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The Pirate Guild

A gold emblem hangs on the doorway, and there is nobody in sight - looks like to purchase anything here, you must find something very special. Only those who are of the Pirate job class are considered part of the pirates guild. Being of course, a smuggler's guild, you may find some very... illegal items for sale that the pirates guild have somehow gotten their hands on.



Nobody dares mention the name out loud, but if your Stygian is brave enough to join, they'll first have to give an... offering of some sort to the sea gods. 


Your Stygian must own the { Dark book of Secrets Volume 1 } and the { Dark Book of Secrets Volume 2 } to learn the elusive pirate job class and purchase things in the black market found in the Trading Post. Don't know how to get the books? Check out the Explorer's Guild shop and Merchant's Guild shop!


The Pirate Guild will sometimes host sales for onsite items. These sales are usually exclusive to Pirate Guild Members. Sometimes, however, the sales may be open to all.



Created at 2021-06-06 05:58:45
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