This is just a passive sparkle/sheen to your Treatling's body.
Sparkles must be star-like in shape, each sparkle cannot exceed the size of the Treatling's eye.
Sparkles must be spread out across the body.
Can only be added to body or existing limbs (does not need to be applied to accessories, weapons, halo, or elemental aura).
Cannot have an elemental aura/effect (ie sparkles replace having for instance, a "star elemental aura"). Should remain close to/on the body (no sparkle effects flying away - use elemental aura instead).
Give your Treatling crystallized growths wrapped around or growing from them. It should cover less than 25% of the Treatling and must be attached to them. They cannot take the form of other traits.
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treating or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Contracts, so on so forth.
Gives your Treatling crystalline growths growing on TOP on their body or limbs.
It can be any type of mineral or crystal growth of solid texture.
Can be any colour and pattern, can be an actual mineral or a "fantasy" type of crystal.
Must be the same type of crystal/mineral for all growths.
Can only be added to the body and any additional limbs (ie wings tails, extra limbs) and must be attached to them.
src="">Can glow when combined with Treatling Glowing Markings.
Cannot replace antlers/horns/hooves/existing limb (but can grow over them). These traits should still be visible underneath the crystal.
Cannot mimic other traits, including (but not limited to) horns, antlers, foliage, accessories, and spines.
It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair).
If used with elemental, either combines or replaces this hairstyle.
Should be applied for hair that goes below the Treatling's waist.
Cannot exceed more than 200% of your Treatling's body length.
For use by Knight or Berserker Subspecies only!
Replaces an existing weapon that your Treatling has with an enchanted one.
MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion. Can only be used on Knights, Rangers, Snipers, Dragoons, or Berserkers.
USABLE BY SUBSPECIES LISTED BELOW ONLY Turns/replaces your Treatling's current weapon into an animated one. MAX ONE. (ie pick ONE weapon)
For Knights: Must be a shield or sword. This replaces the the previous weapon they had.
For Berserkers: Must be an axe or glaive. If your Berserker had two weapons, choose one to animate.
For Snipers: Must be a rifle.
For Rangers: Can affect the bow only (not the arrows).
For Dragoons: Affects their existing polearm weapon.
Without using any modifying potions, must be the same consistency and texture as the weapon it is based off of.
The weapon has a "voice" of its own, and is considered living, similar to the small animal companion.
The weapon can also have a smaller form, and alternate between the two. The smaller form should take that of a small accessory.
All animate weapons can have an aura, glowing markings, runes, sparkles around them (optional)
They can be combined with elemental to give your weapon an elemental feel.
Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Treatling's body size individually
Cannot be based off a copyright weapon (ie: the Master Sword)
Cannot be stacked with itself or with the Knight Treatling's original weapon/shield.
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This potion can only be applied to Knights or Trickster subspecies.
KNIGHT OR TRICKSTER SUBSPECIES ONLY: Gives your Treatling body rings or removes if they already have them.
Must be circular + ring-like in shape though it can be adorned minor shape silhouette changes.
Must go around either legs or body or neck (can be multiple up to 5). Can go around tail, as long as there is at least on ring around the body, neck, or legs.
Can combine with elemental potion to give the ring an elemental effect otherwise it is a very small aura in appearance.
Cannot exceed half the width of the Treatling's body (not including tail/hair/etc).
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Contracts, so on so forth.
Starry/Galaxy eyes can have a starry/galaxy appearance to them of any colouration and have have a very light gradient. They must also have stars or specks (and can have very tiny specks of stars along the edges of the eyes in a 3D effect). They MUST look starry/galaxy-like in appearance (and not have any other discernible shapes in them).
Starry/Galaxy can have a pupil and iris that is also star shaped. This is OPTIONAL. If picking the star-shaped pupil/iris, you must also include other star specks alongside it (along the sclera)
If picking blank eyes instead of galaxy/starry, they must be a single void colour (ie red, black, white etc) with NO visible iris, pupil, or sclera.
All eye colours when affected by this trait must be the SAME colour. For starry/galaxy can have more/less stars in each eye, but they should stay the same colour.
Can be paired with glowing eyes.
Can be paired with multiple eyes as long as ALL eyes are the same colour (star textures can be differing for each eye). If you pick starry/galaxy eyes ALL eyes adhere to this, if you pick blank eyes ALL eyes adhere to this.
Can be paired with floating eyes as long as ALL eyes are the same colour (star textures can be differing for each eye) as the eyes on the body of the stygian. If you pick starry/galaxy eyes ALL eyes adhere to this, if you pick blank eyes ALL eyes adhere to this. With floating eyes, all eyes will be the same size as the Treatling's eye, since elemental aura cannot be applied.
Cannot be combined with elemental aura or elemental insides.
Eyes cannot have ANY discernible shape in them. For starry/galaxy you're allowed multiple star shapes/specks, but they must be scattered along the eyes. Cannot have any other shapes such as hearts,
squares, swirls, boxes, etc in them. For void eyes no additional shapes are allowed - it must be a single blank colour.
Allows your Treatling to have limbs that are detached from the body.
MAX SIZING: % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or Treatling MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Contract upgrades, etc.
Think floating limbs - these can be arms, wings, legs, or tail.
Can be used on multiple wings
Can be cleanly severed, or broken off - but not multiple pieces of fragmentation. Should be a clean break with no extra floating bits.
Insides can be a single, solid color, or can reflect a Treatling's "candy insides". If using candy insides, candy can slightly leak, but cannot drip so much that the candy is separated, nor can it pool under/around the Treatling. (Note this is ONE candy, not a variety of candies, ie being filled with only a poprock texture, or only a peppermint texture). Regardless of choice, the limb 'insides' cannot glow or sparkle.
Can be detached only once per limb/wing.
The detachment should happen somewhere along the limb, not directly from the body. For example, an arm should always have a shoulder attached to the body, and the detachment could happen at the elbow. You can't have just a floating hand, most of the limb should be present!
The head must remain attached, if you wish to detach the head, use "object head' potion!
Gives your Treatling an elemental aura/influence. This is a MAGICAL AURA that influences your Treatling, and not a solid object.
MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
You must pick any fantasy-style element or naturally occurring element that cannot be a proper noun, or highly specific. While this is a case by case scenario, basically it is best pick elements like "fire" "flames" "sunlight" "sun", which are commonly understood terms, instead of "Divine Light Judgement Beam Fire Aura Mark III"
Can be part of, or replace any EXISTING trait of a Treatling
Must follow the texture/intention of its element. If you pick a fire element, please don't draw only ice effects!
Elemental aura is an aura that changes and shifts with your Treatling! You can have it manifest differently in the ARPG art (ie smaller flames or bigger flames.)
Should clearly be an element of some kind. For some types of elements, semi-transparency or glow may be needed to acheive this.
Can be stacked! You can have more than one element in a Treatling. Multiple elements can also interact with each other
Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Treatling's body size individually
Can only replace traits. Cannot replace the Treatlings's body, legs, or tail (though it can wrap around it).
Cannot resemble an existing trait that doesn't already exist on the Treatling.
Elemental Aura cannot be used to create wholly new traits (or elemental things that look like traits/parts of a stygian). Nor can it be used to imitate traits that cannot be infused with elemental aura (creating an elemental version of that trait).
Do not pick actual solid objects as elements, as it is more an aura than an actual floating object. This goes the same with body parts, etc, though you are free to combine them with an actual element to get what you are looking for. For example, you can't have "hands" as an element, but you can have "shadow hands".
Grants your Treatling the ability to have insides made of an element (such as fire, space, water, gold, etc).
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
The Treatlings's candy insides (a single, solid color) is replaced with an element such as fire, smoke, space, gold, water, etc.
They can "drip" this element slightly from "scars" or it can be exposed in another way, such as with Treatling Hollow Crater.
For Treatlings with skeletal replacement, they can also leak the element from the skeletal replacement part.
Can manifest through small cuts or scars. These should be small - they are similar to open wounds on the Treatling. The element can drip slightly, see the reference example for a rough sizing guide.
Can also manifest through eyes/mouth (glowing, or of that element).
Can be based off any organic or inorganic object, preferably ones that are commonly associated with magic artifacts
Must be solid in texture/ identical to that of the object (ie a book has pages)
Must be floating or hovering above or around Treatling
Must have an aura around or behind them. Can come with runes as well.
Because it is magical, it can be magically controlled, but otherwise hovers
Can also be dismissed for the ARPG (ie art with no enchanted accessory)
Can be stacked with itself.
Cannot be combined with any other trait
Cannot look like a familiar/ animal familiar (have eyes, etc). Cannot be a plushie or doll or similiar things. Basically it cannot be something that could be mistaken for a familiar/companion.
