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Fry a Fish

[ Fry a Fish ] [ STYGIAN ID : MYO - 371]

Far bevor you can see this booth, you can smell it. The aroma of fresh, grilled and baked fish waves off from it. There are plenty of big aquariums filled with all kind of differend fish, carefully seperated between salt and sweet water, and also so no fish would try to eat the other. A huge one was at the back of the tent with a big sign: NOT FOR EATING!
In it are plenty of very colorfull Bettas, and lots of watery Daydreams, flitting around happily. They seem to be excited.
Funny that you can hear loud splashing, but not see the owner of the festival. Only after a short while you hear a very over eager "HELLO!" from the inside of the booth. Out of the huge Aquarium, looks a very blue, very fishy Stygian who looks a tiny bit exausted. Fast as lighting, he catches one of the Betas, who tried to jump out of the water and puts it back in. "Sorry for - no you can't do that - the mess, this will just - Stay in there for the nightmare trees sake! - a second..." Finally, he flopps out of the aquarium, having wrangeld all of the bettas and Daydreams for a short amount of time. Except of the one who sneaks out, floats gently to the mane of the stygian and curls up there, being completly happy - and obviously not needing the water at all.

"Now - welcome to my booth. Would you like to eat? Oh - i am Tarlak. You can choose which fish you want from the front tanks. You can also hunt it yourself if you like!" He points towards some harpoons on the side of the tent. You can also choose a Betta to take home - except of my own precious babies of course, but you wouldn't want them anyway. they bite. But No eating the Bettas. They are not edible and taste horrendous. And they are way better pets anyway." It seems as if the Stygian is this excited that it cannot stopp bubbling. Now - what will you choose


Please note; these are only fish, no daydreams are being harmed while doing these prompts.

There are two options of what you can do here.

1. Choose a fish to fry, grill, bake or eat raw. Will you hunt it yourself or will you ask the Betta Stygian to do so.
2. Choose a Betta to take home

If you choose a fish to eat, roll a d6

1. You can breath under water for 2 Weeks. You will only realize it if you go swimming

2. Nothing happens. But it tastes good.

3. You feel - stronger. Especially in the front paws/hoofs and shoulders. Swimming will be much easier for a time.

4. Nothing happens. You feel warm, full and satisfied

5. You suddenly can hear the fish talking to each other in blubbling tones. How do you feel about the fact you have eaten something that - talks? This will also last for a maximal amount of 2 weeks.

6. You feel warm, content and have the feeling that you want fish more often. If something happened, you cannot sense it.

Created at 2024-10-21 06:25:51
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