BACK TO Floresctival Booths

Arm Wrestling

[ Arm Wrestling: ] [ MYO-320 ]

[ (goes at the bottom of the page as the raffle prize)]


- As you wander through the Floresctival booths your nose picks up the scent of ... sunblock? Your eyes focus on a simple, very crudly made booth that looks like it's barely hanging together. A poorly hung sign hangs on the front with wet paint still dripping from it that reads "arm wrestling". As your eyes read the sign, you glance up as the stygian manning it stares at you with a meanacing aura. Once your eyes meet with grins widely and slams his elbow onto the counter of the booth and flexes his quite impressive mucles and ushers you over with a head bob. Your complled to see what his booth is all about. 

"Hello Challenger! Want to take on the Champion arm wrestler Whistle! That's me" he says not changing his intimidating stance.


Roll a dice below in a comment below to see which prompt you get, then submit an event quest (FESTIVAL-002) with the reply!

  • 1: You Win! As you go to take a bigger prize for winning Whistle’s eye twitches before the vendor booth implodes. What just happened? Are you ok?! Do you look around to still take a prize? Is it burned or messed up in any way?
  • 2: It’s a draw. Whistle glares at you for a moment and then shakes your hand/hoof leaving a small figurine of himself in your hand/hoof. How do you react? Do you hand it back or do you take it?
  • 3: YOU LOOSE! HA HA! If it wasn’t bad enough that you lost, now Whistle is break dancing on top of the table to rub in his victory. How do you react? Do you demand a rematch or do you slink off in shame?
  • 4: As you sit down to arm wrestle you feel a flow of energy as you collect your strength. Your energy manifests into an ethereal form behind you and you defeat Whistle. What does your ethereal being look like? Is it covered in eyes, all just energy or is it something cuter like a fluffy bunny?
  • 5: “Arm wrestle?! That’s no way to test strength!” You quickly retort and challenge Whistle to another test of strength. What other challenge of strength do you suggest?


Share your finished prompt below to be entered in to potentailly win a bonus special coloration daydream! (total 5 to be raffled off at the end of the event!)

Created at 2024-09-22 19:51:16
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