Worlds are a feature of the Explorer's Guild, and you will get Exploration coins for completing user made worlds! To start one of the world quests below, or even MAKE YOUR OWN WORLD, make sure to read the guide on how to using the handy button below!

NOTE: Setting up a Kingdom is OPTIONAL - it is more open to those who want to create a world to explore of their own for other users. If you are not ready to set up a kingdom, you can [ skip this step ] and go to [ EXPLORING OTHER KINGDOMS ]. Currency obtained from exploration is from [ Exploring Other Kingdoms ], and not from setting up your own kingdom.


A passport stamp is a fun and simple graphic the describe the name of your Stygian's kingdom and maybe even a little about it! First [ click on the button below to download a .psd of all passport stamp templates ]! If you cannot use a .psd (photoshop) document, you can use either the default diamond or default circle.

On the template, add the name of your Stygian's world in any readable font!

Add in some graphics in WHITE on TOP of images you think represent your Stygian's Kingdom!

Then, fill the bottom template shape with a SINGLE colour of your choice. The passport stamp should only have one colour!

Once done, you can go ahead and move to the next step below. Upload your image into a - you'll need it for later! You can create one stamp per Stygian you own, though it's easier to just do one for now, and come back to more stamps later!


Let's set up your Stygian's Kingdom to get it ready for tourism! Open the [ CREATE NEW KINGDOM ] (submit claim) button using the link below!

Under [ Type ] Make sure it says [ Exploration ]

Under [ Upload Image ], [ Upload your badge image ]

Under [ Writing Quests ], submit the full format of your kingdom. This is where you write the lore of your kingdom. COPY AND PASTE THE TEMPLATE BELOW, making sure to keep the [ ABOUT ] and [ QUESTS ] sections

Additional notes: When creating your kingdom, if you want to include additional images, please upload them to your Stygian's Gallery (Stygian profile -> gallery dropdown) and link the URLs OR upload them to a public image repository.



[ ABOUT YOUR KINGDOM ]: Describe your Stygian's kingdom. What does it look like? Is it a large forest, or a small town, or even a large sprawling castle? Tell us about the nightmare that influenced this kingdom and created this setting. EXAMPLE: The Puzzle Kingdom is a series of interconnected hallways that have no windows, and seemingly only endless doors. Each door and hallway is covered in conspiracy boards, from pins, to unusual scrawlings of unsolved puzzles, to papers, endless papers, photos, and cryptic symbols. Occasionally the hallways taper into large rooms that contain endless empty tables, some stacked together, some floating, others upside down. What are these tables even for?

[ POINTS OF INTEREST: ] Add a few points of interest within your kingdom. This is just so those visiting aren't stuck in drawing a huge skyline if your Stygian's kingdom is "city". If it is a city for example, is there a special coffee shop in your kingdom, or a hidden library? If it's a forest is there a garden or a fairy circle, or perhaps an underground cave system? Keep these points of interest small, think when you go travelling and see a "tourist point", where you can sit around, order things, buy some souvenirs, or take photos, etc. For example, instead of saying "the lake" as a point of interest, tell us a section of the lake that is interesting. Maybe a duck pond instead of a large-scale lake, or the koi feeding segment part of the lake.
  • EXAMPLE: The Chair of Requirement: Within the Puzzle Kingdom is a mythical cursed chair. It is said that anyone who sits within it is cursed with bad luck for the rest of their lives. Since nobody has ever sat in it, it has yet to be contested, but the chair does occasionally appear in front of anyone who is not expecting it - taking on the appearance of an ordinary chair.. that just happens to be in the middle of the hallway covered in triangle symbols.

  • EXAMPLE 2: The Endless Corridor: Once inside the endless corridor, there is no exit. It is a corridor the further you go, the longer it seems to stretch, and the more ominous and unusual the scrawling and photos get - to the point where some of the images seem to even sprout eyes on the walls to watch you. While nobody has ever entered, or escaped really, the endless corridor, the easiest way to get out, is to wait until the endless corridor gets bored of you, and disappears.

[ ABOUT YOUR STYGIAN ]: Feel free to use official art, graphics, icons, fanart, what have you of your Stygian. Then, describe a small bit of your Stygian. Also link to their site profile, where you updated the profile of your Stygian for anyone who wants more detailed information.

[ QUESTS ] This is the fun part. Here, you will be create UP TO THREE quests for your world. The sky's the limit on what these quests can be, but try to make them "tourist friendly". For example, a quest could be make a wish from a well, or to create your own soap statue carving, or even learn how to make your own latte or bakery food. For these quests, we will need to review them, but please make sure they are something that is "arpg" friendly, meaning it's easy to write or art out this quest. You don't have to make three, you could just make one quest, but more than one does give users an option! If you are making more than one quest, you can also dedicate one to art only, and one to writing only, etc.

You can add an IC effect reward such as "upon completion your Stygian can now see in the dark in this Kingdom" or "your Stygian now knows how to make a latte in this Kingdom!". These rewards should be small and cute, and not contradict, or affect their appearance. Make sure IC rewards are contained within their realm only (write a disclaimer that say something like "this happens for x time only in this kingdom"). This is OPTIONAL. IC non EFFECT item rewards such as giving them a book or card or food item is fine to persist outside the realm!

You can add an IC effect reward such as "upon completion your Stygian can now see in the dark in this Kingdom" or "your Stygian now knows how to make a latte in this Kingdom!". These rewards should be small and cute, and not contradict, or affect their appearance. Make sure IC rewards are contained within their realm only (write a disclaimer that say something like "this happens for x time only in this kingdom"). This is OPTIONAL. \ IC non EFFECT item rewards such as giving them a book or card or food item is fine to persist outside the realm!

