THEIR ROMANTIC FUTURE (100% accurate prediction):
L-248: North < Knight of the North >
Owned By: phantompanther13
Designed By: OnionGrump
Rarity: Legendary
Subspecies: Lindwyrm (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes

Show special info + inheritances
Rarity: Legendary
Branch: Child of North
Special Type: Kingsguard
Special Jobs Unlocked: Royal Guard
Special Traits:
★ [ Kingsguard of Dreams Inheritance ]: All Guardian Stygian created from this one may inherit the Animated Weapons Mastery trait at no additional cost (optional).
★ [ Iceborne Claymore (mutation, see below) (LIMIT 3) ]: Grants any EXISTING or new Guardian Stygian Iceborne Claymore at no additional cost. Grants a claymore/greatsword, maximum 150% body size, made out of ice, ice mist, or ice clusters (semi-transparent elemental) instead of a solid object. The weapon can fade to ice clusters or ice mist as long as it is within sizing (150x50%) at the ends. The weapon can also have solid decoration pieces on it, such as on the hilt, as long as the MAJORITY of it is made of ice.  The countdown affects both for example: you could use one for an existing Stygian, and one for a new Guardian, that would be 2 of the 3 limit. Please when using make sure the person who is using this blessing they have a screenshot of your permission to use this trait during redeems.

★ [ Northern Hemisphere (IC ONLY) ]: North of the Tree lie solitary fortresses, each heavily barricaded. The endless winter nightmare is in part due to the Knight of North - where their blade strikes fields of ice cut across the cold landscape.

[ Can Gift / Trade / Sell ]
[This Stygian cannot be separated from its Fragment Treat Companion T-1416. If rehomed, it must always be together.]
ABOUT L-248: North

North protects the nightmare kingdom from invaders and those who should not be there.  Her endeless icy realm fells those who would invade.  

North appears when needed, tall and intmidating.  She never sleeps, and patrols the icey tundrea of the north. 

She wants to help, even if she doens't always know how.  Regular activities are hard.  She will stoically stand to the side and let others participate in the marryment.  

North has taken to underwater gardening in the cold northen waters.  A shipwreck sits in the backdrop of her carefully cultivated water garden.  

Reference Art
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Stygian Art

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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
The northern icelands

Knight of the North

she, her

Knight of the nightmare land, protector

Personality Traits:
Socially awkward. Stoic. A warm marshmallow on the inside.

Quiet stormy nights,

Heat, please no she will melt.

Neutral Good
