BACK TO Floresctival Booths

"Fish" and "Chips"

[ "Fish" and "Chips": ] [ G-694 ]


You seem to have wandered off the beaten path and into a dark, damp corner of the festival grounds. A glass booth sits at the edge of the forest. Through the scratched exterior, you can see a tank of murky water, and the occasional flash of a pale fin or eye that may or may not belong to a fish.

There's a ratty old "menu" perched on top, but it's written in incomprehensible squiggles. The stygian manning the booth will only stare at you silently, no matter how hard you try to get clarification. If you point at a menu item, they'll hand you a paper cone made of a page from a cryptid magazine, filled with... something.


Draw or write about your character interacting with this shady booth. If they're brave enough to try some "fish", you can generate a random number, pick your favourite, or make up your own effect:

1 - It's unbelievably, world-shakingly spicy. You start uncontrollably breathing fire. 

2 - The cone is full of octopus suckers. If you put them in your mouth, they immediately latch onto your gums, and you sprout tentacles until you manage to remove them.

3 - You take a bite. The next time you blink, you open your eyes and realize you are now one of the creepy fish inside the tank. Don't get fried! 

4 - It's unpleasant and rubbery, but as you chew, visions of all the secrets of the universe surge into your brain. The origin of the nightmare tree! The recipes for the ultimate alchemy! With this knowledge, you could become the most powerful stygian in the world! ...And then you wake up in a completely different area of the festival grounds with a pounding headache.

5 - The cone is empty except for a single slightly greasy plastic spider. What are you supposed to do with this?

6 - It's the most delicious fish and chips you've ever tasted in your life - perfectly crunchy breading, tender fish, paired with crisp and well-seasoned fries. You feel amazing until you get home and realize all your floresce are gone.

Created at 2024-09-30 16:21:19
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