MYO-253: Banshee
Owned By: Desphiria
Designed By: Desphiria
Rarity: Common
Subspecies: Miniature (Common)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests
MYO: Cannot be sold/ traded for other species

ABOUT MYO-253: Banshee

Banshee is a Minature Stygian who acts a bit childish but is still mature in a way. Banshee isn't very trusting of strangers, and is very cautious around them, since she's not sure if they're going to hurt her or not. Because of this, the first impression she gives off is that she's not very friendly at all, which isn't actually the case. Meeting a stranger in her kingdom, Banshee will bear her teeth and start growling at them while observing them closely to see what they'll do while there. Even though she's brave and will take on any challenge that comes her way, Banshee gets scared of any Stygian who could possibly be stronger than her but she does her best to try and hide it since she doesn't want to show weakness and be taken advantage of in some way. Once she full trusts someone, Banshee is very friendly, playful, and imaginiative.

Nightmare of Origin: Banshee originated from a nightmare of a little cat-girl and her friends living in a small orphange or home with a kindly young adult Caretaker. They lived peacefully for a long time, until the Banshee Curse invaded their home and they were attacked while relaxing in the kitchen.

Likes: Due to the fact that Banshee is technically the child form of the little girl in the dream, she likes dolls, sweets, soft things, and stuffed animals. In her human avatar form, since she takes on the form of the Caretaker, she likes to cook and play with the spirits of the children.

Dislikes: Even though she loves her Nightmare home, Banshee doesn't like thunderstorms or the sound of bells, since it reminds her that the Banshee spirit she was named after, still resides somewhere in her Kingdom.

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