T-1648: Amirynth < Fire of the Phoenixrose >
Owned By: MalisVitterfolk
Designed By: MalisVitterfolk
Rarity: Demi-God
Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes


+ Astrologer Treatling
Treat Form

[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian only ]

T-1648: Amirynth's Showcase


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ABOUT T-1648: Amirynth

Gender: Female
Height: 4'10
Body type: Sickly skinny, small chest, straight as a poker with little hip.  She's usually covered in robes though which gives her some sort of shape.
Skin: Pale skin with freckles.  She has scarring over her right eye (the dead one) and if any skin shows she has patches of scaling (think eczema)
Hair: Long red hair, her bangs are brushed over her right eye while she has a braid to her left side.
Details: Her right eye is silvery and dead, while her left is the normal fel green.  She is almost always accompanied by a small brown and white rat named 'Lil Zev'
Expression: Rynn is very shy but is a little more open around her close friends (aka Malis or Krystellius)  She is meek and quiet but has an inner strength about her.  

Physical description: The most obvious thing about Rynn at first glance is her eyes. While one is the normal bright green, the other is dead, appearing silvery and clouded over. She usually keeps herself covered up and sticks to walls and other hidden places. If she ever exposed her skin, she is covered with scars and patches of scaled skin where the disease she was affected by left it's marks (kind of like eczema) Her body is frail, even to treatling standards and she speaks with stuttered whispers.

Clothing: She prefers heavy robes that cover her entirely, usually red with gold designs along the cuffs and hem.

Special Possessions: A long red dread kept in a silken pouch that is now coupled with a woven necklace inset with five gems, the most important one, a deep red crystal naturally formed into a heart. Both were given to her by Malis, her blood sister, the dread when they first became sisters, the necklace shortly before Malis left on a long journey.

Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:

Fire of the Phoenixrose


Theme Song:
Twist in my Story - Secondhand Serenade

Librarian of the Hourglass Archives

Personality Traits:
Amirynth is soft spoken and shy. She prefers staying in the background and listening to others than being in the center of attention, a complete contrast to her former self. She hides her for,, not wanting to show the cracks and areas of mana sickness that has wracked her body. Most of the things she wears are nondescript and completely normal, another way for her to blend into the background.

Significant Others: