Animate Weapons Mastery (Rare)
(Necromancer's Scythe Mutation: Sentient Weapon. Cannot be passed to alt myos. Can be passed to guardians following the rules seen below. This trait is lost if the Stygian is rebased or redesigned.)
Rare Trait (Rare)
(Glitched Insides: Event Exclusive. Cannot be passed to alt myos or guardians. Will be lost if Stygian is rewinded or rebased.)
Rare Trait (Rare)
(Mutation: Modified Arms: Gives this Stygian large claw hand. Cannot be passed to guardians or alt myos. (Will be lost if Stygian is rebased or redeisgned.)
Rare Trait (Rare)
(Any alterations to this form will affect the animated cert as well, resulting in its loss.)