You can add an IC effect reward such as "upon completion your Stygian can now see in the dark in this Kingdom" or "your Stygian now knows how to make a latte in this Kingdom!". These rewards should be small and cute, and not contradict, or affect their appearance. Make sure IC rewards are contained within their realm only (write a disclaimer that say something like "this happens for x time only in this kingdom"). This is OPTIONAL. IC non EFFECT item rewards such as giving them a book or card or food item is fine to persist outside the realm!

  • - PLEASE DO NOT make these quests too complicated. They should be easy to understand and function something like a "task".
  • - Please do NOT create unsolvable puzzles/math/etc etc in your quests if you only have one quest. We don't mind if you have three quests if one of them is tougher, but make sure at LEAST one of your quests is easy to do.
  • - Be creative and have fun!
  • -Quests always keep the same requirements as the usual quests. Make sure you write for writing quests it is a minimum of 250 words and for drawing ones minimum full body + lines/shading or colour/shading.
  • - Unlike the sample quests below, do not provide any other prizes other than IC ones that would affect a Stygian ONLY in that Kingdom.
  • - Make sure the quests are "solo"able. As in, it doesn't require interaction with specific Stygian/ NPCS! You can have an npc create a prop for them to you (or your Stygian!), or something for them to try, but it should not be a requirement that they have to draw your Stygian in the quest, since the focus is more in tourism with your Stygian as a guiding/passive NPC role!

  • EXAMPLE 1: Puzzle's photobooth: Hop into Puzzle's slightly broken photobooth and take a photo of yourself. There's a 99% chance the photo will turn out extremely grainy and warped, and a greater chance that there is a mysterious shadow watching you from behind you in the photo. Draw the photo result.

    EXAMPLE 2: Puzzle's tourist review: On a mysterious table that has appeared right in front of the entrance is a table. Yes, it is a table on a table. On top of the table table is a book that simply says "HOW WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE HERE?". It seems she wants you to leave a tourist review of your time here, and your recommended locations... (minimum 250 words).

If you need more guidance, try clicking on a [ kingdom badge ] below to see how others set up their Kingdoms! If everything looks good, hit [ SUBMIT ]! Your Kingdom will be added to the EXPLORABLE KINGDOMS LIST, which you can see below! You're ready to now explore other Kingdoms hooray!

UPDATING YOUR WORLD: If you are updating your world/ would like the quests updated, please submit the same form above, but make a note that this is an updated world, and things you'd like changed in your new link or comments.
VISITING OTHER WORLDS ( Obtaining Exploration currency and prizes )

If you are looking to obtain [ EXPLORATION TOKENS ] and quest rewards, you will want to visit OTHER peoples worlds!


Any of the below Kingdoms (as marked with a stamp image) are explorable as a unique usermade prompts. Simply pick a quest within a kingdom (it should say "Quest 1: NAME HERE", "QUEST 2 NAME HERE ETC", PICK ONE) and work on the prompt at your interpretation. Feel free to refer to the setting of the Kingdom to help you out, or any points of interest.

You may complete as many kingdom quests as you like, but we encourage you to explore different ones. Every time you complete a different kingdom, you get their passport stamp, which shows up on your Stygian you explored with's profile. If you'd like, you can always come back to do another quest or the same quest within that kingdom, though you only get one stamp per kingdom.

You can only earn ONE Exploration Coin from exploration quests per day. This counts when the exploration quests are submitted using the date and time on the site. For example, if you turn in 3 exploration quests on April 3rd, you would only earn 1 coin between those three quests.

You can interpret any of the usermade prompts however you want, keeping in mind the general lore that user has created! Once you have made quest art/writing of that prompt as dictated, you are ready to turn it in!


Any of the below Kingdoms (as marked with a stamp image) are explorable as a unique usermade prompts. Simply pick a quest within a kingdom (it should say "Quest 1: NAME HERE", "QUEST 2 NAME HERE ETC", PICK ONE) and work on the prompt at your interpretation. Feel free to refer to the setting of the Kingdom to help you out, or any points of interest.

You may complete as many kingdom quests as you like, but we encourage you to explore different ones. Every time you complete a different kingdom, you get their passport stamp, which shows up on your Stygian you explored with's profile. If you'd like, you can always come back to do another quest or the same quest within that kingdom, though you only get one stamp per kingdom.

You can only earn ONE Exploration Coin from exploration quests per day. This counts when the exploration quests are submitted using the date and time on the site. For example, if you turn in 3 exploration quests on April 3rd, you would only earn 1 coin between those three quests.

You can interpret any of the usermade prompts however you want, keeping in mind the general lore that user has created! Once you have made quest art/writing of that prompt as dictated, you are ready to turn it in! Use the calculator given below (you can also find it under your username -> under [ Submission ])


There are special rewards you can claim below (as well as spending merchant coins in the exploration shop). These will require your explorations log link, which you can find here: my explorations log link

Prize x5 Explorer Coins
Requirements: 1 Exploration completed (MAX 1 REDEEM PER USER). Make sure to use your dungeons log link:

Prize Merchant Job Class (Go to your Stygians profile, then job classes, to see it)
Requirements: 3 Explorations completed (MAX 1 REDEEM PER STYGIAN). Make sure to use your explorations log link:

Click on a badge below to visit a Stygian's world and complete their explorer's guild quests! When a Stygian completes an exploration quest, they will get the badge in their profile!

Regular Exploration Worlds: