BACK TO Floresctival Booths

Escape Room

[ Escape Room (Of questionable legality) ]: [D-367]

- Calling the decaying, rust and crust covered structure in front of you a booth would be very much ambiguous, any sane deer would think while approaching. Not even mentioning the smell, or the dubious looking owner. The only thing enticing enough to step in and not seek out better offers elsewhere, is written in glaring red letters on a equally neglected board: "Solve it, gain power."

If you look closer, you may spot various locks to find matching keys for, as well as riddles and puzzles of varying degree of difficulty and... danger. Is this even safe to attempt?


Write or draw your Stygian struggling to find its way out of the Steel Coffin by finding hints in boxes or keys. Optionally, roll a dice [1-10] for some results at the end!

[1]: You do not even attempt, or worse, try to cheat during the task. Something is displeased. Your Stygian loses something and shrinks into a [Standard] Subspecies or [Miniature], where applicable. Temporarily, of course.

[2-4]: There was an attempt. Nothing happens, but perhaps some chains are still stuck in your antlers, or something bit itself into your leg. Not worth it.

[5-7]: You may or may not have tried your best, but are ultimately stumped. The odd, skeletal booth owner hands you the huge Lindworm plush as a prize. On closer inspection, it really is life like... and smells like it.

[8-9]: You brave the tank filled with undead fish and way too many teeth to obtain the last box and are so close, but run out of time in the end. The bones are still pleased, and grant you an odd, rusty weapon. Something lingers in the steel, but you arent sure if thats a good or bad sign...

[10]: By some sort of miracle, you unlock every metallic box! You are able to decrypt a series of runes with the help of notes inside. Its gone in a blink, but you think you saw a glow in the empty skulls across the booth. Something shifts, and your Stygian obtains a new [Subspecies of your Choice they always yearned for]. Temporarily, of course.

Created at 2024-09-21 19:59:34
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