Cannot exceed more than 75% of your Treatling's body length
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Allows cracks to show up on the Treatling's skin/wings/tails reminiscent of fractures, showing a candy-like colour/sustance underneath
Hard candy can be any candy-like texture (except for powder), and can slightly drip (very minor drips, dripping should not be larger than the fractures)
Cannot be large gaps or have shapes/patterns in the fractures. Should be generally small, random cracks.
Max 3-4 fractures on body, cannot exceed more than 20% of Treatling body combined (including any drips).
KNIGHT OR TRICKSTER SUBSPECIES ONLY: Gives your Treatling a halo or removes it.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
KNIGHT OR TRICKSTER SUBSPECIES ONLY: Gives your Treatling a halo or removes it.
This gives your Treatling a traditional "flat" halo. It can be solid, or a simple, non-elemental aura.
It must retain the circular "halo" look and must be mostly flat/ on a singular plane.
Must be above the Treatling's head or behind it, cannot appear on or around the body or other traits
The circle shape can be modified slightly, meaning you can add additional spikes, etc etc to the circle shape, as long as it doesn't entirely not look like a circle halo anymore.
Can be solid or hollow, can have any markings or colours of your choice
Can be combined with Elemental (for larger aura/influence), Mutliple Eyes, Foliage, Semi-Transparent, Crystalline Growth
Cannot be stacked with itself
Cannot be of an unusual texture or strong aura without the Elemental Potion
Cannot be another shape other than circular in design and cannot be a 3D object itself (ie you can't have a halo that looks like a sphere, or a square).
Cannot exceed more than 50% of the Treatling's body height
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Can be of any basic shape as long as it is a hole through the chest or stomach to the back. It will always go all the way through the torso.
This hole is see-through, but can be also filled with candy insides to prevent it from being entirely so.
If filled with candy insides, candy can slightly leak (note this is ONE candy, not a variety of candies, ie being filled with only a poprock texture, or only a peppermint texture).
Can have "crackled" lines or effects edging out from the hole, but those effects cannot be separate from the crater.
Cannot be multiple craters/holes.
Hole diameter cannot exceed 25% of the Treatling's body
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Contract Witch/Wizard SUBSPECIES ONLY: Turns/replaces your existing animal familiar with a larger one
Gives your Treatling a full sized animal companion. This only affects the default companion that Contract Witch/Warlock treatlings come with.
Can be a fantasy or real animal or creature
Should look more like a sentient creature rather than an object (objects would go under "magic accessory")
Can be of any colour or texture and markings but have no aura of their own
The animal companion is considered "sentient", like a friend that has attached itself to your Treatling (though they are an extension of the Treatling itself). Because of this, they are optional in all ARPG art.
While Stygian can be seen leaning on, being propped up by, or resting on an animal companion, as they are familiars. They are, however, not mounts. Treatlings should not be riding them. Familiars are an extension of the Treatling themselves, after all.
Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
Cannot be combined with itself and replaces all other small animal buddy/familiars.
Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Treatling's body size individually
Cannot block or obscure a Treatling or its traits in masterlist art.
Cannot look like an existing adoptables species/ Daydream or another Stygian/ Stygian design. Can use another premade non-closed species design with approval.
CONTRACT WITCH/WIZARD and WISHING TREATLING ONLY: Gives your Treatling multiple similar OR different familiars. Can only be used on certain Treatling subspecies that come with familiars (such as contract type witch)
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Contract Witch/Wizard and Wishing SUBSPECIES ONLY: Turns/replaces your existing animal familiar with multiple small familiars
Familiars can be based on real or fantasy creatures, and can be the same or different types of creatures.
Each familiar can be of varied sizes, up to 25% of the Treatling's body size.
Minimum 2 and maximum 6 familiars.
In the case of Wishing Subspecies, all familiars will be stars.
Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
Each familiar cannot exceed 25% of the Treatling's body size.
Cannot block or obscure a Treatling or its traits in masterlist art.
Cannot look like an existing adoptables species/Treat/Daydream, or a Stygian/ Stygian design.
Replaces your Treatling's limb or tail with a skeleton.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Can replace limbs or tail with a skeletal limb or tail (see restrictions for tails below).
Should be the same skeletal anatomical structure of whatever it is replacing
Can only be a skeletal texture - but can have elemental for example, wrapped around it.
Can be any colouration, but keep either a simple or fractured bone pattern.
Can replace the thin, standard part of most treat tails. However, species defining traits and species unique tails cannot be replaced/removed or affected by skeletal replacement. This includes things like Pirate tentacle and finned tails, Assassin fluffy tails, Streamer microphones, and all tail tufts for all species (as they are a defining trait!).
Cannot be combined with any trait, but traits can work/grow around it (ie foliage that grows around the bones)
Cannot replace more than 25% of the Treatling body, not including additional traits.
Cannot replace head or body or wings.
Cannot stack with itself
Cannot add extra skeletal limbs, it simply modifies existing ones (changes them to skeletal limbs)
Should look more like a sentient creature rather than an object (objects would go under "magic accessory")
Can be of any colour or texture and markings but have no aura of their own
The animal companion is considered "sentient", almost like a friend that has attached itself to your Treatling (though they are an extension of the Treatling itself). Because of this, they are optional in all ARPG art.
Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
Cannot be stacked. Replaces an existing animal familiar
Cannot exceed more than 25% of your Treatling's height
Cannot block or obscure a Treatling or its traits in masterlist art.
Cannot be stacked with itself or with any other Treatling animal familiars.
Cannot look like an existing adoptables species/Treat/Daydream, or another Stygian/ Stygian design/copyright material.
This is a Reserved trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific [ ++ ] Trait potion.
Increases the size of any of these following traits: Treatling Small Animal Companion, Treatling Large Animal Companion, Treatling Animate Weapons Mastery, Treatling Foliage Takeover, Treatling Halo, Treatling Whiskers, Treatling Pom-Pom, Treatling Body Rings, Treatling Hollow Crater, Treatling Enchanted Accessory, Treatling Antennae. Will also the increase the size of a Knight's sword or sheild, a Ranger's bow (not arrows), a Sniper's rifle, a Dragoon's polearm, or a Berserker's glaive/axe (if your Berserker has two weapons, only one can be increased in size).
Increases the size of the traits listed above, with no upper limit on sizing. However, oversized traits cannot hide or obstruct the Treatling as well as any species defining or other traits.
It does not affect any traits other than those listed above.
For very large oversized traits, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Treatling for cert only to fit the cert!
Can be obtained through Patreon as well as special auctions/promotions.
Allows your Treatling to turn into another coloured version of themselves
MAX SIZING: % body size
This means, in the ARPG they can easily and fluidly (or are consistently phasing) between two colour modes, a "dream" one and a "nightmare" one.
ONLY the colour changes, not the traits themselves (though the trait colours can change too).
ONLY COMMON traits can be slightly modified: ie red roses for light body foliage to black lillies
Traits cannot be removed, or modified outside of colour. That means if they had blue fire element, you can colour change it to green or pink fire element, but it can't become pink ice element.
You cannot change any markings on the Treatling. However, you can change the colours of the markings (as well as all base colours etc).
The Treatling's skin-tone cannot change at all. Only the clothing, hair, and trait colour can change.
Allows your Treatling's entire appearance take on a fragmented look, like a mirror that was just broken.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Fragments can be of any crystalline shape, but detached pieces should not be "missing" from the Treatling (though they can be floating, above, around, behind, or below it).
Affects all traits
Cannot have any missing parts of the fragments (ie incomplete body)
Cannot be used to have a limb detached from the body.
Is not "glitchy", the fragments have a broken mirror-like effect.
Fragmentation effect cannot exceed more than 50% of the Treatling.
Gives the Treatling ghostly invisibility and a head wisp.
MAX SIZING: % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Treatling or MYO without owning this specific potion.
Must be a wispy ghost-like flame/element on top of the Treatling's head/forehead.
Can be multiple wisps on top of head and extending down the spine and tail (max 10 wisps total). Must always have one main wisp over the head/forehead.
Wisps can be of any wispy shape (as long as it looks fluid)
Wisps should be semi-transparent and of one colour.
While the Treatling cannot be completely invisible (save wisp) in its masterlist art, it can however, in the ARPG be all forms of visibility (save wisp). The wisp will always be visible.
Wings MUST be from back/spine to top of the tail (for head wings, please purchase head wings potion).
Wings MUST be the same type of wing as its Treatling form originally was (ie if it was fairy wings, multiple fairy wings, if feather multiple feather).
Follow the same rules as backwings in terms of trait addons (ie: can be stacked with element or multi-eyes to get an element or multi-eyed effect, etc).
Each wing MUST be the same size of wing as its Treatling form originally had (ie if 50% of body, can only have each wing be that).
Maximum 3 pairs of wings.
Cannot be sticking out of anywhere but from spine/back area.
Cannot be applied to Treatling types that do not have back wings (ie: Ranger or Islander).
