BACK TO Floresctival Booths



[ ABOUT YOUR BOOTH ]: This booth looks... interesting, a bit like a minimalist and a maximalist had a fight and this was what was left afterwards. You're not sure who won, frankly.

At first glance, the booth also seems unattended, but after a moment you catch sight of a small blob daydream lurking next to a line of potted plants. The plants look a bit worse for wear, their branches askew and pots mazed with cracks - is that tape holding them together? Hopefully. Noticing you, the blob hops up and down. It looks enthusiastic but rather tired. It looks as though it has been left to attend the booth on its own, poor thing.

(Somewhere, Three is screaming on a Floresctival ride while also eating cotton candy simultaneously. The blob looks vacant for a moment.)

On the other side of the blob, under a rainbow of bobbing balloons, is a blackboard sign. The sign is lettered - badly - in colored chalk. Whoever wrote this has child-like handwriting and seems to have ground every bit of chalk into dust in the process of creating the sign. There are instructions, though, and as you peruse them the blob's jumping speeds up a bit. It nudges a battered pot hopefully and sort of leans in the direction of a small pile of beanbags. Will you play?

[ FESTIVAL ACTIVITY ]: The blackboard sign reads:





It seems you have to knock over the plants with the beanbags. Seems simple enough.


Roll a dice to see what you get and write/draw your character's reaction:

1. You miss every pot and instead knock the blob clear off the booth. It gives you a deeply, deeply sorrowful expression at this treatment.

2. You whiff your beanbag through the foliage of a plant, but the blob jumps happily for you and regurgitates a single piece of slightly damp candy.

3. You solidly strike a plant and knock it to the ground. The blob jumps up and down, then regurgitates two pieces of damp candy before oozing down to the floor to begin the long, slow process of retrieving the plant. Oh no.

4. The beanbag goes... somewhere. You're not entirely sure what happened to it. The blob just looks at you with a vaguely accusing demeanor. It is so sad that you lost one of its beanbags. How could you.

5. You somehow manage to pop a balloon with your wild throw! The blob screams - at least, you assume it must be the blob, you don't see anyone else at the booth - and shrinks down into a little wiggly, unhappy puddle. It regurgitates a piece of candy, but spits it well past you as if trying to get you to leave in pursuit of the decoy treat.

6. With a spectacular throw, you somehow knock two plants off! The blob jumps up and down stiffly, then concentrates and regurgitates a whopping FIVE pieces of candy. It doesn't look as if it had room to hold that much candy! The blob deflates and lays flatly against the top of the booth as if regathering its strength after such an ordeal.

Created at 2024-09-19 05:56:11
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