MYO-988: Synthe
Owned By: ArasiKitty
Designed By: ArasiKitty
Rarity: Common
Subspecies: Standard (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


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MYO-988: Synthe's Showcase





Vampire Batling Contract

ABOUT MYO-988: Synthe


Synthe is a paradox wrapped in curiosity and wonder, a soul perpetually drawn to the unknown. Brilliant and driven, they chase answers to questions most wouldn't dare ask, delving into mysteries with the fervor of a scholar and the heart of an adventurer. Their mind is a whirlwind of creation and discovery, equally at home in ancient libraries as they are crafting new inventions or planning the next great journey.

Yet, for all their intellect and boundless drive, Synthe is a bundle of contradictions. They thrive in the chaos of a wild rave, their spirit lifted by the pulsing energy of the music and light, yet in quieter moments, they stumble through social interactions, awkward yet endearing. They’ve learned to embrace these contrasts, finding freedom in choosing their own path. Whether lost in research, dancing among glowing trees, or navigating the unknown, Synthe is always in motion, forging their destiny one choice at a time.


 It all began at a wild rave, where the reveler was lost in the euphoria of the moment until a misstep sent them tumbling into a mirror. This unexpected plunge led them into a chilling world teeming with monsters and demons, nestled within a breathtakingly beautiful, enchanted bioluminescence forest. The stark clash of horror and allure birthed Synthe, a creature forged in the fractured light and darkness of the mirror that sparked the human's terrifying journey. The nightmares they conjure reveal the dissonance between the life one leads and the life one truly desires.



The Luminara Vale

Synthe’s home is an extraordinary, living marvel: a massive bioluminescent jellyfish known as "The Glimmering Drifter." Its opaque, rainbow-hued body floats effortlessly above the vale. Within its twisting, ever-shifting corridors lies a labyrinth of wonder. Hallways seem to fold back on themselves, yet lead to hidden rooms, vast libraries, curious workshops, and even a chamber perfect for wild celebrations. The Drifter glides serenely above an enchanted bioluminescent forest, where every tree, plant, and mushroom pulses with light and music of their own making. Crystals shimmer in harmony with the rhythm of the living forest, and strange creatures drift between the glowing trees.

At the heart of this radiant wilderness stands an ancient castle grown from the bark of a towering tree, its twisted wood a deep black and rich mahogany, glinting faintly in the forest's glow. The castle houses no monarchs but serves as a sanctuary for fae and dream-beings, its shadowy halls alive with their magic. Nearby, a bustling market thrives under the branches of the great tree, brimming with wares both common and otherworldly, from everyday goods to rare artisanal treasures. In the far distance beyond the reaches of the Drifter, the colossal silhouette of the Nightmare Tree looms, casting its eternal shadow over the Luminara Vale.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:


Jack of all trades

Personality Traits:
Curious: Perpetually drawn to the unknown, always seeking answers. / Intelligent: Driven by a deep thirst for knowledge./ Adventurous: Eager to explore mysteries and take on new challenges./ Creative: Constantly inventing, crafting, and discovering new things./ Dynamic: Equally comfortable in scholarly pursuits and adventurous expeditions./ Energetic: Finds joy and energy in lively, chaotic environments like raves./ Socially awkward: Stumbles in personal interactions, but usually in a charming, endearing way./ Independent: Chooses their own path, unafraid to forge their destiny./ Driven: Always in motion, guided by their intellect, passion, and curiosity.

Old books, new adventures, amphibians, foxes, mushrooms, alchemy, stargazing, crafting, crystals, and witch things

Being trapped in routine

Researching, finding new places to study and throw secret raves

Somewhat awkward in social situations

Chaotic Good
