D-884 "Relic of the Sands" - $150 USD
Created by lilkyubee
Grendel Subspecies (demi-god)
+ { ++ ] legendary, reserved)
+ Molting Body (legendary ,restricted)
+ Elemental insides (guardian)
+ Halo (rare)
+ Element - aura of destiny (rare)
+ Element - light aura (rare)
+ Object tail (rare)
+ Long hair (uncommon)
+ Glowing markings (uncommon)
+ Body sparkles (uncommon)
D-885 "Lost Souls" - $150 USD
Created by oniongrump
Lindwyrm Subspecies (demi-god)
+ [ ++ ] - Antlers (legendary, restricted)
+ Element - kiln of flames (rare)
+ Element - blood of flames (rare)
+ Halo (rare)
+ Back spines (rare)
+ Skeletal replacement (rare)
+ Fantasy tail (rare)
+ Moderate accessories (uncommon)
+ Body sparkles (uncommon)
+ Glowing eyes (common)
D-886 "Dream Keeper" - $150 USD
Created by waschmittelpulver
Primordial Void Subspecies (demi-god)
+ [ ++ ] - Body Rings (legendary, restricted)
+ Body rings (guardian)
+ Halo (rare)
+ Element - dream essence (rare)
+ Element dream aura (rare)
+ Modified ears (rare)
+ Paired horns (uncommon)
+ Glowing markings (uncommon)
+ Coloured sclera (ucnommon)
+ Long hair (uncommon)
D-887 "Stardrops" - $150 USD
Created by engare
Wishing Subspecies (demi-god)
+ [ ++ ] - Antennae (legendary - reserved )
+ Fragmentation (legendary)
+ Supersize - tail (legendary)
+ Body rings (guardian)
+ Long inner ear (rare)
+ Foliage takeover (rare)
+ Back wings (rare)
+ Cosmic eyes (Rare)
+ Antennae (uncommon)
= Glowing markings (uncommon)
+ Spiny legs (uncommon)
D-888 Age of the Stars - $150 USD
Created by picopepin
Wraith Subspecies (demi-god)
+ 3-toned aether (mutation)
+ Ghost (legendary, restricted)
+ Supersize - element - (legendary)
+ Supersize - tail (legendary)
+ Halo (rare)
+ Element - starfall (rare)
+ Cosmic eyes (rare)
+ Spine fur (rare)
+ Fantasy horns (rare)
+ Long ear tufts (uncommon)
+ Long hair (uncommon)
+ Semi-transparent (uncommon)
+ Antler addons (uncommon)
+ Single horns (uncommon)
+ Glowing markings (uncommon)
+ Light body foliage (common)
D-889 Digital City- $150 USD
Created by ipead
Primordial Page Subspecies (demi-god)
+ Primordial (legendary, restricted)
+ Object head (legendary)
+ Supersize - tail (legendary)
+ Body rings (guardian)
+ Element - glitch effect
+ Element - Error 404
+ Glowing markings (uncommon)
+ Long tail (uncommon)