Show S-067's Masterslist Info:
S-067: Mimsy
Owned By: nothingyet
Designed By: Zoomutt
Rarity: Rare
Subspecies: Void (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


+ Jobs Unlocked: Librarian

Date User Log SP SP(Total)
2019-02-17 07:47:22 nothingyet Purchasing Assassin 1: In the Shadows -5 36
2019-02-17 07:47:03 nothingyet Purchasing Spellcaster 1: Leylines -5 41
2019-02-17 07:46:22 nothingyet [QUEST] {Stygians} [G-002] Mimsy and Thackery: G-002 46 46
2019-02-08 08:20:46 nothingyet Element updated to Fire.
2019-02-08 08:20:46 nothingyet Rolling stats! PATK: 7, MATK: 4.