fetlocks.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with front paws).
Primordial Void Tails can be maximum 1x the body length of the Stygian measured from chest to rump. The aether part of the tail may be an additional 1-2x body length. The aether tail can be any shape, and can split into up to 6 tendrils after the normal tail ends (if split, each split should be thinner than if they were combined, and cannot exceed the length of the regular unsplit version). It must always be space elemental only, and must fade to transparency at the end. (See ref)
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Longer body, general face shape (deer or canine-like skull), quad form, back hooves, space elemental belly and tail (must always be space only), diamond fragments in neck and on each leg, void hair tendrils (these replace side tufts), void fetlocks.
Elemental tail aether cannot exceed 100% the size of the Stygian in terms of combined height and volume (ie: if you combine all the tail aether it should puzzle piece fit the size of the stygian's body at 100%.
Cannot have the multiple tails trait. Primordial void will always have a single tail, however their aether tail may 'split' in up to 6 tendrils at the end.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Void Subspecies, Elemental, Fantasy Tail, Fetlocks
Primordial Wish Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Slightly longer body (up to 1.5 times a regular stygian's), galaxy patterned mantle that goes from elbow to butt, no fetlocks, wish tags that are long, long mane fur.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion).
Primordial Wish Stygian must have Wish Tags under their ears. These will always have a star shaped top, and a long, paper tail (roughly 50% of the stygian's height, head to floor.) These cannot be modified in any way, nor duplicated. These layer over the standard Stygian Ear Side Tufts.
Long Mane Fur cannot be removed nor modified. It should be long and hang down rather than be short and fluffy (see reference image).
Primordial Wish Stygian have a Galaxy (Space) patterned Mantle that begins where their elbow wings would (replaces elbow wings) and ends at their butt. This must always be a solid, fur or wispy fur-like texture, though it is a galaxy element/pattern. The front legs are covered by the same galaxy/space element as the mantle, and do not fade/have an elemental wispy-ness to them. The Space/Galaxy element will always be space, and cannot be combined with other elements. The front of the mantle can never hang below the stygian's front hooves (cannot drag on floor)and along the back it cannot extend past the butt. It should not cover the back hips. See reference image.
Primordial Wish Stygian can have a body that is 1 to 1.5 times the length of a standard Stygian.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: General face shape (deer or canine-like skull), quad form, back hooves, front hooves, no fetlocks on any leg, space elemental on front legs and mantle, a mantle that begins at the elbows and ends at the butt, long mane fur, side ear tufts, long wishing tags.
Front paws cannot be used on Primordial Wish Stygian. Fetlocks of any kind cannot be added, nor can extra fluff around the hooves. Elbow Wings cannot be added, as the mantle replaces these.
Tails do not come as a default trait on Primordial Wish Stygian.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Wishing Subspecies, Elemental Aura, Mane Fluff
Primordial Wraith Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: Longer Body, Ghost Aether Body, Aether Leg Tufts, Short Spine Fur.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Single tipped ears (with ear modification potion), front hooves (with Front Paws potion), tail tip with tail modification potions.
Primordial Wraith Stygian will always have a body/torso made of Ghost Aether.
Ghost Aether will always be a single color/tone. It can vary between light and dark, but must be the same tone overall.
The Ghost Aether body must always have semi-transparency in at least half of the ghost body.
Thost Aether will make up the tail base as well as the shoulders/hips and part of the legs.
Ghost Aether will not make up any part of the neck or head.
Fragments of the neck, legs, and tail will always be present in the ghost aether. They cannot float separate from it, they will always be wrapped in it.
Primordial Wraith Ghost Aether will always be connected - there should be no escaping pieces of aether.
Most traits cannot be applied directly to the Ghost Aether body. Traits such as (but not limited to) Wings, Multiple Eyes, Extra Mouth, Body Sparkles, Crystalline Growth, Glowing Markings, Tentacles, Skeletal Replacement, Wings, Foliage and Accessories traits cannot be applied directly to the Ghost Aether portion of the body - rather they would only affect the solid (furred) parts of the Stygian.
Traits such as those listed above will always connect/affect only the solid/furred parts of the stygian. They can hang down over the ghost aether! However, most of the ghost aether should still be visible.
Ghost Aether CAN be affected by Exposed Aether or Corrupted Aether traits. It can also be affected by Two and Three-toned mutation traits. Semi-transparency must remain.
Elbow Leg Tufts: All four legs will always have trailing Ghost Aether elbow leg tufts. See image above for placement and max sizing. These tufts cannot be affected by elbow wing modification or sizing changes.
