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KNIGHT OR TRICKSTER SUBSPECIES ONLY: Gives your Treatling a halo or removes it.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
KNIGHT OR TRICKSTER SUBSPECIES ONLY: Gives your Treatling a halo or removes it.
  • This gives your Treatling a traditional "flat" halo. It can be solid, or a simple, non-elemental aura.
  • It must retain the circular "halo" look and must be mostly flat/ on a singular plane.
  • Must be above the Treatling's head or behind it, cannot appear on or around the body or other traits
  • The circle shape can be modified slightly, meaning you can add additional spikes, etc etc to the circle shape, as long as it doesn't entirely not look like a circle halo anymore.
  • Can be solid or hollow, can have any markings or colours of your choice
  • Can be combined with Elemental (for larger aura/influence), Mutliple Eyes, Foliage, Semi-Transparent, Crystalline Growth
  • Cannot be stacked with itself
  • Cannot be of an unusual texture or strong aura without the Elemental Potion
  • Cannot be another shape other than circular in design and cannot be a 3D object itself (ie you can't have a halo that looks like a sphere, or a square).
  • Cannot exceed more than 50% of the Treatling's body height