This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


Is restricted:
Artificial Okay:

Adds deer/elk/moose antlers.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
Traits Stackable: Antler/Horn Addons Single Horn Paired Horns
Traits Cannot be Used With: Antlers
  • They must be shaped like an existing creature's antlers of any from this list: deer, elk, moose
  • They can be of any colour and pattern but cannot have an unusual texture unless paired with a texture-modifying potion
  • They cannot exceed the 50% of the body length of your Stygian
  • They cannot have any decorations or additional twists/unusual shapes added to them without the purchase of other antler-modifying potions

Adds Blood Spatter to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
  • It can mimic any sort of blood colour, these are not markings but actually blood splatter layered on "top" of your Stygian, like an effect drawn with ink.
  • Can be added to other traits (ie blood splatter on tail)
  • When drawing them, you can leave them on or off your Stygian
  • Splatters combined cannot exceed the 50% of the body of your Stygian

Gives your Stygian extra fluffy cheeks! Fluff can be max 25% of head height.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Grants the Stygian extra cheek fluff.
  • Fluff length can be max 25% of head height. (This is fluff length, from root to ends of the fluffy cheek hair.) The reference image above would be max sizing in this case.
  • Can be only on the cheek, but can extend to chin. (So from cheek to where chin ENDS). See reference image above for placement.
  • Must be of a fur texture.
  • Cannot extend beyond eye level in height on the cheek. See reference image for max height.
  • Cannot be feathers, fins, or scales. Cannot be made to be fully elemental.

Gives your Stygian the common Shadowweaving trait, allowing them to manipulate shadows into a specific form.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Stackable: Labyrinth Shadowweaving
Traits Cannot be Used With: Uncommon Shadowweaving Rare Shadowweaving
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
  • Gives your Stygian 'control' over shadows, allowing them to create limbs or accessories out of shadow.
  • Common Shadow Weaving can be a single limb, a single tail, or a small accessory.
  • Shadow weaving should always be a single colour, though it can be a gradient of that colour. For example, light red to dark red, or blue to dark blue, but not blue to black or red to orange. You can do white to gray, or gray to black, but not white to black.
  • Shadow weaving will always have a single eye - this eye will be white with a pupil that is the same colour as the Stygian's eye. Around and connected to the eye will be white branching marks. See reference.
  • Shadow Limb can replace one limb (leg only). The shadow replaces the limb, so you would remove all or part of the limb where the shadow is. The shadow cannot replace the middle of the leg, it would start at the hoof and work up.
  • Shadow Tail can replace one tail or part of a tail (up to 25% of the Stygian's body size). Shadow weaving level 2 allows for up to two tail at 50% of body size. Shadow Tail can only replace a tail the Stygian already has, it does not make a new tail.
  • Shadow Accessory allows for a single small accessory, less than 25% of the Stygian's size. This accessory should be attached to the Stygian, but it can move on it's own, too. Shadow Weaving level 2 would allow for a single accessory up to 50% of body size.
  • The shadow cannot replace more than one limb (without stage 2 weaving. Stage 2 would allow for a max of 2 limbs.)
  • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.

A general common trait potion that can add a non-restricted common trait to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Can be used to add a single, non-restricted common trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.

Adds fetlocks to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Used With: Fin Fetlocks
  • Can be any type of fetlock (curly, straight, crimped) in any style (tied, braided, regular)
  • Must be 50% or less of the Stygian's leg length (not body length!)
  • Can be any colour and pattern
  • Cannot be anything other than hair or feathery texture

Gives your Stygian glowing eyes.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Cosmic Eyes Multiple Eyes Floating Eyes Third Eye Exposed
  • Can leave a "streak" of light emitting from the eye
  • Makes eyes glow in the dark
  • Must be same colour glow as eyes
  • The glow cannot fully obscure the eye. Sclera, iris, and pupil should all be visible under the glow.

Gives your Stygian some small/light accessories.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Antlers Paired Horns Fantasy Horns/Antlers
Traits Cannot be Used With: Semi-Transparency Medium Accessories Heavy Accessories
  • Allows your Stygian to wear light accessories
  • Must combined, be 25% or less of the Stygian's body
  • Can be added to other traits (ie wings, tails, etc)
  • Can be any colour and solid texture and any type of accessory wearable on a creature or human
  • Cannot be enchanted/magical (see: magical accessories potion)
  • Cannot be placed on horns or antlers. (see: Antler Addons)
  • Please do not include: foliage (use foliage traits), elemental textures (see elemental aura), floating accessories, weapons (see weapons mastery), animals or familiars (see animal companions)
  • Cannot obstruct the face, hooves, or general form of the Stygian (ie even with accessories you must still be able to recognize the Stygian subspecies)
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

Light foliage/flowers for the body/head/mane
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Traits Stackable: Light Accessories Glowing Markings Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Antlers Paired Horns Single Horn Fantasy Horns/Antlers
Traits Cannot be Used With: Foliage Takeover Parasitic Foliage
  • It must be based off an existing flora shape.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, texture should be of that respective flora
  • Can be different types of flora, not just one.
  • Can be added onto other traits (such as wings, tail, hair, etc)
  • Cannot be added to antlers or horns (needs antler addons potion specifically!)
  • Cannot combined, exceed 25% of the Stygian's body.
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

Gives your Stygian extra fluffy chest mane.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Outer Body
  • It can be either fur or feather texture.
  • Can be combined with other traits that affect the body
  • Cannot exceed the chest area of Stygian (hugging chin/front legs are okay)
  • Cannot be "long" fur, the fluff should be short lengthed, just given extra volume up to 2x the normal chest size of the Stygian.

Short - medium any type hairstyle (up to belly in length)
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Light Accessories Light Body Foliage Elemental Aura
Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Hair
  • It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
  • Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair, but not add a shark tail to the hair).
  • Hair length untied cannot exceed the bottom of the chestline of the Stygian.

Short - medium animal tail. (Bird, horse, feline, canid in type.)
MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement Semi-Transparency
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Tail Fantasy Tail
  • They must be a tail type of one of the following from this list: deer, any feline, any canine/canid (ie wolves/foxes), any horse tail, any bird tail (feathers must be clustered at base to be singular)
  • Tails have no marking or colour restrictions
  • Tails can be different types of tails (for any fantasy ones, you need to use a fantasy tail potion instead)
    • Tail modifying potions: accessories, elemental, foliage, blood/glowing markings, transparent, crystalline growth, skeletal replacement
    • Potions that will upgrade the tail to that upgraded version: Multiple tails (becomes multiple of the original tail type, so if you had a fox tail, it becomes multiple fox tails), Fantasy tail (replaces existing tail with the fantasy version).
  • They cannot exceed 100% of the body length of your Stygian
  • They cannot have any textures or additional unusual shapes added to them without the purchase of other tail-modifying potions

Foliage or accessories for antlers and horns (of all types).
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Antlers Paired Horns Fantasy Horns/Antlers Single Horn
  • Foliage must be based off an existing flora shape.
  • Foliage can be any colour and pattern, texture should be of that respective flora.
  • Foliage can be different types of flora, not just one.
  • Accessories can be can be any sort of non-magic accessory worn on the antlers/horns: cloth, jewelry, decorations, etc.
  • Cannot be added to anything but the antlers and horns.
  • Cannot be growing from the antlers but can grow around the antlers.
  • Cannot when combined exceed 100% the size of the antlers/horns.

Adds antennae to your Stygian
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • It must be based off an existing insect shape.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, texture should be of that insect type.
  • Must be two of the same attenae.
  • Cannot be added to anything but the forehead/ top of head.
  • Cannot exceed when combined, the size of the Stygian's head (or twice the length of the head if long, but not wide attenae).

Add a single row of back spines or fins along the spine of a Stygian.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Spines
  • Can be either or, or both.
  • Can only be one ridge along the back spine, not two (ie it can only run along the back spine once in a straight line, and not two parallel lines of spines).
  • Can be either: pointed horn-like spines, fish spines, fish fins, dinosaur, or lizard fins/spines
  • Fins can be semi-transparent, or tattered
  • Spines must be solid unless affected by another trait
  • Can extend down to tail from base of neck.
  • Cannot be a different texture than it's original reference (ie: fish spines have fish spine texture)
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Stygian's body size when combined.
  • Cannot be taller than 50% of the Stygian's heights (from bottom of foot to back).
Betta Tail Uncommon

Betta only fish/fin tail!
MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
This trait is not avaible as a separate potion or trait. It is ONLY a default trait on betta subspecies.
  • Can only be applied to Betta Stygian.
  • Can be any type of fish tail or flowy fin tail. Can be short or long.
  • Fin can be semi-transparent, and does not require a semi-transparent trait to be so. (Semi-transparency cannot be inherited by Guardians in this case, however.)
  • Fins can be tattered
  • Cannot be changed to other types of tails. Fantasy tails must still be fish-like.
  • Cannot exceed more than 200% of the Stygian's body length.
  • This potion cannot be bought, and this trait cannot be inherited. It is default to Betta Subspecies.

Scales for the body/tail/head.
MAX SIZING: 75 % body size
Traits Stackable: Glowing Markings
  • Can be fish, lizard, dinosaur or dragon scales. In all cases, scales should be small and more fish-like!
  • Can only be along body, legs, wings, and the upper side of the tail.
  • Can be any colour
  • Cannot be heavily extruding from body (ie spines instead of scales/ popped out scales) and should be "smooth". Cannot be overly thick, or raised above fur.
  • Cannot be large plates, or armour-like. Should always be small, thin scales.
  • Cannot be along spine, belly, on the nose or face, or the front of neck. Cannot replace chest fur.
  • Cannot exceed more than 75% of your Stygian's body size when combined.

Gives your Stygian body sparkles.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Halo Elemental Aura
  • This is just a passive sparkle/sheen to your Stygian's body.
  • Sparkles must be star-like in shape, each sparkle cannot exceed the size of the Stygian's eye.
  • Sparkles must be spread out across the body (like glitter on the body). Should only be on the body, not floating away from it.
  • Can only be added to body, hair, or existing limbs (does not need to be applied to accessories, weapons, halo, or elemental aura).
  • Cannot have an Elemental Aura effect (ie sparkles cannot replace having for instance, a "star elemental aura").
  • Body Sparkles cannot float off of the body - use Elemental Aura instead.
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

Gives your Stygian sclera of any colour.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Third Eye Exposed
  • This is for Stygian that don't in their subspecies info list coloured sclera.
  • Sclera can be of any colour, but must be different from the irises of the Stygian.
  • Eyes, pupils, and sclera of Stygian should always be visible when using this trait.
  • Can be added to third eyes.
  • Multiple Eyes, Floating Eyes, and Cosmic Eyes can already be of any sclera colour, and do not need this potion applied.

Give your Stygian crystallized growths wrapped around, or growing from them. It should cover less than 50% of the Stygian and must be attached to them. They cannot take the form of other traits.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an uncommon trait from a parent that already owns this trait.

  • Gives your Stygian crystalline growths growing on TOP on their body or limbs.
  • It can be any type of mineral or crystal growth of solid texture.
  • Can be any colour and pattern, can be an actual mineral or a "fantasy" type of crystal.
  • Must be the same type of crystal/mineral.
  • Can only be added to the body and any additional limbs (ie wings tails, extra limbs) and must be attached to them.
  • Cannot replace antlers/horns/hooves/existing limb (but can grow over them). These traits should still be visible underneath the crystal.
  • Cannot mimic other traits, including (but not limited to) horns, antlers, foliage, accessories, and spines.
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of the body.
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

Adds functional ear wings (max the same size as elbow wings) to your Stygian.
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • Must be specifically around the ears.
  • Can be any colour and pattern.
  • MAX 1 pair of ear wings.
  • Can be any type of naturally occuring "wing" shape see: bird wing, insect, bat.
  • Cannot replace ears.
  • Cannot exceed more than 100% Stygian head height (of average Stygian head, discounting object head).

Elbow wing modification (feathered wings to bat wings, etc.)
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elbow Wings Plus
  • Must be specifically the Stygian elbow wings.
  • Can be any colour and pattern.
  • Can be any type of naturally occuring "wing" shape see: bird wing, insect, bat.
  • Cannot be "nothing".
  • Cannot exceed more than the size of the original elbow wing size (25% of the Stygian's front leg length).

Allows your Stygian's elbow wings to be 50-75% of the Stygian's front leg instead of 25%
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Elbow Wings Modification
  • Must be specifically the Stygian elbow wings.
  • Can be stacked on top of modifying the elbow wing type.
  • Cannot exceed more than 75% of the Stygian's leg length.
  • Cannot be multiple elbow wings stacked on each other.

Gives your Stygian's fetlocks small, unobtrusive fins instead of the usual fur.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Cannot be Used With: Fetlocks
  • It can be any type of webbed fin, but must replace any existing fetlocks
  • Each fin cannot exceed more than 25% of your Stygian's leg length (they should look smaller and unobtrusive).

Give your Stygian a full fluffy mane to go with their hair with this fancy potion!
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an uncommon trait from a parent that already owns this trait.

