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Baker’s Cottage

[ Baker’s Cottage ] [ T-1722 ]


A pleasant aroma of baked goods leads you to a small booth hidden away, crewed by a very anxious treatling who cannot seem to stop fiddling with his jacket.

“T-take one!” He stutters, waving at the trays of tarts, pastries and pies that are on display. “I m-made them myself, w-with some help of course.” You notice movement in the back, where a sylph stygian is pulling out a fresh batch of cookies from a small oven. She glances at you, and with a mischievous smile, sprinkles something on the cookies.


Draw/write your stygian eating one of the baked goods and what happens to them. Feel free to choose a prompt yourself or roll a 6-sided die.

Prompt 1: You become a minipet magnet. Nearby minipets are drawn to your body, but are relatively easy to pull off.

Prompt 2: Your body starts to glitter, and you have a compulsive urge to tell everyone how dazzling you are.

Prompt 3: You are now very tiny. Try not to get stepped on.

Prompt 4: You turn into a fish! And are promptly thrown into a nearby fishbowl

Prompt 5: You start floating away like a balloon. Thankfully you can only float as high as the festival booths.

Prompt 6: You can now speak fluent treat. At least you think you can, because you have no idea what you are saying. Treats seem to understand you though.

Created at 2024-09-30 09:35:27
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