GARDENING 2.0 (soft opening edition) IS LIVE
Create your own garden with your Stygian and Treat tag teams! Collect seed packets, plants, and merge existing plants you've obtain, or plant them in various arrangements to try to get rarer hybrids! It is rumoured that the rarest hybrid give GARDENING EXCLUSIVE prizes such as the new BEE TREAT CYO (evolves to Fairy Treatlings + BEE TRAITS) or BLOSSOMING ALT SUBSPECIES.
In addition, we've released FOUR NEW TRAITS new to gardening: Stygian Fairy Ears, Stygian Leg Spines, Treatling Downward-facing Ears, and Treatling Ankle wings!
GARDENING STARTER KIT BUNDLE: Of course what is a release without a FREE starter kit bundle!
THANK YOU SO MUCH AND HAPPY GARDENING! Gardening update quest and quest prizes, as well as old pot changes to new plants will happen at the very end of the month!