  • Gives your Stygian a full lion-like mane.
  • Can be either fur or feather texture
  • Should look similar to a lion's mane, though it can be fluffier
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Stygian's body size.

Gives your Stygian glowing markings.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
  • Gives your Stygian glowing markings on any body or limb.
  • Will allow your Stygian to glow in the dark/ have an extra glow
  • Glow can also be "turned off" at will.
  • Markings can extend to any extra features
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Stygian's body size when combined.

Gives your Stygian a feathered head crest.
MAX SIZING: % body size
    Gives your Stygian a feathered head crest.
  • Can be one big feather or a series of feathers
  • Can be different types of feathers
  • Cannot exceed combined, more than 100% of your Stygian's head, or if just a single long feather, 200% of the Stygian's head length.

Gives your Stygian small spines on their legs.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Front Paws Multiple Limbs
Traits Cannot be Used With: Shapeshifter
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an uncommon trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
  • Grants your Stygian a maximum of 4 small spines per leg.
  • Each spine can be no more than 1/4th (25%) of the leg length. These are small spines!
  • Can only be applied to the legs. Cannot be applied to the hooves/feet and cannot be applied where an elbow wing would be attached.
  • Should have an organic texture found on animals. (Similar to most spines or claws found in nature.)
  • Can be applied to all 4 legs of a quadrupedal Stygian. Bipedal Stygian can only have them applied to their back/hind legs.
      - For regular owl and bat Stygian leg spines can be added to their front limbs layering over their feathers/wings. Spines cannot replace or otherwise affect their feathers/wings.
  • Can be applied to multiple limbs on quadrupedal Stygian.
  • Can be coated with an elemental aura to achieve an elemental texture (such as a metal coating). Cannot be infused (replaced) by an elemental aura, however.
  • Cannot be made larger than 1/4th of the leg length. Cannot be Supersized or affected by [ ++ ]. Cannot be applied to limbs affected by Shapeshifter.
  • Cannot be used to replace leg fluff, fetlocks, or elbow wings.
  • Cannot be applied to the front legs (arms) of bipedal Stygian (including primordial owl and bat).
  • Cannot be applied to primordial bookwyrm (no legs) or to mimic Stygian (as no trait can affect their shadow body).
Long Ear Tufts Uncommon

Gives your Stygian longer side ear tufts.
MAX SIZING: % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if a Guardian Stygian inherits an uncommon trait from a parent that already owns this trait.

  • Gives your Stygian longer side ear tufts.
  • Will always be two layers.
  • Should be longer than normal ear tufts (so at least lower than the jaw-line). Max length is just brushing the floor (cannot drag the floor).
  • Should always be long and straight, but can be braided or pinned up.
  • Cannot be a single layer.
  • Cannot be connected to inner ear fluff (see Long Inner Ear instead).

Long hair that falls past the belly.
MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura
  • It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
  • Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair, but not add a shark tail to the hair).
  • If used with elemental, either combines or replaces this hairstyle.
  • Cannot exceed more than 200% of your Stygian's body length.

Single long tail. Can be based on birds or certain mammals.
MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement Supersize
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
  • They must be a tail type of one of the following from this list: deer, any feline, any canine/canid (ie wolves/foxes), any horse tail, any bird tail (feathers must be clustered at base to be singular)
  • Tails have no marking or colour restrictions
    • Tail modifying potions: accessories, elemental, foliage, blood/glowing markings, transparent, crystalline growth, skeletal replacement
    • Potions that will upgrade the tail to that upgraded version: Multiple tails (becomes multiple of the original tail type, so if you had a fox tail, it becomes multiple fox tails), Fantasy tail (replaces existing tail with the fantasy version).
  • They cannot exceed 200% of the body length of your Stygian
  • They cannot have any textures or additional unusual shapes added to them without the purchase of other tail-modifying potions

Gives your Stygian more/larger accessories.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
Traits Cannot be Used With: Light Accessories Medium Accessories Heavy Accessories
  • Allows your Stygian to wear moderate accessories
  • Must combined, be 50% or less of the Stygian's body
  • Can be added to other traits (ie wings, tails, etc)
  • Can be any colour and solid texture and any type of accessory wearable on a creature or human
  • Cannot be placed on horns or antlers. (see: Antler Addons)
  • Cannot be enchanted/magical (see: magical accessories potion)
  • Please do not include: foliage (see body foliage), elemental textures (see element), floating accessories, weapons (see weapons mastery), animals or familiars (see animal familiars)
  • Cannot fully obstruct the face, hooves, or general form of the Stygian (ie even with accessories you must still be able to recognize the Stygian subspecies)
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

Gives your Stygian Neck Frills! These are gills that hang off of the Stygian's neck.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Multiple Eyes Skeletal Replacement Elemental Aura Extra Mouths
  • Gives your Stygian neck frills! These are gills that grow out of the Stygian's neck. (Think axolotl gills)
  • Max length can be 100% the height of the Stygian's head, and should be no wider than shown in the example above. When combined, the frills cannot be larger than the head itself.
  • Should always be a pair! Can be 2, 4, or 6 frills, one for each pair on either side of the neck. Can only be on the neck of the Stygian.
  • Can be any color.
  • Should frills/outside gills, should not be large feathers.
  • Cannot be affected by Skeletal Replacement, Elemental Aura, or have Multiple Eyes or Extra Mouths applied to them.

  • Gives your Stygian fish-like gills along their neck.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement Extra Mouths Multiple Eyes
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Neck Frills
  • Gives your Stygian fish or shark-like gills along their neck.)
  • Max length, when combined, can be 100% the length of the Stygian's head, and should be no wider than shown in the example above.
  • Should always be a pair! Can be 2, 4, or 6 gills, one for each pair on either side of the neck. Can only be on the neck of the Stygian.
  • Elemental Insides can show through and/or leak out of the gills. Cannot leak excessively, however.
  • Cannot be affected by Skeletal Replacement, Elemental Aura, or have Multiple Eyes or Extra Mouths applied to them.

  • Gives your Stygian a single pair of horns, based on real-world mammals.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Antlers Single Horn Antler/Horn Addons
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Paired Horns
  • Can be any horns from any mammal (ie: goat, kudu, cow, etc)
  • Must be a pair of horns extended from the top of the head
  • Must be the same texture as the animal's horns
  • Horns can be chipped/broken/one of them can be missing as long as its lopsided to show at one time there was a pair of horns.
  • Can be affected by semi-transparent or elemental, and wrapped with horn addon potion accessories
  • This cannot stack! You can't have more than one pair of horns. This can be added with antlers and single horn, however.
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Stygian's body size when combined.

  • Allows semi-transparency for the Stygian body and most traits.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Light Accessories Medium Accessories Heavy Accessories Weapons Mastery Animate Weapons Mastery Enchanted Accessory
    • Can affect any non-accessory trait on the Stygian. Cannot affect accessory or weapon traits.
    • Makes the edges of the Stygian slightly fade away
    • Cannot make Stygian or any part of them fully invisible
    • Semi-transparency cannot exceed more than 50% in opacity
    • Semi-transparency cannot affect more than 50% of the body
    Shark Tail Uncommon

    Shark only shark tail!
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
    This trait is not avaible as a separate potion or trait. It is ONLY a default trait on shark subspecies.
    • Can only be applied to Shark Stygian.
    • Should be long, and end in a shark-like fin.
    • Cannot be webbed fish fins.
    • Cannot have more than one extra fin along the back of the tail.
    • Cannot exceed more than 200% of the Stygian's body length.
    • Cannot be changed to other types of tails. Fantasy Tails should still resemble shark tails.
    • This potion cannot be bought, and this trait cannot be inherited. It is default to Shark Subspecies.

    Gives your Stygian a single, unicorn-like horn extruding from their forehead, which replaces their hidden third-eye.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Antlers Paired Horns Antler/Horn Addons
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Third Eye Exposed Single Horn
    • Must come from Stygian's forehead
    • Can be used with antlers OR paired horns potion
    • Should be based off a unicorn horn, but can be unusually curved and have any naturally occuring horn texture
    • Cannot be an unusual texture unless affected by elemental
    • Cannot be stacked with third eye potion (it's either one or the other)
    • Cannot be more than a single horn: It cannot stack with itself, nor can it be split or bent to 'end' in more that one point.
    • Horn size cannot exceed more than 50% of the body height (from forehead to leg)

    Reveals a third eye between the regular eyes. All Stygian have a third eye, but it is usually hidden.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Glowing Eyes Coloured Sclera Multiple Eyes
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Single Horn Third Eye Exposed
    • Must be on the Stygian's forehead. Must include all three eye parts, slcera, iris, and pupil.
    • Sclera, iris, and pupil can be any colour and different from Stygian's original eyes
    • Pupil can be any simple shape (ie heart, slitted)
    • Can be affected by glowing eyes trait, and the coloured sclera trait.
    • Cannot be stacked with Single Horn (it is one or the other)
    • Cannot have shapes such as stars, crosses, or other shapes that would fall under Cosmic Eyes UNLESS Cosmic Eyes is also applied.
    • Cannot be an unusual texture other than the what the Stygian's original eyes are.

    Gives your Stygian an uncommon Shadowweaving trait, allowing them to manipulate shadows into a specific form.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Labyrinth Shadowweaving
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Common Shadowweaving Rare Shadowweaving
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
    • Gives your Stygian 'control' over shadows, allowing them to create elbow wings, antlers, or a familiar out of shadow.
    • Uncommon Shadow Weaving can be a single pair of elbow wings, a set of antlers, or a famliar.
    • Shadow weaving should always be a single colour, though it can be a gradient of that colour. For example, light red to dark red, or blue to dark blue, but not blue to black or red to orange. You can do white to gray, or gray to black, but not white to black.
    • Shadow weaving will always have a single eye - this eye will be white with a pupil that is the same colour as the Stygian's eye. Around and connected to the eye will be white branching marks. See reference.
    • Shadow Winglets can replace the Stygian's elbow wings (one wing on each side). Should remain the same size as normal elbow wings, unless Shadowweaving level 2 is added, which can increase the winglets to the same size as Elbow Wings Plus, or add shadow tattoos to the leg (tattoos must be connected to the shadow wings).
    • Shadow Antlers can replace all or part of a Stygian's antlers (not horns) up to 25% of the Stygian's body size. Shadow weaving level 2 allows for multiple horns and antlers, as well as down the spine at no more than 50% of body size. Can only replace antlers if your Stygian already has antlers.
    • Shadow Familiar allows for a single small familiar, less than 25% of the Stygian's size for bipedal and 50% for quadrupedal. This familiar can take any shadow shape, but should always remain a flat color. It cannot have accessories. Shadow Weaving level 2 would allow for a single familiar up to 50% of Stygian body size for bipedal and 100% for quadrupedal.
    • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.
    • This trait does not affect a Stygian's rarity. (A common stygian with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian.)

    A general uncommon trait potion that can add a non-restricted uncommon trait to your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can be used to add a single, un-restricted uncommon trait to your Stygian in place of a specific potion..

