Replaces your Treatling's limb or tail with a skeleton.
MAX SIZING: 25 % body size
Can replace limbs or tail with a skeletal limb or tail (see restrictions for tails below).
Should be the same skeletal anatomical structure of whatever it is replacing
Can only be a skeletal texture - but can have elemental for example, wrapped around it.
Can be any colouration, but keep either a simple or fractured bone pattern.
Can replace the thin, standard part of most treat tails. However, species defining traits and species unique tails cannot be replaced/removed or affected by skeletal replacement. This includes things like Pirate tentacle and finned tails, Assassin fluffy tails, Streamer microphones, and all tail tufts for all species (as they are a defining trait!).
Cannot be combined with any trait, but traits can work/grow around it (ie foliage that grows around the bones)
Cannot replace more than 25% of the Treatling body, not including additional traits.
Cannot replace head or body or wings.
Cannot stack with itself
Cannot add extra skeletal limbs, it simply modifies existing ones (changes them to skeletal limbs)
The BODY LENGTH of a regular stygian is measured from their chest (without fluff) to where their butt is.
Tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a regular stygian is measured from their chest (without fluff) to where their butt is.
Long bodied Stygian have much longer bodies than regular ones. When measuring the length of a long bodyied stygian body, take the body length of the REGULAR Stygian above and multiple it by 1.5 to 2x the length
Tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a bipedal Stygian subspecies (ie Grendel, Page, Sylph) is measured from the top of their head to their toes.
Bipedal Stygian do not include Stygian that "stand" or "pose" on their hind legs (ie regular stygian posing that way) and must be considered a bipedal subspecies that stands on their hind legs in the subspecies infograph (see subspecies info).
Hair, head additions, tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
For object head, it would be the approximate length of where the Stygian's regular non object head would be.
Miniature versions follow the same rules, just with miniature sizing (ie using the body length of that miniature)
The BODY LENGTH of a Treatling subspecies (ALL) is measured from the top of their head to their toes.
Hair, head additions, tails, extra acessories, etc, are not counted into the length of the body. When a trait says 100% of body/ body length, it would be 100% the body length (direction of the arrows from beginning to end) marked in red.
For object head, it would be the approximate length of where the Treatling's regular non object head would be.