Show L-196's Masterslist Info:
Owned By: nothingyet
Designed By: picopepin
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: --
Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)

  • Rare Trait (Rare) (Animated Cert: This animated cert will be lost if the legendary form is updated, redesigned, rewinded, or rebased (anything that requires a recert to the Legendary Form).)

Show special info + inheritances
Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of Axes
Special Type: Null
Special Traits:
★ Glitch Inheritance: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Glitch trait. This takes up a rare slot for inheritance.
★ [ Elongated Lindwyrm Earfins (LIMIT 5) ]: - Allows for max 3x longer earwing fins compared to the size given on the subspecies info sheet
  • Cannot be stacked with ++
  • Earwing fins are part of the default required Lindwyrm subspecies traits, so cannot be affected by external traits such as multiple ears/additional ear fins/ etc
  • The countdown affects both for example: you could use one for an existing Stygian, and one for a Guardian blessing, that would be 2 of the 5 limit.
  • Please when using make sure the person who is using your blessing has a screenshot of your permission to use this trait during redeems.

★ [ Blessings of Darkness- ie in Questing/ IC ONLY) ]:
Is considered one of the six official deities celebrated during Floresctival. May or may not have a statue or two of them resurrected in their honour - a battle of the bands is held yearly featuring a choice of musical instruments. It is said that those who win the tourney obtain a divine [ AXE ] blessed with the power of a cool atmosphere whenever there is a live performance to be had.

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
[This Stygian cannot be separated from its Floresce Companion. If rehomed, it must always be together.]
Cometoid Black

Cursed Horn

Cursed Potion

Cursed Sword

Haunted Stone

Skull Flower Bud

Floresctival Returns Key (Easy)

Floresctival Returns Key (EX)

Floresctival Returns Key (Hard)

Dangerous Knife

Eel Shadow

Wishing Gram


Fragment of the Void

Fishing Common Bait

Dust Bottle Orange

Dust Bottle Black

Goldfish Black and White

Fish One