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Friendly Plants

[ Friendly Plants: ] [ S-589 ]

 Welcome to [ Friendly PLants ] [S-589 ].

Foliage seems to be covering this booth and a busy-looking stygian is setting up all manner of flowers, seeing you they are a bit startled and offer a shy greeting. "Hello! Do you want to make a flower arrangement?" The booth has little pots and flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of them look almost like Floresce if you really squint and Ferne seems especially proud of those ones. 


"You can bring your flowers with you if you like, maybe give them to a friend?" Nodding as he excitedly offers up some flowers to you, he doesn't give you a time frame and says you can work at whatever speed you'd like. 

Roll a dice below in a comment below to see which prompt you get, then submit an event quest (FESTIVAL-002) with the reply!

Roll a 1: Your arrangement is full of flowers that look a bit sad, something about the smell of them is a bit off or maybe the colors clash but 
Roll a 2: Somehow a floresce has decided to make its home in your arrangement, I guess they approve of it? You can take them along too or shoo them away. 
Roll a 3-4: The flowers you choose seem to be a bit persnickety and try to wiggle out of the pot to try and leave the booth, Ferne tries to help gather them up and apologizes by offering you a small potted plant from the booth.
Roll a 5: Something about your arrangement makes you feel a bit funny, maybe the pollen is too strong but you find yourself sneezing. 
Roll a 6: Your flower arrangement turned out amazingly, Ferne offers you one of the nicest flowers in the booth to go along with you!

Draw/Write your stygian making their floral arrangement, their consolation potted plant, or the results.  


Created at 2024-09-20 03:10:54
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