    Gives your Stygian small whiskers.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can either be cat, any mammal, or fish-like whiskers (traditional animal style whiskers) OR hair based beard or moustache.
    • For fish or feline style whiskers: must extend from Stygian's face (but can be scattered, like around the nose and ears)
    • For a beard or moustache, must be made out of hair. Should remain around the Stygian's lower jaw. Cannot extend onto the cheek (use cheek collar instead).
    • Cannot be infused with any elemental
    • Can be any colour
    • Cannot exceed in length, more than 100% of the length of the Stygian's face height

    Give your Stygian a large animate weapon. This weapon can glow with an aura of its own, float and move around your Stygian in battle, and change to a more "dormant" form outside of battle.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Weapons Mastery
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Animate Weapons Mastery
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an rare trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
    • Must be a weapon commonly traditional in RPGS/ Dungeon Crawlers. More modern weapons are okay too, with discretion (ie: staves, wands, bows, guns, bowgun, swords, lances, shields, maces, chains, nunchucks, etc)
    • Without using any modifying potions, must be the same consistency and texture as the weapon it is based off of.
    • The weapon has a "voice" of its own, and is considered living, similar to the small animal companion.
    • The weapon can also have a smaller form, and alternate between the two. The smaller form should take that of a small accessory. (For Masterlist Art, the weapon is required to be in its weapon form!)
    • All animate weapons can have an aura, glowing markings, runes, sparkles around them (optional)
    • They can be combined with elemental to give your weapon an elemental feel, but should still have the weapon as a base. The element can wrap around it, for example.
    • Cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size for quadrupedal Stygian and 100% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be based off a copyright weapon (ie: the Master Sword)
    • Cannot be stacked with each other, but can be stacked with regular weapons (weapons mastery potion)
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Full back wings of any type (bird, bat, fairy, etc.) (MAX 1 PAIR)
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Wings Back Wings Tentacles
    • Can be any type of wing, fantasy or realistic
    • Must be on back of Stygian
    • For all back wings, especially insect type, the wings should come from a single point on the back. One way to get an insect type look would be to use a base that later splits, like this: Single Insect Wings.
    • Must be WINGS. Cannot be appendages that are not wing-like (ie: tentacles, hands, etc)
    • Must follow the texture of the wing it is based on (ie if you pick bird wings, it is feather texture), unless using a potion to change it
    • Can be mismatched wings: ie one is bird, one is bat
    • Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
    • Can be any marking type or pattern
    • Individually, wings cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size (head to foot, not including tail) for bipedal Stygian, and not more than 200% of your Stygian's body size (torso length, not including head and tail) for quadrupedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be stacked with each other! (Ie you can't have x2 back wings)
    Cosmic Eyes Rare

    Gives your Stygian either galaxy/starry eyes OR blank eyes (pick one) from long exposure gazing into the void.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Eyes Third Eye Exposed Glowing Eyes Floating Eyes
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Elemental Aura Elemental Insides
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth.
    EXCLUSIVE TO STYGIAN: This trait is EXCLUSIVE to the Stygian that uses it and cannot be inherited on Guardian Stygian or carry over to alt myo forms without using another of this potion.
    • Starry/Galaxy eyes can have a starry/galaxy appearance to them of any colouration and have have a very light gradient. They must also have stars or specks (and can have very tiny specks of stars along the edges of the eyes in a 3D effect). They MUST look starry/galaxy-like in appearance (and not have any other discernible shapes in them).
    • Starry/Galaxy can have a pupil and iris that is also star shaped. This is OPTIONAL. The iris can be round if you choose! Sclera is optional and can come with star pattern OR no star pattern.
    • Cosmic eyes must only have star shapes in their irises if they have any shapes inside the iris. This includes a star shaped pupil if they want a pupil (pupils optional).
    • If picking blank eyes instead of galaxy/starry, they must be a single void colour (ie red, black, white etc) with NO visible iris, pupil, or sclera.
    • All eye colours when affected by this trait must be the SAME colour. For starry/galaxy can have more/less stars in each eye, but they should stay the same colour.
    • Can be paired with glowing eyes.
    • Can be paired with third eye exposed and multiple eyes as long as ALL eyes are the same colour (star textures can be differing for each eye). If you pick starry/galaxy eyes ALL eyes adhere to this, if you pick blank eyes ALL eyes adhere to this.
    • Can be paired with floating eyes as long as ALL eyes are the same colour (star textures can be differing for each eye) as the eyes on the body of the stygian. If you pick starry/galaxy eyes ALL eyes adhere to this, if you pick blank eyes ALL eyes adhere to this. With floating eyes, all eyes will be the same size as the Stygian's eye, since elemental aura cannot be applied.
    • Cannot be combined with elemental or elemental insides.
    • Parasitic Stygian eyes still remain closed (but third eye exposed/ multiple eyes are fine open)
    • Eyes cannot have ANY discernible shape in them. For starry/galaxy you're allowed multiple star shapes/specks, but they must be scattered along the eyes. Cannot have any other shapes such as hearts, squares, swirls, boxes, etc in them. For void eyes no additional shapes are allowed - it must be a single blank colour.

    Gives your Stygian a double set of Elbow Wings.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elbow Wings Plus Elbow Wings Modification
  • Gives your Stygian double elbow wings. These wings will always be the same type and size as the wings they already have.
  • Should keep to the standard size of 25% of leg length per wing.
  • Can stack with Elbow Wings +, for a maximum size of 75% of the Stygian's leg length. Can stack with the [ ++ ] to a maximum size of 100% of body length. (Can only have one size increase at a time.)
  • Can be used to give Primordial Kirin a second set of elbow wings identical to the set they already have.
  • Can be made into other wing types (feathered, bat, insect) with elbow wings modification.
  • Cannot be used on Stygian subspecies that do not have elbow wings (Wishing Stygian and Primordial Snowy, for example). Cannot be used on Mimic Stygian.

  • Gives your Stygian an elemental aura/influence. This is a MAGICAL AURA that influences your Stygian, and not a solid object. Anything considered influenced by nature such as the sky, earth, etc etc is elemental and can be interpreted however.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    • You must pick any fantasy-style element or naturally occurring element that cannot be a proper noun, or highly specific. While this is a case by case scenario, basically it is best pick elements like "fire" "flames" "sunlight" "sun", which are commonly understood terms, instead of "Divine Light Judgement Beam Fire Aura Mark II"
    • Elemental aura will always be just that, an aura! It should never look like something that could be mistaken for a solid object (accessory) or the like. Thus, the conditions below will apply to all elemental auras, depending on what the 'element' is!/li>
      • "Solid state" elemental aura - must have 50% semitransparent see: ice, earth, etc. Literally a solidified state of an element, but still see-through at parts!
      • "Liquid state" elemental aura - as long as the element looks liquid rules remain the same (no semitransparency needed). The liquid state of an element - water for example.
      • "Special Effects (like shadow or glow)/ Space/ Gaseous elemental states" no semitransparency needed.
    • Can be part of or replace some traits on a Stygian. These include hair/manes, horse style tails, and tail tips (fur tufts).
    • Must follow the texture/intention of its element. If you pick a fire element, please don't draw only ice effects!
    • Elemental aura is an aura that changes and shifts with your Stygian! You can have it manifest differently in the ARPG art (ie smaller flames or bigger flames.)
    • Can be stacked! You can have more than one element in a Stygian. Multiple elements can also interact with each other.
    • Different instances of an element require their own potion! If you fully/partially infuse a trait (make that trait be made out of an element/replace the trait), then each trait that is infused needs it's own potion/element. Fully making wings be flame and a mane be flame would require 2 potions. Having a halo made of ice, and wings with coated in ice would also be 2 potions (since the halo is made of ice). Coating wings and coating a simple halo in ice would only be 1 potion (it must clearly be coated and not made of the element, though).
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body (torso) size individually.
    • Can only replace traits. Cannot replace the Stygian's body or legs (though it can wrap around it)
    • Cannot resemble an existing trait that doesn't already exist on the Stygian. For example, you cannot have your elemental aura give your Stygian a pair of back wings. To do this, you need to purchase back wings, then elemental to infuse it and give it that elemental aura.
    • Elemental Aura cannot be used to create wholly new traits (or elemental things that look like traits/parts of a stygian). Nor can it be used to imitate traits that cannot be infused with elemental aura (creating an elemental version of that trait).
    • Do not pick actual solid objects as elements, as it is more an aura than an actual floating object. This goes the same with body parts, etc, though you are free to combine them with an actual element to get what you are looking for. For example, you can't have "hands" as an element, but you can have "shadow hands".
    • Elemental aura cannot fully obfuscate the body/ main body traits for ML purposes (ie you cant use water element to cover up the body/neck/ etc)
    • DIVER ONLY: Elementals on DIVER ONLY human form cannot replace existing body parts/hair/etc. It must be layered over, or with another artificial trait (ie halo).
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Allows a magic accessory. This accessory can be summoned and desummoned at will and floats/glows with an aura of its own.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Enchanted Accessory
    • Can be based off any organic or inorganic object, preferrably ones that are commonly associated with magic artifacts
    • Must be solid in texture/ identical to that of the object (ie a book has pages)
    • Must be floating or hovering above or around Stygian
    • Must have an aura around or behind them. Can come with runes as well.
    • Because it is magical, it can be magically controlled, but otherwise hovers
    • Can also be dismissed for the ARPG (ie quest art with no enchanted accessory)
    • Can be stacked with itself.
    • Cannot be combined with any other trait.
    • Cannot look like a familiar/ animal familiar (have eyes, etc). Cannot be a plushie or doll or similiar things. Basically it cannot be something that could be mistaken for a familiar/companion. Use a companion potion instead!
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body size for quadrupedal Stygian or 75% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be a copyright object
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian an extra mouth/extra mouths along the body AND front legs/front arms.
    MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
  • You can have one, or multiple extra mouths (up to five). You can choose one or the other, you cannot have one large mouth and also have multiple smaller mouths.
  • For a SINGLE mouth, the max size of the mouth is 25% of body length (from chest to butt sizing - so chest to butt would be 100%, or head to foot for bipedal).
  • For multiple smaller mouths, you can have up to 5 extra mouths. These mouths can be no longer than 10% of body length each, for a combined total of 10% x the number of mouths. (So if you have 3 mouths at 10% each, the total combined length would be 30% of body length.)
  • When using multiple mouths - no mouth can exceed 10% of body length indivually. You cannot have one mouth at 20% and another mouth at 10%.
  • Can affect body OR front legs. This can be affected on top of multiple limbs/ modified front paws. This cannot affect back limbs /legs
  • Can affect neck along the chest as long as it is not touching or part of the head.
  • Can have pointed teeth only (optional). No gums.
  • Can have a tongue (optional) that is equal to the size of the mouth in length.
  • Cannot be affected by elemental (other than having elemental coat over it), but can be influenced in COLOUR/TEXTURE ONLY by elemental insides.
  • Mouths cannot have lips.
  • Cannot affect head or tail or any other limbs/ elements/ traits.
  • Mouths cannot be "eating" or "consuming" anything. There should not be any form of liquid or fluid escaping from the mouth. This is for PG-13 art guidelines reasons.
  • WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT YOUR EXTRA MOUTH DESIGN IF IT BREAKS THE PG-13 GUIDELINES. IN this case, we will point out what you need to do to make it more PG-13 friendly.

  • Gives your Stygian a pair of fairy wing ears! MAX 150% head height.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Semi-transparency
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Modified Ears Multiple Ears
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, or Guardian Stygian.
    • Grants your Stygian fairy wing ears! These replace the traditional Stygian Ears.
    • These ears still have a solid ear 'base'. Extending from the base is a 'fairy wing'. The fairy wing should be based on a butterfly wing in shape, but can have any colour or pattern for markings.
    • The MAX size for each ear wing is 150% of head height. (Unless applying [ ++ ], in which case the max size would be 300% of head height.)
    • The wing part can be semi-transparent. However, the ear base should always be solid.
    • Will always be butterfly wing style ears. Cannot be feathered, bat, or other shapes.
    • Can be combined with glowing markings in order to glow.
  • Cannot be made larger than 150% of head height. Cannot be Supersized.
  • Cannot be used with modified ears or with multiple ears.
  • Cannot be applied to Stygian subspecies that cannot have their ears modified. These include (but is not limited to) primordial sylph, primordial feline beta, primordial regular beta, primordial jellyfish beta, primordial bat. primordial blossoming, and styxlings.
  • Does not affect side ear tufts in any way. (Does not add or remove side ear tufts.)

  • Adds fantasy horns or antlers to your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Antler/Horn Addons Single Horn
    • Basically allows you full freedom with your Stygian's horn or antler shapes.
    • It can take on an unusual shape based on existing flora or fauna (or both) in appearance and texture.
    • Must be on the Stygian's head and replaces the old version of the Stygian's horns/antlers.
    • Can be layered with single horn.
    • To give it an element texture/aura, combine this with Elemental Potion
    • Cannot be floating separate from the Stygian
    • Cannot be stacked with itself.

    Any type of fantasy tail.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement Supersize
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Tail Short Tail Electronic Tail
    • Can pick any solid tail shape, type or texture. Must be of an "organic and animal-like" nature, meaning some kind of animal (fantasy or real) type of tail.
    • For an elemental tail that tapers off from a fantasy tail, combine with Elemental Potion.
    • For a skeletal tail based off a fantasy tail, combine with Skeletal Replacement Potion
    • For multiples of that tail, combine with Multiple Tails Potion
    • Can be any colour or pattern, but must look like and be recognizable as a tail.
    • Cannot mimic any other existing trait. Cannot be weapon shaped.
    • Cannot be stacked (use Multiple Tails Potion instead)
    • Cannot be sentient, enchanted with any aura, or skeletal without their respective potions. Cannot be of an inorganic material or item (ino stone, mecha,
    • Cannot be made of an inorganic material, such as stone, metal, items, or other similar things.
    • Cannot exceed 200% of the Stygian's full body.

    Gives your Stygian a line of feathers along their spine from the base of the neck to the tail.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an rare trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
    • Can be short - long length spine ridge feathers
    • Can feather texture only
    • Can be of any colour or markings
    • Can extend from base of neck to tail
    • Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura (should still resemble feathers) or semi-transparent
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body length
    • Cannot be detached/sentient
    • Cannot grow on anywhere other than spine
    • Cannot be used to replace Spine Fur on subspecies where spine fur is a default/required trait (such as Parasitic and Serpent)

    Gives your Stygian a pair of fin-like ears! MAX 150% head height.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Modified Ears Multiple Ears
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, or Guardian Stygian.
    • Grants your Stygian fin-like ears! These replace the traditional Stygian Ears.
    • These ears still have a solid ear 'base'. Extending from the base is a 'fin'. The fin will be a fin shape - in the same style as seen in the reference image - , but can have any colour or pattern for markings.
    • The MAX size for each fin-like ear is 150% of head height. (Unless applying [ ++ ], in which case the max size would be 300% of head height.)
    • The fin-like part can be semi-transparent. However, the ear base should always be solid.
    • Will always be a spiky fin in the same style as seen in the image. Will always have between 2-5 points. Points are the pointy part of the fin.
    • Can be combined with glowing markings in order to glow.
    • Cannot be made larger than 150% of head height (unless using [++]). Cannot be Supersized.
    • Cannot be used with modified ears or with multiple ears.
    • Cannot be applied to Stygian subspecies that cannot have their ears modified. These include (but is not limited to) primordial sylph, primordial feline beta, primordial regular beta, primordial jellyfish beta, primordial bat, primordial blossoming, and styxlings.
    • Does not affect side ear tufts in any way. (Does not add or remove side ear tufts.)

    Allows your Stygian to be covered in foliage.
    MAX SIZING: 150 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Multiple Eyes Semi-Transparency
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Light Body Foliage
    • Must be based off an existing flora and follow the same texture
    • Individual flora can be any size/ does not have to adhere to the flora's original sizing
    • Can be scattered around the Stygian head, body, and any limbs
    • Can be different flora types
    • Can be any colour or pattern design
    • Can be combined with Elemental, Multiple Eyes, Semi-Transparent, and Accessories Potions
    • Can look like static, non-moving coral.
    • Can be used on a Stygian that has Parasitic Foliage. However, in this instance both foliage traits cannot overlap with each other and/or be on the same area of a Stygian: one trait can affect the main body (the torso, head, and legs), while the other would only be able to affect tails, wings, and other such traits (not the main body).
    • Cannot mimic any other existing uncommon or rare trait
    • Cannot be stacked with itself
    • Cannot be sentient, magical, move on it's own, or change size
    • Cannot exceed 150% of the Stygian's full body for QUAD (four legged) Stygian, and 100% for BIPEDAL. (2 legged) Stygian.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Front paws instead of hooves. Can have claws.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Limbs Potion Detached Limbs Skeletal Replacement
    • Must be based off: feline, canine/canid, bear - relative width is up to you (within reason)
    • Can be clawed or not clawed
    • Can have or not have paw pads
    • Each limb should be of the same type
    • Can be combined with Elemental, Mutliple Eyes, Multiple Limbs, Skeletal Replacement, Foliage Takeover, Semi-Transparent, and Accessories Potions
    • Cannot be stacked with itself (use Multiple Limbs Potion instead)
    • Cannot be of an unusual texture or aura without the Elemental Potion
    • Cannot be webbed/ finned/ insect-like/ tentacled/ etc. in shape
    • Cannot exceed or be smaller than the original limb size of the Stygian subspecies.
    • Cannot be detached without the (G) Detached Limbs potion
    • Cannot affect hind legs.
    • Cannot be applied to bipedal Stygian (Pages, Bats, Sylph, Grendel, Arachnid, etc), or to quadrupedal species with paws/claws already (Feline, Primordial Dragon, Owl, etc) as their front limbs are all unique species default traits that cannot be changed.

    Gives your Stygian a circular halo on a flat plane.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Multiple Eyes Crystalline Growth Light Body Foliage Foliage Takeover Semi-Transparency
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Halo
    • This gives your Stygian a traditional "flat" halo. It can be solid, or a simple, non-elemental aura.
    • It must retain the circular "halo" look and must be mostly flat/ on a singular plane.
    • Must be above the Stygian's head or behind it. Cannot appear under the head, nor can it appear on the body or centered around the body or other traits (for example: cannot be around a single horn).
    • The circle shape can be modified slightly, meaning you can add additional spikes, etc etc to the circle shape, as long as it doesn't entirely not look like a circle halo anymore. (Cannot be square, heart, diamond, star shaped, etc).
    • Can be solid or hollow but should be a single, connected piece. Can have any markings or colours of your choice
    • Can be combined with Elemental (for larger aura/influence), Mutliple Eyes, Foliage, Semi-Transparent, Accessories, Crystalline Growth
    • Cannot be stacked with itself (One halo per Stygian, not per head)
    • Cannot be stacked halos, double halos, or multiple halos connected to each other. Should always be a single halo.
    • Cannot be of an unusual texture or strong aura without the Elemental Aura potion.
    • Cannot be another shape other than circular in design and cannot be a 3D object itself (ie you can't have a halo that looks like a sphere, or a square).
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of the Stygian's body length for quadrupedal Stygian, and 75% of body length for bipedal Stygian.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Allows your Stygian to wear multiple additional and/or larger accessories.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Light Accessories Medium Accessories Heavy Accessories
    • This gives your Stygian full reign of any accessories that can be worn or draped over it. These are non-magical, non-elemental very normal accessories.
    • These accessories must be solid in texture and shape unless combined with another trait like elemental. Can be combined with glowing markings for glowing accessories, for example.
    • Can cover any part of the head, body, and limbs, except for hind hooves.
    • Can have any markings or colours of your choice.
    • Cannot be placed only on horns or antlers. (see: Antler Addons) (However, a hood or mask that covers the head can layer over the horns)
    • Cannot be stacked with itself or the other accessory traits.
    • Please do not include: foliage (use foliage traits instead), elemental textures (use Elemental Aura), floating/magical accessories (see enchanted accessory), weapons (see weapons mastery), animals or familiars (see small animal companion). (Normal stuffed toys and dolls are allowed, they however cannot move on their own canonically.)
    • Cannot exceed more than 150% of the Stygian's body for quadrapedal Stygian and 100% for bipedal ("body" here does not include extra traits like tail and wings, it refers to the torso only).
    • Cannot fully obstruct the face, hooves, or general form of the Stygian (ie even with accessories you must still be able to recognize the Stygian subspecies). Stygian and subspecies defining and required traits cannot be hidden or covered up by the accessories.
    • Cannot look exactly like, mimic, or replace an existing trait (ie using heavy accessories to make wings)
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Give your Stygian a large animal companion. They can be a fictional or existing animal. You cannot have more than one Large Companion per Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Small Animal Companion Multiple Familiars Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Large Animal Companion
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits a rare trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
    • Can be a fantasy or real animal or creature
    • Should look more like a sentient creature rather than an object (objects would go under "magic accessory")
    • Can be of any colour or texture and markings but have no aura of their own
    • The animal companion is considered "sentient", almost like a friend that has attached itself to your Stygian (though they are an extension of the Stygian themselves). Because of this, they are optional in all ARPG art.
    • While Stygian can be seen leaning on, being propped up by, or resting on an animal companion, as they are familiars. They are, however, not mounts. Stygian should not be riding them (this goes especially for quadrapedal Stygian, please do not have them riding other quadrapeds - they can use their own four legs!). Familiars are an extension of the Stygian themselves, after all.
    • Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
    • Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
    • Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
    • Cannot be combined with itself (large animal companion) but small animal companion can still be added
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body length for bipedal Stygian, and 150% for quadrupedal Stygian.
    • Cannot block or obscure a Stygian or its traits in masterlist art.
    • Cannot look like an existing adoptables species/ Daydream or another Stygian/ Stygian design.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian long upper or lower canines.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Skeletal Replacement
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Extra Mouth
    • Creates extra long canine fangs from either the upper or lower jaw, or both.
    • Max height is 100% the head height of the Stygian.
    • Max width is whatever would be reasonably considered a "fang" or "protruding upper canine". This sizing applies to both upper and lower fangs.
    • Can be any colouration.
    • Can be used in combination with skeletal replacement
    • Cannot be more than one pair of fangs from above and one pair from below, for a max of four long fangs per stygian head.
    • Should always resemble dog or deer canine teeth in shape. (As long as they are a standard fang shape they'll be fine!)
    • Cannot be paired with an extra mouth potion.

    Gives your Stygian long inner ear fluff.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if a Guardian Stygian inherits an uncommon trait from a parent that already owns this trait.

    • Gives your Stygian longer inner ear fluff.
    • Will always be a single layer of ear fluff.
    • Should be longer than normal ear fluff. Max length is just brushing the floor (cannot drag on the floor).
    • Should always be long and straight, but can be braided or pinned up.

    Change the ear shape of your Stygian to another animal (mammal) ear type.
    MAX SIZING: 75 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Eyes Semi-Transparency Foliage Takeover Multiple Ears
    • Can be ears based off these animals: rabbits, rodents, felines, canines/canids, marsupials, bears, horses
    • You can also give the ears a bit of a fur "trim", so for instance if you choose rabbit ears you can give them a zigzag trim, or cat ears a round trim.
    • Must be solid in texture/ but can be fur or feather texture
    • Can be any pattern or colouration.
    • Can be combined with: multiple eyes, foliage takeover, accessories, semi-transparent
    • Cannot make an unusual fantasy shape
    • Cannot exceed more than 75% of your Stygian's body height
    • This trait does not affect side ear tufts in any way. It cannot remove or change them. Only affects the ears themselves.

    Gives your Stygian multiple, functioning eyes on their body and limbs.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Third Eye Exposed Glowing Eyes Cosmic Eyes Elemental Insides
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Elemental Aura
    • It can be any type of fauna eye and eye shape and must maintain that texture
    • Pupil, sclera, and iris can be any colour. Pupils can be any simple shape such as circles, hearts, or slits.
    • To make them glow, combine this with the Glowing Eyes potion
    • Can be different eyes, doesn't need to be the same (same with colour).
    • Can be attached to the Stygian head, body, and any attached limbs (ie: tail, wings).
    • Cannot be used to open the Stygian's third eye (on forehead/between eyes). For this, use Third Eye Exposed potion.
    • Cannot be floating seperate from the Stygian. For this, use Floating Eyes.
    • Cannot be stacked with itself.
    • Cannot be affected by Elemental (needs Elemental Insides Guardians Potion)
    • Cannot have shapes such as stars, crosses, or other shapes that would fall under Cosmic Eyes UNLESS Cosmic Eyes is also applied.
    • Each eye cannot exceed 2x the eye size of the Stygian's actual eyes, and combined cannot exceed more than 50% of the Stygian's body.

    Gives your Stygian multiple functioning front legs.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Front Paws Skeletal Replacement
    • Replicates the EXISTING FRONT LEGS of your Stygian in shape and texture (can have different markings/colourations)
    • Limbs must be on upper body (not including head)
    • Can have up to 8 total limbs (2 extra pairs of legs).
    • Can be any pattern or colouration.
    • Can be combined with: front paws (clones the front paws shape), skeletal replacement (clones skeletal shape), elemental, multiple eyes, semi-transparent, crystalline growth, foliage takeover, accessories
    • Cannot replace or be added to other limbs such as wings or tail
    • Cannot exceed the size and shape of the front limbs it is cloning
    • Cannot be different types of limbs
    • Cannot stack with itself
    • Cannot be back limbs or wings

    Allows more than one set of spines or spine ridges along your Stygian's back (up to 3 sets of ridges, however many individual spines)
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Back Spines/Fins
    • It can be webbed, finned, or non finned spines
    • Can be different spines, doesn't need to be the same (same with colour).
    • Must be notably on the Stygian's back spine /clustered very close to the spine.
    • Can also be attached to the Stygian neck and tail (along the back spine).
    • Cannot be attached to wings, any other traits, legs, or head. (Use Fin Fetlocks for leg fins.)
    • Cannot in height exceed 50% of the height of the Stygian.
    • Cannot exceed three distinct sets of ridges
    • Cannot be haphazardly placed, should form distinct "rows" of spines or ridges
    • Cannot look like any form of wings, or be placed in the "wing" section (instead of the back spines position).

    Gives your Stygian multiple functioning tails.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Short-Medium Tail Long Tail Fantasy Tail Skeletal Replacement Supersize Elemental Aura
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs
    • Replicates the EXISTING TAIL TRAIT of your Stygian in shape and texture (can have different markings/colourations)
    • Tails do not have to be all identical, but must follow the same original trait it is modifying (ie short ones = multiple short tails, long = multiple long natural tails, fantasy = multiple fantasy tails)
    • Can be different shapes and sizes of tails as long as it is of that existing tail trait.
    • Can be any pattern or colouration.
    • Can have MAX 12 tails
    • Can be combined with: skeletal replacement (clones skeletal shape), elemental, multiple eyes, semi-transparent, crystalline growth, foliage takeover, accessories
    • Cannot be used anywhere except to replicate Stygian tails
    • Combined together, cannot exceed 200% of the Stygian size
    • Cannot be detached from body

    Gives your Stygian a tail (or partial tail) that is an object.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Supersize
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Detached Limbs Multiple Tails
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Long Tail Short Tail Fantasy Tail Weaponed Tail Sentient Tail
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits an rare trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
    • This trait allows for a "tail" on a Stygian that is not a standard tail, but rather is a non-organic object of some kind. Object tail can cover a vairety of types, including but not limited to Wires, Electronics, Fabric, etc. Should always be a single object.
    • Should still resemble a tail in some way (as it is a tail, after all), giving the look and feel of a tail. For example, drawing a house and attaching it to the Stygian does not make it a tail - if the house was removed it would be just a house, not a tail.
    • All tails should be attached to the Stygian. They cannot be detached or floating.
    • Can be used with Elemental Aura to give the tail sparks, electricity, fire, or other elements coming out of the tail. Elemental Aura cannot infuse the tail to make it a purely elemental tail, however.
    • Cannot mimic any other existing trait or tail type. Cannot be weapon shaped or weapon based (use Weapon Tail instead!).
    • Cannot be stacked with itself or multiplied.
    • Cannot be sentient, used with skeletal replacement, or infused with elemental aura (so the tail itself cannot become elemental).
    • Cannot be made of organic materials. Meaning it cannot mimic or be based on a living, extinct, or fantasy creature (use long tail or fantasy tail instead) or plant based (use foliage takeover instead).
    • Cannot be used to replace species required tails (Including but not limited to Serpent, Lindwyrm, and Parasitic, for example). For Species where only the tail tip can change, Object Tail CAN be applied to just the tail end (but not replace the entire tail).
    • Cannot exceed 200% of the Stygian's full body (chest to butt) in length. For larger sizing, use Supersize!
    Rare Shadowweaving Rare

    Gives your Stygian the rare Shadowweaving trait, allowing them to manipulate shadows into a specific form.
    MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Labyrinth Shadowweaving
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Common Shadowweaving Uncommon Shadowweaving
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
    • Gives your Stygian 'control' over shadows, allowing them to replace wings or their shadow with shadowweaving.
    • Rare Shadow Weaving can be a single pair of wings or a single shadow.
    • Shadow weaving should always be a single colour, though it can be a gradient of that colour. For example, light red to dark red, or blue to dark blue, but not blue to black or red to orange. You can do white to gray, or gray to black, but not white to black.
    • Shadow weaving will always have a single eye - this eye will be white with a pupil that is the same colour as the Stygian's eye. Around and connected to the eye will be white branching marks. See reference.
    • Shadow Wings can replace one pair of wings only (or part of a single pair). If the Stygian has multiple wings, only 1 pair can be affected (must be a pair, not two random wings). The shadow replaces the wing so you would remove all or part of the wing where the shadow is. Shadow weaving level 2 can extend to mulitple wings, up to 50% of body size being made shadow.
    • Shadow Wings can only replace wings the Stygian already has, it cannot give them extra or new wings. So a Stygian would need back wings or multiple wings to apply Shadow Wings.
    • Shadow Shadow replaces the Stygian's own shadow with shadow weaving, to a max size of 25% of body size. This should always remain connected to the Stygian at the feet. Shadow weaving level 2 allows for a shadow of up to 50% body size.
    • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.
    • This trait does not affect a Stygian's rarity. (A common stygian with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian.)

    A general rare trait potion that can add an unrestricted rare trait to your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can be used to add a single, unrestricted rare trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.

    Replace MAX 50% of the Stygian with skeletal parts.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Short-Medium Tail Long Tail Fantasy Tail Multiple Tails Front Paws Back Wings Multiple Wings
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Supersize
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Skeletal Replacement
    • Can replace the head and antlers, limbs (front and back), tail, wings, front half of body, or back half of body with its skeletal counterpart
    • Should be the same skeletal anatomical structure of whatever it is replacing
    • Can only be a skeletal texture - but can have elemental for example, wrapped around it.
    • Can be any colouration, but keep either a simple or fractured bone pattern.
    • Cannot be combined with any trait, but traits can work/grow around it (ie foliage that grows inside the rib cage)
    • Cannot replace more than 50% of the Stygian (including head), but not including additional traits.
    • Head cannot be any other skull other than deer/ slightly canine leaning is okay too
    • Cannot stack with itself
    • Cannot add skeletal limbs, it simply modifies existing ones

    Gives your Stygian ONE small animal familiar/companion. Can be a fantasy type creature.
    MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Small Animal Companion Large Companion Elemental Aura Semi-Transparent
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Familiars
    • Can be a fantasy or real animal or creature
    • Should look more like a sentient creature rather than an object (objects would go under "magic accessory")
    • Can be of any colour or texture and markings but have no aura of their own
    • The animal companion is considered "sentient", almost like a friend that has attached itself to your Stygian (though they are extensions of the Stygian themselves). Because of this, they are optional in all ARPG art.
    • Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
    • Can be stacked! You can add 1 familiar for each Small Animal Companion potion you apply to the Stygian. They can however, take on different markings and colours. For example, I can have 10 butterflies of different colours, but I cant have 5 butterflies and 5 beetles. (See sizing restrictions below.)
    • Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
    • Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
    • Cannot exceed more than 50% of your Stygian's body size for quadrupedal Stygian and 25% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian. Combined, all familiars together cannot be more than 150% body size total for quadrapedal Stygian, and 100% for bepedal.
    • Cannot be stacked with Multiple Familiars
    • Cannot block or obscure a Stygian or its traits in masterlist art.
    • Cannot look like an existing adoptables species/Treat/Daydream, or another Stygian/ Stygian design.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian long fur along their spine/ridge.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Semi-Transparency
    • Can be short - long length spine ridge fur
    • Can be either fur or hair texture
    • Can be of any colour or texture and markings, as well as style (ie braided, curly, crimped)
    • Can extend from base of neck to tail
    • Can be combined with element or semi-transparent to make it have an elemental aura or semi-transparent
    • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body length
    • Cannot be detached/sentient
    • Cannot grow on anywhere other than spine
    Tentacles Rare

    Gives your Stygian the tentacles trait. This adds tentacles to anywhere along their back, from the base of the neck to the base of tail.
    MAX SIZING: 150 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Supersize
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Back Wings Multiple Wings
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This includes semi-customs, MYO Tokens, Guardian MYOS, Alt MYOS, rebases, so on so forth. The only exception is if the Guardian Stygian inherits a rare trait from a parent that already owns this trait.
    • Can be any form of squid or octopus tentacles
    • Can combine with elemental to give them an elemental texture/consistency
    • Can combine with skeletal to make them skeletal tentacles
    • Can move independently on their own.
    • Cannot exceed 150% of the Stygian's full body for QUAD (four legged) Stygian, and 100% for BIPEDAL. (2 legged) Stygian of any colouration
    • Cannot be combined with back wings or multiple back wings - tentacles replace back wings.
    • Tentacles cannot be sentient - cannot have, for example, heads on top of their tentacles.
    • Tentacles cannot be placed anywhere other than along spine, or where back wings would be. (Cannot be on the neck, tail, or sides.)
    • Tentacles cannot be affected by the Supersize Trait.
    • Cannot exceed 8 seperate tentacle limbs

    Allows ability to use and handle weapons.
    MAX SIZING: 150 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Weapons Mastery Animate Weapons Mastery
    • Must be a weapon commonly traditional in RPGS/ Dungeon Crawlers. More modern weapons are okay too, with discretion (ie: staves, wands, bows, guns, bowgun, swords, lances, shields, maces, chains, nunchucks, etc)
    • Without using any modifying potions, must be the same consistency and texture as the weapon it is based off of.
    • The weapon is quite literally, a weapon. It has no magical properties at all.
    • They can be combined with elemental to give your weapon an elemental coating, but the weapon itself is not enchanted.
    • CAN be stacked with each other. Each additional weapons mastery potion is an additional weapon of your choice (can be same or different. For example, if I want 1 sword, 1 mace, 1 bow, I would need x3 weapons mastery. If I want x3 swords, it's still x3 weapons mastery.
    • Cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size for quadrapedal Stygian and 100% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be based off a copyright weapon (ie: the Master Sword)
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Halo, x1 Weapon Mastery) Grants your Stygian the ability to have a halo-like aura surrounding any part (or parts) of its body.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE : Halo, Weapons Mastery
    • Must be circular and ring-like in shape though it can be adorned minor shape silhouette changes.
    • Must go around either legs or body or neck. Can also go around tail (as long as body, neck, or legs are also ringed.)
    • Can be up to 5 rings.
    • Can combine with elemental potion to give the body rings an elemental effect otherwise it is a small aura in appearance.
    • The diameter of a single ring cannot exceed 100% of the Stygian's body length (chest to butt).
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Grants your Stygian the ability to have one severed point for their body (torso) to detach. This can only be on the torso and creates simply an "invisible line" where the detached part is (ie both parts of the torso cannot be floating around). BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Object Head, Floating Head
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Object Head, Floating Head
    • Allows your Stygian to have one "severed" point in their body (in the torso). This point is basically an invisible line in the torso, giving it a cut-away look.
    • As this is an invisible line, the two parts of the torso would remain where they normally would be. It cannot elongate the body, or allow both parts to float around freely.
    • The severed point will always be through the torso on the shortest axis, like in the image above. It will always be between the on the torso, between the front and back limbs (as it can only separate the main trunk of the body, not the limbs or neck). So back limbs will remain attached to one part, and front limbs to another.
    • Max size of the severed (invisble) part is 20% for quadrapeds, and 10% for bibpedal Stygian.
    • The Stygian's inner aether can show where it is severed. This aether will always be a single colour, with no glows or sparkles in it. It cannot drip or tear (float) away. For more colours, sparkles, glows, or slight drips, add Elemental Insides.
    • Cannot be used in a way to separate the limbs or neck from the body.
    Detached Head Guardian

    Gives your Stygian the Detached Head trait. Allows your Stygian's head to float just above where it would normally on the neck. BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Object Head, Extra Mouth
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Object Head, Extra Mouth
    • Allows your Stygian to keep their normal head, but have it be detached from their body/floating.
    • Can be added to a Stygian that has a Guardian trait unlocked with the Primordial trait or certain job skills (Explorer, Pirate, Librarian). Potions are required when unlocked with the Primordial trait, Guardian Contracts, or the Explorer job class.
    • The Stygian's head would be identical to the head they would normally have, including keeping all default traits of their subspecies (that appear on the head). The head size cannot be changed.
    • Your Stygian's head can float a little above where it's neck would be. (See example above.) Heads cannot float far above the neck, or under a leg - they'll always remain more or less where they would normally be.
    • Cannot be the head of any other animal, adoptable, object, or Stygian subspecies. (For inorganic heads see Object Head). Heads will always remain identical to what the Stygian would normally have without Detached Head.
    • Head cannot be fully missing. For missing heads, use Object Head.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Multiple Limbs, x1 Magic Accessory) Grants your Stygian the ability to have limbs that are "detached" from the body.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Front Paws Skeletal Replacement Back Wings Multiple Wings
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Multiple Tails Fantasy Tail Long Tail Short-Medium Tail
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Multiple Limbs, Enchanted Accessory
    • Think floating limbs - these can be wings or legs..
    • Can be used on multiple limbs/multiple wings
    • Can be cleanly severed, or broken off but not multiple pieces of fragmentation. Should be a clean break with no extra floating bits.
    • Combine with elemental insides to create "leaking" broken joints, otherwise inside joint parts can be whatever aether colour (solid colour).
    • Can be detached only once per limb/wings.
    • The detachment should happen somewhere along the limb, not directly from the body. For example, a front limb should always have a shoulder attached to the body, and the detachment could happen at the elbow. You can't have just a floating hoof, most of the limb should be present!
    • The head must remain attached, if you wish to detach the head, use "object head' potion!
    • Cannot detach the actual body, cannot be used on tails.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Elemental Aura, x1 Skeletal Replacement) Grants your Stygian the ability to have insides made of an element (such as fire, space, water, gold, etc).
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size

    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Elemental Aura, Skeletal Replacement
    • The Stygian's innner aether (a single, solid color) is replaced with an element such as fire, smoke, space, gold, water, etc.
    • They can "drip" this element or it can be exposed in any way you prefer, such as combined with a transparent body to show the inside part as elemental.
    • For Stygian with skeletal replacement, they can also leak the element from the skeletal replacement part.
    • Can manifest through small cuts or scars. These should be small - they are similar to open wounds on the Stygian.
    • For Stygian with glass body, element can show through the body.
    • Can also manifest through eyes/mouth (glowing, or of that element).
    • Cannot be "hidden", must be visible in some way.

    Blessing Stygian must have: ( x1 Elemental Aura and x1 Fantasy Horns/Antlers) Grants your Stygian the ability to have their exterior body made of an element (such as fire, space, water, gold, etc).
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Back Wings Multiple Wings Short-Medium Tail Long Tail Fantasy Tail Multiple Tails Multiple Limbs Modified Ears
    This is a RETIRED TRAIT and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It cannot be passed to ALT MYOs. This trait can no longer be inherited.
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Elemental Aura, Fantasy Horns/Antlers
    • Replaces up to 100% of the fur/feature texture of the Stygian's body
    • Can be of any texture, but must be a "flat" texture with the exception of very small wisps/auras.
    • Must tight hug the original Stygian's body contour/shape, cannot distort the body shape/countour.
    • They can lighty "drip" this element or have a very light aura - such as a glow or a small wisp.
    • Can be any elemental texture, but must actually be something that would make sense as an elemental aura(for example "me doing my homework" is not an elemental aura, but "figures" or even "numbers" can be). It basically must make sense for the term it is (ie you can't have a "sun" one but have it be a water texture).
    • Can extend to wings, tails, head, limbs/modified/extra limbs, ears/modified ears
    • Cannot extend to ANY OTHER TRAITS beyond those listed(ie cannot extend to weapons mastery, or animal familiar)
    • Cannot morph the Stygian's figure from the original shape, or make it detached/broken/fragmented/etc. Think of it as having a candy, and coating it in a very fine layer of substance.
    • Cannot stack with glass body.
    • Cannot be a solid object (ie a fruit, a vehicle, etc).
    • Cannot be "hidden", must be visible in some way.
    • While a bit of the aura can leak, it cannot be used to mimic any other traits, or subspecies, or create new traits/subpsecies.

