BACK TO Floresctival Booths


[ A NORMAL GAME ] [ MYO-348 ]

You happen upon a shack of wood that seems to be passing for a booth. Spread around it (and... through it) is an assortment of worryingly sharp implements. A peculiar character is standing there to greet you, wordlessly beckoning you forward. The eerie glint of a television screen is providing a dismal source of light, drawing your attention to the rusted chains and grey dust that drape the set. What is all this for? You wonder if you've somehow gotten terribly lost. 

As you step closer, a sharp ache grips your head. You are suddenly struck by the fragility of life and seized by a compulsion to survive. Static clouds your eyesight, and images of terror dig their hooks into your mind. As if viewed through a distant lens, a certain time and place envelops you — a situation altogether foreign and yet... strangely familiar? 

Roll a dice (1-8) OR choose below to determine where fate has sent you...

1: You wake in a vision of blades. You are tightly strapped down, and the ominous whirring of saws become louder and louder... will you be able to escape in time? 
2: You wake in a dilapidated cabin. The damp interior offers no reprieve from the dark, and outside you can hear a stranger stalking... 
3: You wake in a deserted hotel. It is far too quiet, and far too cold. You follow the corridors as they wind and repeat, under and over again, and you feel as though you could go mad... 
4: You wake in carnival light. Straying from the path and from the sight of others, you touch an alternate reality and gaze into the reflection of yourself. 
5: You wake in a hellish facsimile of a nightmare. Demons and shadows flit about the fringes of your eyes among a backdrop of infernal sky. You remember all your fears, your pains, and your woes. 
6: You wake in the cold pallor of a space ship. The air echoes around you, but you do not recognize the sounds. Even in the gloom of the stars, you are not alone. You must run
7: Actually, you don't know any of those. But, you have the perfect hypothetical horror scenario for yourself...! You close your eyes and concentrate very hard...
8: You shake your head, and the dream fails to overtake you. The boothkeeper is still standing there and staring at you expressionlessly as you scrape together enough coherent thought to ask what all that was about. They finally break the silence and explain to you that this is the arts and crafts booth. Well... you suppose that makes sense. Time to show off your creative skills!

Created at 2024-10-25 07:04:42
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