Removes your Treatling's existing head and replaces it with a floating one.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
The head must be a "replacement" head that shows the original head is missing (ie absence of original head or a floating head). These "replacement" heads should be inorganic and non animal/ mythical object heads such as: organic items (plants which still need foliage potion), artficial items (TVs, masks, etc etc), floating element (with elemental potion), or completely missing head.
Heads CANNOT be any type of ORGANIC CREATURES, to not accidentally get mixed up with avatar forms or other species. This includes animals, human, and mythical creature shaped heads, as well as object heads that are "inorganic" but look exactly like an organic creature head.
You are allowed to do animal STYLIZED object heads as long as they don't literally look like an animal head, such as a floating plush head, mecha head, animal mask head, so on so forth. These inspired heads should not have actual functioning eyes or mouth (so like fake eyes and fake mouth)
The head MUST be clearly separate from the Treatling's body.
The head can be floating, or held, anywhere on canvas, or just be entirely missing (in this case, it would have no "head" at all @ missing).
Cannot be multiple heads.
The head cannot exceed 50% of the body of your Treatling in any one direction.
The clear-cut separation line CANNOT be hidden in any way. It cannot be covered with a collar/accessory or with fur/hair. Nor can the head 'rest' or 'sit' on the neck.
They cannot have any decorations or additional twists/unusual shapes added to the head without the purchase of other modifying potions (ie if you want plants on the head you need a foliage potion). For halo you need to add halo potion. If you want mist coming from the missing head part, add elemental aura).
Object heads cannot make a Treatling's head look exactly like another animal, human, Stygian, or adoptables species. Object heads cannot make a Treatling's head look identical to their Stygian or Treat forms. This is to prevent complete confusion between what is a Treatling species and what is their canonical other forms.
PICK ONE OF THESE TRAITS TO SUPERSIZE: Treat wings, Treatling Longer Tail, Treatling Multiple Tails, Treatling Multiple Wings, Treatling Elemental Aura (MAX 1 this way), Treatling Long Hair. One potion = one trait to pick.
Allows these traits to exceed standard sizing. There is no upper limit on sizing.
The Treatling still MUST BE SHOWING AND FULLY VISIBLE. Traits should not cover up any of the Treatling's primary traits/details including species defining traits.
Tails can increase in length but not width.
MULTIPLE WINGS/TAIL: Same as regular supersized, but multiple.
ELEMENTAL AURA: Only affects one element if you choose to supersize it. If free flowing (not attached to any existing traits), it must flow as one continuous trait (ie if you pick rainbow it must be one long continuous rainbow effect, not a multitude of rainbow throughout your Treatling).
If your treatling has multiple elementals, only one can be supersized.
If stacked with hair or wings ie elemental hair, elemental wings, you only need one supersize potion, just for the element, and again must flow as one continuous trait.
Cannot look like any other existing trait.
Cannot be used to supersize any other elemental influences on traits not listed above (ie you CANNOT do elemental + supersized object head, elemental + supersized halo, or elemental + supersized animal companion, etc.))
For subspecies with default tails/wings, it can affect their default tail/wing (pick one).
One potion PER trait to supersize. For example, if you buy a supersize potion, you can supersize the wings OR the tail, not both (if you want both, you need another supersize potion)
Does not include Treatling ear wings or ankle wings.
Again, only one potion PER trait on your Treatling from the allow traits above.
Supersized traits cannot be stacked with themselves ie: you can have supersize + elemental with supersize + wings, but not supersize + elemental with supersize + another elemental
For very large supersized images, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Treatling for cert only to fit the cert!
The BODY LENGTH of a regular stygian is measured from their chest (without fluff) to where their butt is.
Tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a regular stygian is measured from their chest (without fluff) to where their butt is.
Long bodied Stygian have much longer bodies than regular ones. When measuring the length of a long bodyied stygian body, take the body length of the REGULAR Stygian above and multiple it by 1.5 to 2x the length
Tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a bipedal Stygian subspecies (ie Grendel, Page, Sylph) is measured from the top of their head to their toes.
Bipedal Stygian do not include Stygian that "stand" or "pose" on their hind legs (ie regular stygian posing that way) and must be considered a bipedal subspecies that stands on their hind legs in the subspecies infograph (see subspecies info).
Hair, head additions, tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
For object head, it would be the approximate length of where the Stygian's regular non object head would be.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a Treatling subspecies (ALL) is measured from the top of their head to their toes.
Hair, head additions, tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
For object head, it would be the approximate length of where the Treatling's regular non object head would be.