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Adventurers Luck!

[ Adventurers Luck!] [ MYO-883 ]


As you make your way through the festival grounds something catches your eye- a modest booth, manned by a styg who is intensely staring you down. Maybe she wants something?? As you start making your way to the booth the stygs ears perk up and she quickly fetches something from under the table and as you arrive at the booth she shoves a sheet of paper at you. It reads-

[Hello Traveler!! :D
Welcom to my booth!! Hace you ever wated to be an Adventurerr? Well now you can! (Kind of)
Evry seasoned adventurer knows the ancitnet tradition of brakeing prisless artifacts to find amazinf treasure!
In this booth activity you will be doing as such! (Kind of) Ech pottery pot before you will either hold an amazing tresure or a comon adventure ebcounter. Its always a gamble with these dungeons, you never know wjat you get somtimes! >:3
Good luck Traveler!!]

... Horrible spelling aside- It sounds.. fun? Maybe? You decide to play for whatever reason and the booth styg pushes a wooden sword across the table to you.


Use your wooden sword to break open one of the pots! Roll a dice to see which one you get and draw or write about the encounter you got! '  ')//

Pot 1: You get a single tiny Ruby! oh.

Pot 2: You take a swing at pot 2 and it hits the side of it with a thunk. The pot only moves slightly then it starts to growl- uh oh. Turns out it was a mimic not a Pot!!

Pot 3: You break open Pot 3 and hit gold!! But you also hit a furious Gemdragon Ruby Daydream that was napping on top of it. It launches itself at you! AH!

Pot 4: You hit Pot 4 and break it! Kinda of? It starts to slowly come apart rather then shatter like you'd expect. Upon closer inspection its full of Goob Daydreams!

Pot 5: Jackpot! You break pot 5 open and a rush of gold and gems spill out

Pot 6: You break Pot 6 open and find! Nothing... :/

Pot 7: Theres a strange aura around Pot 7... but you break it anyway. As it shatters you feel a shiver down your spine and the only prize to be found in the pieces of broken pottery is a single silver coin with odd engravings on it. You feel like someone or something is watching you...

Pot 8: You crack open Pot 8 and are greeted by a small flying animal companion! How cute! As you go about your day at the festival the little companion will constantly remind you about saving your progress or reminding you to go do that task you forgot to do!

Created at 2024-10-10 03:12:44
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