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Now searching Treatling Dream and Nightmare trait, by all eligible results. ( 1 results found)

Allows your Treatling to turn into another coloured version of themselves
MAX SIZING: % body size
  • This means, in the ARPG they can easily and fluidly (or are consistently phasing) between two colour modes, a "dream" one and a "nightmare" one.
  • ONLY the colour changes, not the traits themselves (though the trait colours can change too).
  • ONLY COMMON traits can be slightly modified: ie red roses for light body foliage to black lillies
  • Traits cannot be removed, or modified outside of colour. That means if they had blue fire element, you can colour change it to green or pink fire element, but it can't become pink ice element.
  • You cannot change any markings on the Treatling. However, you can change the colours of the markings (as well as all base colours etc).
  • The Treatling's skin-tone cannot change at all. Only the clothing, hair, and trait colour can change.