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Welcome to [ TSUKI'S MOON FLOWER MOONCAKES ] [ T-1374 ].


A starry little rabbit Treat rather appears out of seemingly nowhere as you browse the festival booths. He insistently tugs you over to this bright booth, from which warmth and sweet smells emanate. He makes no effort to speak to you even if you try, but seems quite determined to bring business to this booth. You can’t quite tell if he’s a friend or a fan, but it’s kinda cute seeing him do his best to help out.

As you draw near, a Sylph disguised Treatling promptly pops up from behind the counter in a burst of flower petals – a part of you wonders if those pose some sort of food safety risk, but you’re immediately distracted as she brightly addresses you and the Treat that brought you there.

“Oh lovely, another customer! Thank you so much for your help, Hoshi~! Hello and welcome – I’m Tsukihana, and I’ve got freshly baked mooncakes here!” She motions to a variety of round cakes sitting on plates on the counter. Most of them are golden brown, but there are a few that seem to come in different colors and textures, and they’re all decorated with intricate designs. “It’s the perfect time of year for them, wouldn’t you say? Come have a look – there’s all sorts of flavors and designs to pick from! I’m sure I can fix you up with one that suits your tastes perfectly!”



If you'd prefer no RNG:

Draw or write your Stygian eating their ideal kind of mooncake! Is it a golden brown pastry on the outside, or maybe soft colorful mochi, or something really out there? What sort of flavor is the filling made of – your standard lotus seed or red bean paste, or a taste combination no one’s ever dreamed of before? Did you get an egg yolk in the middle – or maybe even two, lucky! Or did you forfeit all thought of flavor and just choose it for the pretty design on top? Whatever you get, Hoshi stands with a little sign nearby to remind you, ‘No Refunds’ – well, that’s fair you suppose. These are free after all.


If you'd like RNG:

(Occasionally something unexpected is found in the center of a mooncake. If you'd like, roll a dice 5 sided dice below and depict how your Stygian reacts to the resulting scenario! But be warned, the result's not always edible...)

You bite down into your mooncake – and get a mouthful of pastry! ...and also something else. Huh. Tsuki seems surprised at the sight, and you get the feeling she didn’t put that in there, at least on purpose. But then who did…? You try not to wonder too much about it and inspect what you got:

Roll a 1: You get an extra mouthful of paper! Spitting it out, you read an ecouraging message, wishing you a long and prosperous life. It leaves you glowing - literally. You glow with a warm, golden aura the entire time you're enjoying your mooncake. You're pretty eye catching - was this some sort of advertising ploy?

Roll a 2: You get a mouthful of wood! What the...? You spit out a tiny, crude wooden figure of a Floresce. What-how did that even fit in there...? ...At least you got a souvenir?

Roll a 3: You get a mouthful of pastry! And some flower petals. Oh dear - maybe you were right to be concerned earlier. But you can't quite bring yourself to say anything...Hoshi is staring at you keenly...You get the feeling if you complain and make Tsuki feel bad about it, he won't react kindly. Maybe you should just keep eating...

Roll a 4: You get a mouthful of chewy candy! Huh? Looking down, you realize your mooncake filling is acutally made up of swedish fish. You could've sworn you didn't order this...But it's not the worst thing you've ever eaten, so maybe you can finish it. If you really persist...

Roll a 5: You get a fishy tasting mouthful! Looking closer, you think you see some stray fish flakes in your mooncake - how odd. But you're not given much time to wonder about it, because suddenly out of nowhere a Floresce dives down and steals your treat! How rude! Despite the fishy hints of flavor, it was actually pretty good...

Created at 2024-10-03 03:51:55
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