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What's in Our Seas?

 [ NAME OF YOUR BOOTH HERE: What's in Our Seas?] [ STYGIAN ID HERE : A-043 ]


[ ABOUT YOUR BOOTH ]: The booth is made from an aquarium with holographic fish swimming around. Some are clearly daydreams, others seem from far parts of the Nightmare sea. A little Florwreath mans the booth whenever the redheaded woman that set it up is busy talking to visitors. A large banner proclaims that this booth is sponsored by the Selkiebyrgh Institute for Marine Studies. A lot of the materials seems very seal focused, with a flag exclaiming "Save the seals - we like hugs."


The booth offers multiple things and you can draw or write for them.

If you prefer no rng:

Vanora and her daydream friend give out pamphlets informing about the aquatic life in the Nightmare Sea and how to avoid hurting it.
If you stay for too long you might get a lecture on Veilfish for free and as a reward are allowed to choose something small like a keychain with a Floresce, fat seal or other aquatic critter.

Does your Stygian/Treatling/Diver patiently listen? Do they accept the flyer? Depict how your character would react.

If you want rng:

To the side there is a small ball toss game to enjoy and win bigger prizes.
It seems to be modelled after seals playing with a ball.

Roll a 6 sided dice and do the following according to your roll:


1. You miss every throw. The Florwreath has pity on you and hands you a small soft seal toy

2-4. Half of your throws land. You are allowed to choose from the medium fat seal plushies
5. All of your throws land! You are a champion! You win the biggest plush, it's even bigger than yourself
6. You wanted to choose your prize but accidently grab - a living seal? The grey seal with lavender spots waves you you before diving back into the pile. Time to file a complaint.

Created at 2024-09-30 09:31:55
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