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Now searching Treatling Long Hair trait, by all eligible results. ( 1 results found)

Gives your Treatling very long hair.
MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
  • It can be any type, style or colour that hair can be stylized with (ie braided, streaked, crimped, curly, etc etc), but cannot have an unusual texture to them other than usual hair/mane texture. (But can include a little bit of feathery texture - no prominent crests, just texture only)
  • Can be combined with all potion types applicable to the head area (ie can add foliage/accessories to hair).
  • If used with elemental, either combines or replaces this hairstyle.
  • Should be applied for hair that goes below the Treatling's waist.
  • Cannot exceed more than 200% of your Treatling's body length.