Cake's dream is about running away from home and living off of cake for the rest of his life. That means, mentally, he's still pretty much a kid. He loves acting the hero, and once a week his train castle is attacked by ruthless train robbers, who he beats most easily with his wit and quick reflexes! He is cool and tough and--
That only works in his kingdom, actually. He gets a little awkward when dealing with other treatlings and stygian. Poor kid never DID learn how to socially interact. Unfortunately (in his opinion) he's been found by an annoying girl named Frosting, who's out to torment him until he submits to her leadership! (Honestly, she's just got a crush and likes to bully him for attention, he just doesn't realize that.)
Name: Cake |
Nightmare of: A train ride! Complete with train robbers every Thursday! |
Title: Hobo |
Pronouns: He/Him
Theme Song: Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne)
Occupation: Train riding Hobo!
Personality Traits: socially-inept
Likes: cake, adventures, fighting, dime novels!
Dislikes: Frosting
Strengths: creativity
Alignment: Chaotic Good