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Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
Show special info + inheritances
Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of Despair
Special Type: Elder
Special traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.
Curse of Despair (IC ONLY): Being too close to this Stygian will cause those around it to become affected by the curse of despair, their colour fading until all that appears of them is a dark form smouldering with black smoke and glowing eyes. This affects all alternate forms as well (with IC permission from those Stygian). This ability can be controlled by this legendary, and those affected by despair will become "better" within one IC hour of being cursed. If they are affected and encounter another Stygian, this make the Despair curse hop to the other (effectively "curing" the original as well).
+ Primordial (Legendary - Halloween release only)
+ Ghost (Legendary - Halloween release only)
+ Dream and Nightmare (Legendary)
+Bat base (Uncommon - Halloween only)
+ Elemental insides - Ghostlight (Rare - G2)
+ Fantasy tail (Rare )
+ Modified ears (Rare)
+Magic Accessory (Rare)
+ Element - Despair (Rare)
+ Foliage Takeover (Rare)
+ Front Paws (Rare)
+ Glowing Markings (Uncommon)
+ Back Spines (uncommon)