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I'll feed all you fellas

[ FRANKIE'S ] [ G-368 ] 

[ ABOUT YOUR BOOTH ]: Frankie is a feline of few words, made evident as you are greeted by only a stare. There is a determined energy, as if she has some high score to beat or point to prove. Piles of food of all kinds are stacked around her. 

"It's all free. Just pick something." She gestures with the fan held in her tail.

[ FESTIVAL ACTIVITY ]: Frankie is looking to feed everyone their favorite food at the festival; it is all free, of course! She's looking for a challenge, no food too difficult to make.

- Draw or write your character ordering, enjoying, or even helping cook their favorite food at the festival! It can be anything, no matter how strange or difficult to make. If your character doesn't eat, maybe they are getting food for a friend or pet or something they just find pretty.


- Must have some sort of food in it.

Created at 2024-10-01 08:16:55
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