    Gives your Stygian a Guardian Elemental Weaponed Tail trait. This gives your Stygian a tail that is fully elemental and turns into an elemental weapon at the end. Blessing Stygian must have x1 Elemental Aura and x1 Weaponed Tail traits.
    MAX SIZING: 300 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Fantasy Tail Long Tail Short/Medium Tail Elemental Aura Object Tail Skeletal Replacement
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Tails Sentient Tail Supersize
    This is a Restricted trait and will always require its specific potion to apply it to a Stygian or alt form (along with the other standard unlocks). It cannot be applied using a General Guardian Trait potion.
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE : Elemental Aura and Weaponed Tail
    • Gives your Stygian a tail that turns into a bladed weapon at the end. The flexible part of the tail must be between 100% and 200% of body length. The bladed weapon can be max 100% of the body length.
    • Can be added to a Stygian that has a Guardian trait unlocked with the Primordial trait or certain job skills (Explorer, Pirate, Librarian) or a Guardian Contract. Potions are required when unlocked with the Primordial trait, the Explorer job class, or a Contract.
    • Creates a fully elemental weaponed tail.
    • The weapon portion of the tail must ALWAYS be weapon shaped and ALWAYS be fully elemental. This weaponed part will always have semi-transparency and it must always be an element in flow with wisps and fades. Glow is optional.
    • The flexible portion of the tail will also be made of the same element, but it does not require semi-transparency or wisps.
    • If the element is semi-solid (non-trasnparent) there still must be semi-transparency in at least 50% of the weapon. For example, if you have a weapon made of shadows or water, at least 50% must be semi-transparent.
    • Must be a bladed weapon and fully connected. Cannot be a projectile, be a chain, be a mace, break apart, etc.
    • The element cannot be a solid (non-flowing) element. For metals, wood, earth, etc. - please use standard Weaponed Tail and an Elemental Aura trait instead.
    • Cannot have Supersize, Multiple Tails, Skeletal Replacement, or Sentient Tail applied to Elemental Weaponed Tails. For larger sizing use [++].

    Gives your Stygian the ability to summon and controle a fully elemental weapon. Blessing Stygian must have x1 Elemental Aura and x1 Weapon Mastery.
    MAX SIZING: 150 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Weapon Mastery Animate Weapon Mastery
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE : Elemental Aura, Weapons Mastery
    • Must be a single weapon commonly traditional in RPGS/ Dungeon Crawlers. More modern weapons are okay too, with discretion (ie: staves, wands, bows, guns, bowgun, swords, lances, shields, maces, chains, nunchucks, etc)
    • Will ALWAYS be a fully flowing elemental weapon. The weapon must be semi-transparent and have some wispy or flowy bits. Glow is optional.
    • If the element is semi-solid (non-transparent) there still must be semi-transparency in at least 50% of the weapon. For example, if you have a weapon made of shadows or water, at least 50% must be semi-transparent. In this case, the whole weapon is still made of a flowing elemental.
    • This weapon will always behave as a single, connected piece, even if it fades out in parts.
    • Can be stacked with itself. Each Elemental Weapon requires it's own guardian trait spot and elemental weapon potion. (So 3 elemental weapons would need 3 contracts and 3 potions, for example.)
    • Cannot be made of a solid elemental. For metal, wood, earth, etc. based weapons, used standard Weapon Mastery instead (as that is what they are made out of already).
    • No part of the weapon can be fully solid (made of a solid element or substance). If you would like some part to be solid, use Animate Weapon and an Elemental Aura trait instead.
    • Cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size for quadrapedal Stygian and 100% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be based off a copyright weapon (ie: the Master Sword)
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Blessing(s) must have: (x1 Multiple Eyes, x1 Back Wings/Multiple Wings) Grants your Stygian the ability to have multiple floating "severed" eyes that it can see with that hover around/or above it.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Glowing Eyes Elemental Aura Cosmic Eyes
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Multiple Eyes, Back Wings/Multiple Wings
    • Up to 20 floating eyes can be made this way, no need for multiple eyes potion
    • Should be solid eyes, and include at least two parts. (For example, sclera and pupil, but no iris.)
    • Can combine with elemental to make elemental floating eyes (in this case, any eye size is okay).
    • Can combine with cosmic eyes to make starry or void eyes that match the eyes on the Stygian also using this trait. In this case, eyes shall not exceed the general eye size of the Stygian, and cannot have elemental aura applied to them to change that.
    • Cannot be just outlines or line-art of eyes unless elemental aura is added.
    • Otherwise, eyes cannot exceed the general eye size of a Stygian.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Multiple Eyes and x1 Extra Mouth) Gives fractures to a Stygian's body.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Fragmented Body Exposed Aether Corrupted Aether Molting Body
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Multiple Eyes, Extra Mouth
    • Gives your Stygian fractured body. This results in thin cracks in the fur.
    • Will always affect between 10%-50% of the Stygian. Must always affect the core body (torso and legs) in some way. Can also affect limbs, tails, face, and other solid attached traits (but most of the fractures should remain on the torso and legs).
    • Should always be thin cracks and lines. Some small gaps (see reference image) are okay! These small gaps can show a small amount of the Stygian's inner aether underneath (the inner aether cannot leak).
    • When a Stygian has Elemental Insides, the elemental insides can drip a very small amount. See reference image for an example .
    • The Stygian's inner aether cannot leak out through the fractures (see the "Just Fractures" in the reference). For inner aether to leak, use Elemental Insides.
    • Cannot be fractured in shapes or patterns. Will always be small and thin random fracture patterns.
    • Cannot be large gaps/breaks. Cannot have any missing or broken-off pieces. For larger gaps and missing pieces, use Fragmented Body [ Legendary] instead of Fractured Body.
    • Cannot stack with/be used at the same time as some traits. These include: Fragmented Body, Exposed Aether, Corrupted Aether, and Molting Body.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Heavy Accessories, x1 Crystalline Growth) Grants your Stygian the ability to have a "transparent" glass-like body.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Heavy Accessories, Crystalline Growth
    • The inside of the body is completely hollow and see-through in some way shape or form. At least 70% of the Stygian's body (body being the body itself not including head/limbs must be glass.
    • Inside of body is either a solid colour, known as the Stygian's aether, or invisible (just hollow in that case).
    • Glass can take a "cracked" appearance to show the Stygian's aether underneath, but fragments cannot float independently of Stygian.
    • This can be paired with traits such as "elemental insides", "heavy accessories", or "body foliage" to give it items that grow on the inside of the glass, or replace the aether.
    • Glass body means glass body only - cannot affect legs or head as seen in the reference above

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Elemental Aura, x1 Glowing Markings) Grants your Stygian the ability to have a "glitch" effect.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Elemental Aura, Glowing Markings
    • Grants your Stygian the ability to have a "glitch" effect where pixels are randomly misplaced on its body. These pixels can "shift around" depending on its mood.
    • Glitch affect should appear like a computer pixelated glitch.
    • Glitched pixels can take on any shape.
    • Can affect every single trait on the Stygian.
    • Cannot exceed more than 50% of the entire Stygian for glitchiness effect.
    • Cannot appear to look like (mirror) fragmentation, it should always have a stylized overlay effect like computer pixels glitching out. So it cannot simply be broken/misplaced pieces, it should have some other glitch effects, too!
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    A general guardian trait potion that can add a non-restricted guardian trait to your Stygian. This potion still needs a Guardian Contract (or similiar unlock) where applicable.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can be used to add a single, non-restricted guardian trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.
    • Still requires the applicable guadian trait unlock, such as a Guardian Contract.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Multiple Eyes and x1 Weapons Mastery) Creates a see-through hollow crater (hole) on your Stygian's body of any shape, max 25% of Stygian's body.
    MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Fragmented Body Elemental Insides
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Multiple Eyes, Weapons Mastery
    • Can be of any basic shape as long as it is a hole through the chest or stomach to the back/ or back of neck
    • This hole is see-through, but can be also filled with elemental insides to prevent it from being entirely so.
    • Can have some small "crackled" lines or effects edging out from the hole, but those effects cannot be separate from the crater.
    • Cannot be multiple holes.
    • Hole diameter (cracks included) cannot exceed 25% of the Stygian's body.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Spine Fur, x1 Front Paws) Grants your Stygian the ability to have extremely long fur growing all over its head and body.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Allows long fur for any part of the Stygian's neck, body or tail
    • Does not have to cover all of it, how much you want of it is up to you!
    • Maximum length for long fur is 100% of body length!
    • Does not grant ONLY spine ridge fur though (for this, use back spine fur potion)

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Skeletal Replacement, x1 Front Paws) Grants your Stygian the ability to have a long tongue.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE:Skeletal Replacement, Front Paws
    • Tongue should show in the Masterlist Art in some way. It can be barely poking out, but should be visible in some sense!
    • Max length cannot go beyond neckline.
    • Tongue must be thinner and fit within the mouth shape!

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Modified Ears, x1 Multiple Limbs) Grants your Stygian the ability to have more than one pair of ears.
    MAX SIZING: 75 % body size
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Modified Ears, Multiple Limbs
    • They do not need to be identical.
    • Can be regular Stygian ears or ears can be shaped like some mammal ears: bear, canine, feline, horse, or rabbit type ears. (Each pair of ears should be the same type.) Cannot make unusual fantasy ear shapes.
    • Max 2 pairs of ears this way. For a total of no more than 4 ears.
    • Must be located on head (usual ear area)!
    • Cannot be more than 75% of Stygian height, individually!
    • This trait cannot be used on Primordial Sylph!

    Stygian giving the Guardian blessing(s) must have: (x1 Small Animal Buddy, x1 Multiple tails) Grants your Stygian the ability to have a flock of up to 5 different small animal buddies/familiars.
    MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Large Animal Companion
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Small Animal Companion Multiple Familiars
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Small Animal Companion, Multiple Tails
    • Each familiar can be of varied sizes, colours, and types.
    • Different familiars means different TYPES of familiars. You cannot have 5 ravens, but you can have a raven, a buzzard, and 3 bats. At least one of the familiars must be different from the rest. If you'd like them to all be the same type of familiar, use 2 Small Animal Companion potions instead!
    • Can have a small collar or bow around the neck. These should always be small and unobtrusive collars/neck bows. In creatures with no neck, collars will be handled on a case by case basis. No other accessories or decorations are allowed for animal companions.
    • Cannot be holding, carrying, or wearing accessories (such as capes, saddles, barding, bandages, knives, bags, etc) other than the small collar stated above.
    • Each familiar cannot exceed 50% of body size for quadrupedal Stygian and 25% of the Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Foliage Takeover, x1 Multiple Tails) Grants your Stygian the ability to have parasitic foliage grow over its body/limbs/ on its head.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Light Body Foliage
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Foliage Takeover, Multiple Tails
    • This has to be attached to the Stygian itself! (Not part of halos or weapons.)
    • Parasitic Foliage can entirely replace any one limb other than the head (but must be nearly identical in shape to the limb just composed of foliage elements instead).
    • Parasitic foliage can grow/shrink in size with the mood of the Stygian, and can also move with a life of their own.
    • Parasitic foliage can look like/be coral that can move and change.
    • Can be used on a Stygian that has Foliage Takeover. However, in this instance both foliage traits cannot overlap with each other and/or be on the same area of a Stygian: one trait can affect the main body (the torso, head, and legs), while the other would only be able to affect tails, wings, and other such traits (not the main body).
    • Must be an existing type of flora (ie: cordyceps, venus fly traps) but can be any color.

