Stygians is an ARPG + site game! On top of owning the species and participating in the ARPG, we have a fully interactional website that includes features such as Adventure (RPG-like) battling, Dating sim, minigames, trading post, shops and more!
[ STEP 1 ]: REGISTER ON THE STYGIANS SITE First thing's first, make sure you're all signed up for the site! You can register here:
You'll also need to link a DA/Twitter/TH account to confirm the registration here:
What are Stygians, what is the nightmare world, who am I? I can answer exactly two of these questions, which you can find in the handy link below! Just a note: you don't need to read the full species guide, this guide is something just short of an encyclopedia, this is just more for knowledge if you ever want to go back and look at anything interesting about Stygians.
Don't have a Stygian? Create your own below!
[ STEP 2.5 ]: OBTAIN THE STYGIANS WELCOME PACK Now that you registered on the site, let's first pick up a starter pack for you! This welcome pack comes with some goodies that you can use in the ARPG, feel free to manage or click on the items to learn more about them! You may also see other gifts open time to time, though the starter park is always a permanent one time per account bonus!

Just click on the button to pick up your free gifts!
[ STEP 3 ]: MAKE YOUR FIRST STYGIAN If you don't already have a Stygian you can head over to the Figment Questline to make your very own first Stygian! The Figment Quest is a 7 step quest that can be drawn or written (or both!). Once it's been submitted and approved, you'll be able to turn that Figment into a real Stygain! For all the details and how-to, click on the link below!

Extra Note: Many of the activities below can be played and participated in before you have your own Stygian! Feel free to look around and play some games while you work on your Figment!
[ STEP 4 ]: PLAY! There are so many features on the site for you to explore and play! Feel free to click and browse what interests you!
QUESTING Questing will let you earn SKILL POINTS and SHADOW TOKENS to upgrade your Stygian's traits, rarities, and even subspecies! You can unlock all sorts of fancy traits through questing! Questing is the ARPG standard of using prompts fulfilled by art, crafts, or writing.

MY SITE PROFILE Manage all your Stygian, Treats, achievements, items, daydreams, and overall site minigame stats on your site profile! You can also show off your profile to other users as well as the Stygian on that page!

ADVENTURES Tired of questing? Take your Stygian out for a classic RPG-style adventure battle! Equip your Stygian with skills, cards, and daydreams, and level them up as they battle against unusual critters found in the Nightmare Realm. This is a standalone site feature that requires NO art or writing, just pure RPG game mechanics! Earn special rewards, and even things such as Treat CYO tokens and rare Stygian upgrades through adventuring!

SITE MINIGAMES Minigames offer a variety of small games to play in your spare time! These come from aligning blocks to score points, to navigating a very floppy floresce through some eels! Test your skills and luck through minigames to level them up, and earn special rewards, upgrades and achievements!

TRADING POST Check out what other users have up for trade, and offer your own items up for trade/sale in the trading post! *Note: You will need a Stygian before you can use the Trading Post.

AND MORE SITE ACTIVITIES And many, MANY more activities, including Fishing, Dailies, a Dating sim - the list goes on! Check them all out on the site!

DISCORD We also do promotions, giveaways and more on the discord! Join us below!
Created at 2024-05-05 02:49:12