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..A Suspicious Booth?

..A Suspicious Booth? ] [ S-439 ]

This particular booth, if it can even be called that, is set a little apart from the rest. No decor or prizes seem to be present. In fact, the closer you look, the more you see that only cobwebs and rotten lumber are likely holding it together. Worse yet is the suspicious character manning the booth; happily beckoning you over.


Uh oh! It would seem there's no activity. In fact its a cleverly laid trap!

Roll 1-5 and draw/write the following.


Roll a 1 - Small floresce shaped smoke bombs scatter at your feet; surrounding you with a pungent smell.

Roll a 2 - A pit trap opens beneath your feet; dropping you into a pool of slime and... are those fishbones?

Roll a 3 - A snare sweeps you off your feet, dangling you a few feet off the ground from the nearest tree. Don't worry, you'll figure out how to get down.

Roll a 4 - With skill or pure luck, you manage to evade all traps. Impressed, Misery quietly hands you a single piece of candy. ( choose one of the following )
a ) Don't eat the candy. Throw it away or keep it as a keepsake.
b ) Eat the candy. Doing so briefly turns you into a pumpkin.

Roll a 5 - Avoid the booth altogether. That shit is way too suspicious.

Created at 2024-09-24 08:14:02
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