    Blessing Stygian must have: (x1 Large Animal Companion and x1 Fantasy Tail) Gives a sentient tail to a Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Multiple Tails Skeletal Replacement Elemental Aura
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Supersize Weaponed Tail
    STYGIAN BLESSINGS REQUIRE: Large Animal Companion, Fantasy Tail
    • May be creature or plant based.
    • Can pair with multiple tails (up to three this way), can be different heads if so.
    • Can pair with skeletal replacement (sentient parts become skeletal) or element (sentient parts have element aura).
    • Cannot be inorganic.
    • Tail cannot exceed 200% of Stygian body length. Cannot have Supersize applied to it. To have larger sentient tails, use [++].
    • Each sentient head cannot be larger than the head of the Stygian.
    Weaponed Tail Guardian

    Gives your Stygian a Guardian Weaponed Tail trait. This gives your Stygian a tail that turns into a fully functional weapon at the end. This cannot be inherited or passed to ALT MYOs.
    MAX SIZING: 300 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Elemental Aura Skeletal Replacement
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Fantasy Tail Long Tail Short/Medium Tail
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Tails Sentient Tail Supersize
    This is a Restricted trait and can only be unlocked by the pairing with Primordial or unlocked with a Job Skill or Guardian Contract, with potions needed as necessary. It cannot be applied using a General Guardian Trait potion. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians or passed on to Alt MYOs
    • Gives your Stygian a tail that turns into a bladed weapon at the end. The flexible (organic) part of the tail must be between 100% and 200% of body length. The bladed weapon can be max 100% of the body length.
    • Can be added to a Stygian that has a Guardian trait unlocked with the Primordial trait or certain job skills (Explorer, Pirate, Librarian) or Guardian Contract. Potions are required when unlocked with the Primordial trait, the Explorer job class, or Contract.
    • Can be stacked with Elemental Aura to give the bladed weapon a metal coating. Elemental Aura cannot infuse or replace any part of the tail.
    • Skeletal Replacement cannot replace the weapon part of the tail, only the organic part.
    • Must be a bladed weapon and fully connected. Cannot be a projectile, be a chain, be a mace, break apart, etc.
    • Cannot have Supersize, Multiple Tails, or Sentient Tail applied to Weaponed Tails. For larger sizing use [++].
    [ ++ ] Trait Legendary

    Increases the size of certain traits. Is "Reserved" for special grants only.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Small Animal Companion Large Animal Companion Weapons Mastery Animate Weapons Mastery Extra Mouth Foliage Takeover Halo Spine Fur Modified Ears Tentacles Whiskers Head Crest Body Rings Hollow Crater Parasitic Foliage Heavy Accessories Enchanted Accessory Long Fangs Antennae Back Spines Multiple Spines Fantasy Horns Weaponed Tail Fairy Ears Sentient Tail Elemental Weaponed Tail Elemental Weapons Mastery
    This is a Reserved trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific [ ++ ] Trait potion. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians or passed on to Alt MYOs
    • Increases the size of any of these following traits: Small/ Large animal companion, Weapon/Animate weapon mastery, Extra mouth, Foliage Takeover, Halo, Long Spine Fur, Tentacles, Whiskers, Headcrest, Body Rings, Hollow Crater, Parasitic Foliage, Fantasy Horns, Heavy Accessories, Enchanted Accessory, Antennae, Back Spines, Multiple Spines, Weaponed Tail, Sentient Tail, Elemental Weaponed Tail, Elemental Weapon Mastery. Allows for these traits to be made extra large. There is no upper limit to the sizing, however, oversized traits cannot obstruct or hide the Stygian, species defining traits, or other traits. (Traits still need to be visible on masterlist art!)
    • For Fairy Ears, Modified Ears, and Long Fangs, these traits can only be made double their usual sizing (so twice as big as normal).
    • Weaponed Tail and Elemental Weapon Tails can increase in length but not width.
    • For very large oversized traits, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Stygian for cert only to fit the cert!
    • It does not affect any traits other than those listed above.
    • Can be obtained through Patreon as well as special auctions/promotions.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.
    Anomalous Legendary

    A trait exclusive to and required for all Diver Stygian disguise forms.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Fragmented Body Elemental Insides Semi-Transparency Cosmic Eyes Glowing Eyes Multiple Eyes
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Heads Object Head Long Fangs Long Tongue Third Eye Exposed
    • Required for and limited to Diver Stygian Disguise forms. It will automatically carry over to any Alt Form a Diver has. For more information on Divers, please visit see the DIVER INFORMATION.
    • The mask will always fully cover the 'void', so it must be large enough to fully cover the face. The mask cannot have any cut-outs or openings in it.
    • The mask should be any Stygian-like face shape, and can be any color. Masks should be of an appropriate size for the disguise form.
    • CHARMS: Divers will always have a charm (see reference image) attached to their mask. It will always look like the reference image above in shape (no alterations can be made, the charm must look like the above), and must be visible in masterlist art.
    • Masks can have Elemental Aura or Glowing Markings layered over them. However, Elemental Aura can never come from inside the mask, it will always layer over the outside.
    • Masks cannot have holes or cut outs in them of any kind. They will always be solid and fully hide what lies underneath them. They cannot be affected by semi-transparency, fragmentation, or any other trait that may reveal what lies beneath.
    • Traits that would only affect the face (mask area) of a Stygian cannot be applied to the mask/Diver Disguise Forms. For example, Long Tongue, Long Fangs, and Third Eye Exposed cannot be used with the Anomalous trait.
    • The mask can have eye-like markings, but it cannot have functional eyes attached to it in any way. As such, eye affecting traits cannot be applied to the mask either. (Multiple Eyes can be applied to other parts of the body, though!)
    • The "void" of the face under the mask cannot be visible in masterlist art (nor revealed in character!). The head and neck area cannot be affected by any trait (such as Semi-Transparency) in any way that might make what lies beneath the mask visible. (Other parts of the body can have these traits, but they cannot affect/change/reveal the Anomalous Trait.)
    • The "void" itself is always dark/black/blank; it cannot be affected by Elemental Insides or any other trait. (The rest of the body can have Elemental Insides, but it cannot affect the Anomalous Trait in any way.)
    • The Anomalous trait cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian. It cannot be added to any Stygian that is not a Diver.
    • This trait does not affect a Stygian Disguise's rarity. (A common disguise with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian disguise.)
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian the Corrupted Aether trait. This is a restricted trait that fully exposes a Stygian's inner aether.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Exposed Aether Elemental Insides Glass Body Elemental Outer Body
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Corrupted Aether. This is essentially removing all outer aether (colors and markings) to leave only the single color, more wispy inner aether exposed. This fully replaces any other colors or markings the Stygian might otherwise have had. Glowing markings and blood splatter cannot be applied to aether parts of a Stygian.
  • Corrupted aether will always be made of one, single dark colour and shades of that single dark colour. (Black aether will have black/gray shades, not red or blue shades.) These shades supply the wispy markings that corrupted aether will always have.
  • Corrupted aether is wispy at the Stygian's edges. These wisps should be small (see the reference image). The edges of the body (such as limbs and ears) should be somewhat semi-transparent. The limbs cannot be so wispy that they lose form, they will always hold form.
  • Corrupted aether itself will always glow with a red glow. The glow will always be red and will always glow along the outside of the aether. It will be more dominant in semi-transparent areas.
  • This trait will always affect the entire core of the Stygian - The head, the torso, and the four legs. It cannot affect only part of these, it will affect all. (So you can't have just the legs exposed, or just the front half, it will fully expose all of it.
  • Corrupted Aether will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • The corrupted exposed aether will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental or tail tufts.
  • Hollow crater can be added to a Stygian with exposed corrupted aether, however, the crater must then be fully hollow (no dark inside, and it must show through to the other side). The crater is in the aether itself, there's nothing left to exposed inside.
  • Corrupted Aether cannot have elemental outer body or glass body applied to it, as it is the inner body already. Likewise, it cannot have elemental insides applied to it, as it is the inside already.
  • Corrupted aether cannot have any star (or other shape besides the wisps) patterning inside the aether, or outside of it. If body sparkles are applied to a Stygian with corrupted aether, the sparkles can only affect non-aether traits.

  • Allows a dream and nightmare form.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    • This allows your Stygian to turn into another coloured version of themselves. This means, in the ARPG they can easily and fluidly (or are consistently phasing) between two colour modes, a "dream" one and a "nightmare" one.
    • ONLY the colour changes, not the traits themselves (though the trait colours can change too).
    • ONLY Light Accessories (common), Light Body Foliage (common), and the Stygian's bangs/fringe (short hair above/around the face) can be slightly modified: ie red roses for light body foliage to black lillies.
    • Traits cannot be removed, or modified outside of colour. That means if they had blue fire element, you can colour change it to green or pink fire element, but it can't become pink ice element.
    • You cannot change the markings on the Stygian however: you can change the colours of the markings (as well as all base colours etc).
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian the Exposed Aether trait. This is a restricted trait that fully exposes a Stygian's inner aether.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Elemental Outer Body Elemental Insides Corrupted Aether Glass Body
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be inherited by Guardian Stygian, and passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Exposed Aether. This is essentially removing all outer aether (colors and markings) to leave only the single light color, more wispy inner aether exposed. This fully replaces any other colors or markings the Stygian might otherwise have had. Glowing markings and blood splatter cannot be applied to aether parts of a Stygian.
  • Exposed aether will always be made of one, single light colour and shades of that single light colour. (Blue aether will always have blue shades, no purple or black shades inside.) These shades supply the wispy markings that exposed aether will always have.
  • Exposed aether is wispy at the Stygian's edges. These wisps should be small (see the reference image). The edges of the body (such as limbs and ears) should be somewhat semi-transparent. The limbs cannot be so wispy that they lose form, they will always hold form.
  • Inside the aether itself will always be a white starry pattern. No other shapes or colors - stygian aether will always have white starry patterns. These can glow slightly.
  • This trait will always affect the entire core of the Stygian - The head, the torso, and the four legs. It cannot affect only part of these, it will affect all. (So you can't have just the legs exposed, or just the front half, it will fully expose all of it.
  • Exposed Aether will not extend to most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • The exposed aether will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental or tail tufts.
  • Hollow crater can be added to a Stygian with exposed aether, however, the crater must then be fully hollow (no dark inside, and it must show through to the other side). The crater is in the aether itself, there's nothing left to exposed inside.
  • Exposed Aether cannot have elemental outer body or glass body applied to it, as it is the inner body already. Likewise, it cannot have elemental insides applied to it, as it is the inside already.
  • The aether itself cannot glow.

  • Allows your Stygian's entire appearance take on a fragmented look, like a mirror that was just broken.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be inherited by Guardian Stygian, and passed to Alternate MYOs.
    • Fragments can be of any crystalline shape, but detached pieces should not be "missing" from the Stygian (though they can be floating, above, around, behind, or below it).
    • Can affect all traits.
    • Fragmented pieces affect the whole part of the Stygian. This means that fragmented parts (traits or body) are fragmented all the way through, as seen in the reference image above.
        Fragmentation does not only take off the outer layer of a Stygian and show the aether inside, it would be hollow all the way through (as seen above).
    • Cannot have any missing parts/pieces of the fragments (ie incomplete body)
    • Cannot fragment a leg, tail, or other extremities so much that they are wholly free-floating or separate from the body. (See Detached Limbs in order to have floating limbs)
    • Is not "glitchy", the fragments have a broken mirror-like effect.
    • Fragmentation effect cannot exceed more than 50% of the Stygian.
    Ghost Legendary

    Gives the Stygian ghostly invisibility and a head wisp.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be passed down to Guardians and passed to ALT MYOs.
    • Must be a wispy ghost-like flame/element on top of its head/forehead.
    • Can be multiple wisps on top of head and extending down the spine spine and tail (max 10 wisps total). Must always have one main wisp over the head/forehead.
    • Wisps can be of any wispy shape (as long as it looks fluid)
    • Wisps should be semi-transparent and of one colour.
    • Wisps also extend to all Avatar forms of the Stygian (meaning if it has a human form, the human form has the wisps too).
    • While the Stygian cannot be completely invisible (save wisp) in its masterlist art, it can however, in the ARPG be all forms of visibility (save wisp). The wisp will always be visible.
    • Wisps cannot imitate an actual object shape.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.

    Gives your Stygian invisible stripes that appear to cut through it's whole body.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Invisible Stripes. These are stripes that appear to cut through a Stygian's body - they make parts of the Stygian invisible!
  • Inivisble Stripes will always appear as thin loops (closed-loop stripes), or as thin tapered stripes (see example above). They cannot appear as branching, wide, spring-like, or oddly-shaped stripes.
  • Invisible Stripes will affect between 20% and 50% of a Stygian's whole body, not counting any wings, tail, tentacles, or similiar extremities. Meaning it will always affect at least 20% of Stygian's core body, and no more than 50% of a Stygian's body.
  • Invisible Stripes will mainly affect the core of a Stygian, meaning it will appear on it's body and legs. (It cannot affect just a tail, for instance.) Invisible stripes will not affect a Stygian's head in any way.
  • Invisible Stripes can only affect non-elemental traits of a Stygian. It cannot affect a wishing Stygian's space elementals body parts, or a pirmoridal void's elemental belly and tail.
  • Invisible Stripes will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to hair, back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • Will always have a 3D effect, meaning the other side of the stripe will be visible on the other side. This does not allow aether or elemental insides to show on the inside, the invisible stripe makes the WHOLE of the Stygian's body invisible, as seen above.
  • Can affect Mimic Stygian, however, it will only affect their shadow body (which will still remain black on all sides).
  • Invisible Stripes does not cut a Stygian, nor does it allow pieces to float - it is simply a stripe of invisibility on the Stygian's body.
  • Stripes cannot be used in a way to mimic detached limbs or detached head - it will always have more than one ring if affecting limbs or neck, and will also affect the body.

