Show L-054's Masterslist Info:
L-054: Louhi (Lou)
Owned By: syusaki
Designed By: crowlets
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Owl (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests

Show special info + inheritances


Rarity : Legendary
Branch: Child of The Plague
Special Type: Elder
Special traits:
★ [ Primordial Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Primordial trait at no extra cost.
Crystal Corruption (IC ONLY): It spreads its plague, a corruption of crystals in a small radius around it. Stygian caught unaware (with IC permission) may catch the corruption/plague, also temporarily sprouting crystals from their body until they become entirely petrified. This IC effect lasts 1 hour.

+ Primordial (Legendary - Halloween release only)
+ Ghost (Legendary - Halloween release only)

+Owl Base (Rare)
+Treat Companion (Rare)
+ Multiple Tails (Rare)
+ Halo (Rare)
+ Modified Ears (Rare)
+ Element - Crystal (Rare)
+ Element - Plague (Rare)
+ Light Accessories (Common)


[This Stygian cannot be seperated from its Fragment (Treat Companion). If rehomed, it must always be as a pair.]