MYO-789: Mekshenet
Owned By: ZauriArt
Designed By: ZauriArt
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: --
Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

Traits: No traits found

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

MYO-789: Mekshenet's Showcase

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Shadowfiend Comet

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ABOUT MYO-789: Mekshenet


Unknown age         She/her         Primordial Void

Silent           Judging            Ethical          Firm

Mekshenet was born from a nightmare related to the 3 fates, were the needles and threads had gotten so tangled it meant to be the world's end. Mekshenet has got those apocalypse images in the depth of her mind and somehow feels the need of reconcile with the destiny and fates concepts. She decorates herself with beautiful beads and buttons and makes sure her hair and fur is polished and non-tangled. She wants to observe future as a way to calm the dread feeling of her origin nightmare.

She uses her divination knowledge and skills to know about other's future. She likes to see everyone's life do has some good things to come.


  • Name is Egytian. It means "Destiny".
  • True neutral alignment.
  • Knows about astrology and divination.
  • Spends lots of time decorating her hair.
Reference Art
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Official Masterslist Images

Official Masterslist Images

Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
Needles, buttons and beads

She / her