  • Gives your Stygian the Laybrinth Shadowweaving Shadow companion. This is a RESERVED trait.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Common Shadowweaving Uncommon Shadowweaving Rare Shadowweaving
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Laybrinth Shadowweaving
    This is a reserved trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This trait is reserved to events. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
    • Gives your Stygian a Labyrinth Shadowweaving shadow companion.
    • This trait can only be applied to Stygian that were involved with the Mystery Hunt Labyrinth event and completed part 2 of that event. or Stygian that completed all 3 parts of the Labyrinth Returns quest event.
    • This companion should be shadow - dark and flat. It can have some form, but no shading or shape as it is a shadow and would be flat. It must have at least one eye, but can have multiple. These eyes can be of any color.
    • The Shadoweaving Companion should look like a shadowy, non-solid familiar (it's a companion, after all!) or figure of some sort, that is completely separate from the Stygian (but connected to its shadow, of course). Giving it a head or something similiar is recommended! The shadoweaving companion cannot be of any shape/position that mimics traits on a Stygian.
    • This Shadow can be a maximum of twice (200%) the Stygian's body size.
    • It must be connected to the Stygian at the Stygian's feet. .
    • This shadow can stack with all other forms of Shadowweaving.
    • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.
    • This trait does not affect a Stygian's rarity. (A common stygian with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian.)

    A general legendary trait potion that can add a non-restricted legendary trait to your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can be used to add a single, non-restricted legendary trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.

    Gives your Stygian a molting outer body, revealing the aether underneath.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Exposed Aether Corrupted Aether Elemental Insides
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Elemental Outer Body
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Stygian Molting Body. This lets their outer, fur-like covering almost peel away to show the aether that lies underneath.
  • Molting Body will always peel away in random molting patterns. It will always always have some small molting bits that are visibly peeling off and away from the body.
  • The molting body reveals a Stygian's inner aether. This aether is always a single colour (no glows, sparkles, swirls, or other things). This inner aether cannot drip or leak, it simply shows through the molting parts of the outer body.
    • When paired with Elemental Insides, the Elemental Insides will behave and appear similar to Stygian's normal aether. These elemental insides will not be able to drip or leak out through the molting body. Elemetnal insides can, however, glow, sparkle, and be of mutliple colours.
    • When paired with Exposed Aether or Corrupted Aether, the aether wisps will float like normal, coming through the areas of molting body. All other Exposed/Corrupted aether rules apply. (Traits like glowing markings and crystalline growth can affect a Stygian's body with Exposed Aether/Corrupted Aether, but only on parts where the outer body has not molted away.)
  • Molting body will affect between 20% and 50% of a Stygian's whole body, not counting any wings, tail, tentacles, or similiar extremities. Meaning it will always affect at least 20% of Stygian's core body, and no more than 50% of a Stygian's body.
  • Molting Body will mainly affect the core of a Stygian, meaning it will appear on it's body, legs, and head.
  • Molting Body can only affect non-elemental traits of a Stygian. It cannot affect a wishing Stygian's space elementals body parts, or a pirmoridal void's elemental belly and tail.
  • Molting Body will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to hair, back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • Molting Body will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental tails or fur tail tufts.
  • Molting Body cannot molt in uniform or repeating patterns, or in any specific or recognizable shapes. It will always be random molting.
  • Molting Body cannot be used with Elemental Outer Body.
  • Molting Body cannot affect Mimic Stygian.

  • Allows your Stygian UP TO THREE IDENTICAL multiple heads. Must be identical to the original head look of the Stygian subspecies.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Object Head
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion.
    • Heads must look identical to the original look of the Stygian subspecies.
    • Each head however, can have their paired horns, single horn, hair (any length), eye colour, sclera, markings, manifest seperately.
    • Each head can have a different elemental aura if multiple elemental potions are being used.
    • Each head can have different accessory manifestations (as long as it fulfills the conditions/requirements/restrictions for light/medium/heavy accessories)
    • Halo must be placed behind the entire set of heads (or above) - each head does not get an individual halo as halos cannot stack.
    • Cannot be used with Object Head.
    • Necks cannot become shorter or longer than Stygian subspecies's original design.
    • Cannot be used with subspecies that already have multiple heads.

    Gives your Stygian multiple pairs of wings (MAX 16 wings/8 pairs).
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Supersize Elemental
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Back Wings
    • Wings MUST be on the back, from the base of the neck onto the tail along the spine (for ear wings, please purchase ear wings potion).
    • Wings CAN be different type of wings (ie one wing is bat one wing is bird).
    • Follow the same rules as back wings in terms of trait addons (ie: can be stacked with element or multi-eyes to get an element or multi-eyed effect, etc).
    • Each wing has the same size restriction as regular Back Wings: Individually, wings cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size (head to foot, not including tail) for bipedal Stygian, and not more than 200% of your Stygian's body size (torso length, not including head and tail) for quadrupedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be sticking out of anywhere but from spine/back/tail area.
    • Cannot exceed more than 16 wings (8 pairs of wings).
    • Canot be stacked with the "rare back wings trait" (instead, replaces back wings)

    Your Stygian's original head is replaced by an object and/or floating head. Allows for multiple heads.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Heads
    • The head must be a "replacement" head that shows the original head is missing (ie absence of original head or a floating head). These "replacement" heads should be inorganic and non animal/ mythical object heads such as: organic items (plants which still need foliage potion), artficial items (TVs, masks, etc etc), floating element (with elemental potion), or completely missing head.
      • Heads CANNOT be any type of ORGANIC CREATURES, to not accidentally get mixed up with avatar forms or other species. This includes animals, human, and mythical creature shaped heads, as well as object heads that are "inorganic" but look exactly like an organic creature head.
    • You are allowed to do animal STYLIZED object heads as long as they don't literally look like an animal head, such as a floating plush head, mecha head, animal mask head, so on so forth. These inspired heads should not have actual functioning eyes or mouth (so like fake eyes and fake mouth)
    • The head MUST be clearly separate from the Stygian's body.
    • The head can be floating, or held, anywhere on canvas, or just be entirely missing (in this case, it would have no "head" at all @ missing).
    • Object also allows for up to 4 multiple heads (of the SAME head type- different markings/colours okay) on the Stygian as long as they are free floating.
    • The heads combined cannot exceed 50% of the body of your Stygian
    • Object heads cannot have a functional mouth or eyes as they are not actually functional "heads".
    • The clear-cut separation line CANNOT be hidden in any way. It cannot be covered with a collar/accessory or with fur/hair. Nor can the head 'rest' or 'sit' on the neck.
    • They cannot have any decorations or additional twists/unusual shapes added to the head without the purchase of other modifying potions (ie if you want plants on the head you need a foliage potion). For halo you need to add halo potion. If you want mist coming from the missing head part, add element).
    • Object heads cannot make a Stygian look exactly like another animal, human, or adoptables species. Object heads cannot make a Stygian look identical to their avatar forms. This is to prevent complete confusion between what is a Stygian species and what is their canonical avatar form.
    Primordial Legendary

    Allows Stygian to evolve to Primordial subspecies types. Also unlocks 1 Guardian Trait for your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. Primordial can extend to alt MYO forms. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians (unless your Stygian owns the "Primordial Inheritance" skill)
    • This means it unlocks a new evolution form, or an evolved version of their subspecies. To learn more about primordial evolution, go HERE
    • Each subspecies has their own special rules and traits! To see the various subspecies you can also go here: HERE
    • Applying a Primordial Potion grants you one free rebase from normal to primordial subspecies per Stygian (not per alt form), to be used when the potion/trait is applied. The rebase cannot be claimed after the potion/trait has been applied, and it must be used on the first form the potion/trait is applied to. All future alt forms will be able to choose between regular form and primordial form at the time of creation, or whenever a rewind ticket or a rebase ticket for the corresponding subspecies is applied!
    • Primordial also unlocks 1 Guardian Trait when it is applied to a Stygian. It can unlock max 1 Guardian Trait per form, locked to that form. A Guardian Potion is needed to apply a Guardian Trait to the unlocked trait slot.
    Shapeshifter Legendary

    Allows you to change specific traits or areas of the Stygian's body. This trait has very specific guidelines that should be checked carefully before applying to a Stygian!
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Front Paws Back Wings Multiple Limbs
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Short-Medium Tail Long Tail Multiple Tails Fantasy Tail
    This is a RETIRED TRAIT and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It cannot be passed to ALT MYOs. This trait can no longer be inherited. Instead, if your Guardian jar rolls a legendary trait you may inherit Size-Changer as a replacement.
    • You can modify or add to any of these existing traits but you need the rare potions first:
    • Front paws: Can change the front legs to another unconventional front paw shape. This cannot exceed the size of the Stygian's original paws.
    • Back wings: Can change the back wings to another unconventional back wing-placed limb (ie back claws). This cannot exceed the size of the Stygian's original back wings.
    • Multiple limbs: Can change only the first of the front limbs, not all of them.
    • Can add a nonexisting trait to the front body or front legs, such as a spine reaching down the belly, or spines down the arms, or ears/a single wing sticking from its belly. These cannot exceed more than 25% of the body/torso. These are often reviewed case-by-case just to make sure they're not toeing the line of looking like an existing trait or subspecies.
    • Trait must be attached to body (cannot be free floating)
    • Cannot be a "sentient" trait (ie another head or animal sticking out of the body).
    • Cannot use this to nearly perfectly mimic any existing subspecies. Ie I can't create a combination of traits to make my non Owl Stygian look exactly like an owl Stygian (ie: using front paws then shapeshifter for the feathers), but I could use shapeshifter to add feathers to a Stygian's front non paw legs.
    • Cannot modify head, back paws, tail.
    • Cannot completely mimic an existing trait (ie using it to mimic Guardian traits, tentacles, extra mouth, etc. )

    Gives the Size-Changer trait along them to change to any size between 1-100 feet tall.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Size can be fluctate anywhere from 1-100 feet tall
    • The entire size of the Stygian changes with all their traits, not just one part of them or one trait.
    • For masterslist, the size is always relative, meaning the Stygian will be certed at all the other sizes of Stygian certed. However, in the ARPG, you are now free to draw them fluctuating at all sizes.
    • Relative mass is up to you - since it's the Nightmare world, there's no real "physics" needed cause for how much they weigh when changing sizes.

    Allows you to supersize a Stygian's wings, (most) tails, elemental aura, or hair (one trait per potion only).
    MAX SIZING: 400 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Long Hair Long Tail Fantasy Tail Back Wings Multiple Wings Elemental Aura Object Tail
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Sentient Tail Weaponed Tail Elemental Weaponed Tail
    • PICK ONE OF THESE TRAITS TO SUPERSIZE: Back wings, long tail, fantasy tail, multiple tails, multiple wings, elemental aura (MAX 1 this way), long hair. One potion = one trait to pick.
    • Allows these traits to exceed standard sizing! There is no upper limit on the size allowed.
    • Stygian still MUST BE SHOWING AND FULLY VISIBLE Traits should not cover up any of the Stygian's primary traits/details including species defining traits and other traits.
    • For subspecies with breed specific tails (such as serpent, void, lindwyrm, shark, wishing, etc) tails can increase in length but not in width (will always just be the standard width).
    • MULTIPLE WINGS/TAIL: Same as regular supersized, but multiple.
    • ELEMENTAL AURA: Only affects one element if you choose to supersize it. If free flowing (not attached to any existing traits), it must flow as one continuous trait (ie if you pick rainbow it must be one long continuous rainbow effect, not a multitude of rainbow throughout your Stygian).
      • If your Stygian has multiple elementals, only one can be supersized. Cannot look like elemental outer body or any other existing trait.
      • If stacked with hair or wings ie elemental hair, elemental wings, you only need one supersize potion, just for the element, and again must flow as one continuous trait.
      • Cannot look like any other existing trait.
      • Cannot be used to supersize any other elemental influences on traits not listed above (ie you CANNOT do elemental + supersized object head, elemental + supersized halo, or elemental + supersized animal companion, etc.)
    • For subspecies with default tails/wings, it can affect their default tail/wing (pick one).
    • One potion PER trait to supersize. For example, if you buy a supersize potion, you can supersize the wings OR the tail, not both (if you want both, you need another supersize potion)
    • Does not include elbow wings, ear wings, sentient tail, elemental weaponed tail, or weaponed tail.
    • Again, only one potion PER trait on your Stygian from the allow traits above.
    • Supersized traits cannot be stacked with themselves ie: you can have supersize + elemental with supersize + wings, but not supersize + elemental with supersize + another elemental
    • Supersize can ONLY affect Wings (Back Wings or Multiple Wings), Hair (Manes), (Non-Guardian) Tails, or Elemental Aura. It cannot be applied to any other traits.
    • For very large supersized images, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Stygian for cert only to fit the cert!
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form.