A long time ago, Treatlings prospered in a civilization called Treatropolis. It was the pinnacle of the dream realm, they fought and contested greatly with the nightmare one.
However, one day the Treatropolis Sun looming over the city collapsed entirely in an unprecidented, unrecorded cause. The city collapsed and for centuries was nothing but ruins, the sun reduced to millions of crystal fragments.
The citizens of Treatropolis devolved over time, unable to absorb the power of dreams from the sun. They turned from Treatlings, into Treats, losing the ability to think, speak, and even their memories of their past, becoming
nothing but unusual wanderers.

However, all was not lost. With an unusal twist of recent events, Treatropolis was restored. Unfortunately, most Treats have long lost the ability to turn back into treatlings, and require direct contact with the Treatropolis Sun
to make them revert back permanently into their original forms. Without the contact (in the form of a "Treatropolis Contract" item), Treats will just remain as Treats: wanderers able to explore and interact with any realm with no
direct purpose.
Currently evolved Treatlings live in a fractured state - there are those loyal to the Treatling Queen, and she in turn, blesses them with the best castles (Treatling homes) closest to their grand city of Treatropolis.
For the deserters, wanderers, and those who are unsure where their loyalty lies, their homes are on the outskirts of the dream realm, and their castle homes are consistently in trouble.
When your Treat evolves to a Treatling, they regain all the memories of the past that they lost. They remember that they used to live in a massive city made entirely of candy called Treatropolis, fueled by the crystal sun. They remember the professions they once kept, the roles they had, the assignments they served, and a grand, bustling civilization full of culture and families. While the city has been restored again, but the issue is, many Treatlings may no longer feel loyal to serving the new Treatropolis monarchy (npcs). If they choose to stay in the city, they will be assigned roles, and tasks that they can prove themselves to be useful to, in preperation for a war against the Nightmare realm, and the Stygians that destroyed their city in the past.
It is up to your Treatling whether they wish to stay in Treatropolis (their true home, where they used to belong and serve), or if they wish to remain closer to their Stygian buddies. They can even act as agents either way (either loyal to the queen or loyal to themselves, etc), and even vagrants can escape the wrathful Queen's eyes and visit their own home city time to time.