MYO-242: Rusalka
Owned By: rejam
Designed By: rejam
Rarity: Common
Subspecies: Standard (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Free, but contact first via site notes
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

ABOUT MYO-242: Rusalka

The Mother: A smiling, calming presence with an instinct to protect and shepherd. A bit of the maiden's mischief in knowing smiles and quick laughs is tempered with the elegance and gentility of the crone, and while she may present a figure of upright reserve, she is also known to flash a playful side, engaging in sudden chases or games that she generally lets others win even when she could prevail. Difficult to read, and still more difficult to gain closeness to, even for the small and vulnerable on whom she dotes unreservedly.

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