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[ FISHING IN THE DEEP ] : [ G-751 ]


"Hello hello!" Ash pops up from behind a fishtank, greeting you and waving you over to his booth. "Want to try your luck fishing in the abyss? We have a variety of limited time curses and knowledge you can get only here! I'm a representative of the void so that's how you know I'm totally legit."

The fish in the tank blink at your expectantly. The dolphin mimic smiles at you innocently, but you can't help but feel a mischievousness behind it.

"Oh, or does that not interest you? Well, I do also sell my prizes directly if you prefer!"


Will you let RNG decide which fish (fate) you will get, or will you buy out one of the prizes? (Comment to roll a die or pick the option you find most fun!)

1. 🐟 You got an ordinary fish! You're too normal to get cursed so Ash packs it up in a cute bag with pet care instructions and hands it to you to take home. Surely there's nothing to be fishy about your new friend.
2. 🐟 You got a three-eyed fish! You were afflicted with the curse of all-seeing, everyone around you seems to appear as giant walking fish or appears through a fishlens eye view. Hope you can still walk in a straight line!
3. 🐟 You got an eyeless fish! You were afflicted with the curse of monochrome, everything you see seems to now be colored in tones of a single color. What secrets do you see with this new perspective on life?
4. 🐟 You got a backwards hsif! You were afflicted with the curse of sinking, you begin to sink through the ground as if it's made of water. There's some strange sights in the abyss you can see on the other end, but if you sink all the way in, you get immediately propelled out back out all safe and sound.
5. 🐟 You got a paper fish! You were afflicted with the curse of folding, everything around you appears to be made of origami or a paper theatre. (Perhaps don't play with fire while you're here.)
6. 🐟 You got an eldritch fish! You were afflicted with the curse of ascendance, you seem to have gained knowledge of one new (trivial?) fact and begin hovering one inch above the ground.
7. 📘 You got.. a comic book about Ash? You open it and it seems to be full of gibberish, but Ash says if you read it, you can learn the secrets of the abyss. Is it even worth trying?
8. 🍲 You got a platter of seafood! It sure looks a little.. strange, but Ash says it's his own lucky festival recipe special. Do you trust him to try the dish?

Once the curse wears off after an hour, feel free to keep your new pet or return them to the abyss.


Share your finished prompt below to potentially win a fishy bonus! (while stocks last)


Created at 2024-09-20 12:17:32
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