HEART ITEM: Primordial Wraith Stygian will always have an item in their aether body where their heart would be. This will always be a single item (not a collection, for example). Max size should be roughly the same size as their head (though it can be smaller). It should be somewhat visible in their ML art.
Primordial Wraith Stygian's tail tips can be modified with tail potions. Default they have a tufted tail as seen in the example image. The tail tip as well as at least 50% of the tail will always be solid (not made of ghost aether).
Their legs will always have standard split hooves (unless using a front paws potion). The hooves will always be solid (not made of aether) - and at least the lower 50% of the legs will be solid as well.
The head and neck of Primordial Wraith Stygian will always be solid down to the base of the neck. This will connect to a strip of short spine fur that runs down the back of the stygian to the tail.
The short spine fur can be made longer with a Spine Fur trait, but it cannot be removed or replaced.
Primordial Wraith Stygian will always have a body that is 3 to 4 times the length of a standard Stygian.
Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether only affect the Ghost Aether Body of Primordial Wraith Stygian, not the solid parts.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: General face shape (deer or canine-like skull), quad form, back hooves, ghost aether body with semi-transparency, elbow leg tufts, short spine fur, solid feet/legs, solid neck/head, solid tail end.
Molting Body, Fractured Body, Multiple Spines, Elemental Insides, and Glass Body cannot be applied to Primordial Wraiths.
Default Traits that can be inherited: Wraith Subspecies, Spine Fur, Elemental Aura, Fantasy Tail, Semi-Transparency
Primordial Wyvern Subspecies:
Traits default included:
Species Unique Traits: True feathered wings insead of forelegs, fluffier neck, feathered tail base, feathered back ridge, long feathery tail, 3-clawed back legs with scales, cheek feathers.
Traits that can be replaced or modified with potions: Ears (with modified ears potion), tail (with Fantasy Tail, Weaoned Tail, Object Tail, or Sentient Tail trait)
Feathered Wings
Feathered Wings - true feathered wings in place of forelegs. See reference image for example.
Max length of wings is 300% of body length (chest to butt) when extended. See reference image for example of how to measure. Minimum size is at least standard stygian leg length.
Are built like standard bird wings. See reference image for example of overall look.
Feathers can be tattered or torn, but should always be present (not missing - no plucked wings!).
Feathered wings cannot be edited or replaced by other types of wings. So they cannot be made bat-like or into other fantasy wings.
Feathered Wings cannot be duplicated by multi-limbs or by adding Back Wings/Multi Wings traits (as backwings would apply wings to the back).
Supersize can be applied a primordial wyvern's feathered wings! This would take a separate potion than other wing traits on the stygian.
Please see the reference above for details on the overall look of their feathered wings!
Long Feathery Tail: Long, feathery tail (max 200% of body length). Can be replaced/swapped out with tail potions.
Feathered Tail Base: Shorter feathers where the tail begins (at the butt) that cover the beginning of the main tail. The feathery tail base cannot be removed or replaced, it will always be present and feathery no matter what potions are applied to the main tail. The feathery tail base cannot be affected by trait potions.
Feathery Cheeks: Primordial Wyverns will always have feathery cheeck fluff. Max size of the feathers is half the head length. Feather cheek fluff with allways be present, always be feathers, and cannot be removed or replaced.
Hind Legs: The back legs will always end in three claws. Two claws in the front, one in the back. The hind legs will also always have a few scales on the front of the leg. See reference image.
Feathered Back Ridge: A cluster of slightly longer feathers running along the spine and back of the Stygian. This is similiar to the Feathery Spine trait. The feathered back ridge cannot be removed or replaced, though Back Spines/Fins can be mixed in with the feathers.
Fluffier Neck: The fur around the neck is a bit fluffier than normal, though it is not a full collar mane or mane fluff. Their standard feathery fluff is just fluffy.
Traits such as Exposed Aether and Corrupted Aether would only affect the body of the Stygian. It would not affect scales, or claws. It would affect all of the feathers, though!
Some traits can be added to Primordial Wyvern Stygian with some limitations: Back Wings/Multi Wings can be added along the back spine. Fetlocks cannot be added to a primordial wyvern's wings (but can be added to the back legs). Detached Limbs cannot affect the Feathered Wyvern Wings.
Some traits cannot be added to primordial wyvern stygian. These include: Front Paws, Multiple Limbs, Cheek Collar, and Elbow Wings traits. Other traits cannot be used to override a wyvern's default required traits.
Traits that cannot be entirely replaced: Feathered wings instead of forelegs, three clawed back legs with scales, feather back ridge, feathered tail base, under-ear side tufts, fluffier neck, general stygian head shape
Default Traits that can be inherited: Feathery Spine, Fantasy Tail