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A Page Stygian with a large rafflesia plant on their head dribbles a skull threateningly, looking in your direction from behind their booth. It has been decorated quite cheerfully, with bright leafy green garlands hanging from the front with glowing yellow fairy lights peaking out from underneath. A large hoop stands off to the side, also decorated accordingly — long swaths of foliage have been wrapped around the pole, with red tassels hanging from the rim in place of a net. An odor emanates towards you, filling your nostrils with the smell of decomposing leaves and wood rot.

What a strange sight, you think to yourself, as the display draws you in. The Stygian continues to dribble the skull in their hands, its jaw detaching and reattaching occasionally from the crown, until you finally stand before them. They both look at you, glowing eyes meeting yours from underneath a drapery of moss-colored hair; the skull may not have eyes, but the detached crown turns to you anyway to look at you with its hollow sockets.

"Hi. They call me Stinky Pete. You up for a little shooting?" Her voice comes out flat, as if bored. The skull, which you now realize to be sentient, reattaches its jaw quickly and begins to float next to its Stygian companion.
"And I'm the Basketskull!" It chatters happily.
"Come on, step right up and try your luck! You get six tries to make it into the hoop!"

You only find out once you agree that there are no balls, only the Basketskull. Do you still try your luck?


Roll a dice (if you want) and/or choose one of the following prompts:

Roll a 1-2: Your Stygian isn't the greatest at this, but they try their best! They make only a few of their shots, but the Basketskull babbles happily the entire time. Stinky Pete seems unimpressed, offering one of the following as a prize: a clump of glowing moss, a small red mushroom shaped like a skull (with a tag attached to it that says "DO NOT EAT"), or an ominous scrap of paper with a treasure map drawn on it.

Roll a 3-4: Your Stygian is pretty good at this! They land half of their shots, and the Basketskull hoots and hollers with glee. Stinky Pete smiles, offering one of the following as a prize: a small pendant carved out of some kind of bone, four valuable-looking tarnished gold coins, or a pocket-sized notebook with detailed notes on local nightmare flora.

Roll a 5-6: Your Stygian is straight ballin'! Have they considered auditioning for the Monstygians basketball team?! Stinky Pete claps her little hands in approval, offering one of the following as a prize: a hefty tome filled with unfathomable secrets, a glowing green mushroom that seems to shift before your eyes (with a tag attached to it that says "EAT AT OWN RISK"), or a Basketskull* of your very own!

*Stinky Pete hands you a skull of unknown origins. It is not sentient, but you CAN throw it like a basketball if you so choose.

Created at 2024-10-05 09:32:50
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