T-339: Mei Lin (梅琳) < Grape Cultivator >
Owned By: AkaneTsukino1
Designed By: AkaneTsukino1
Rarity: Uncommon
Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


+ Treatling
+ Treat Form

ABOUT T-339: Mei Lin (梅琳)

"If a problem can't be solved in 3 minutes, I drink a glass of wine then I solve in 3 minutes one way or another."

Always at least tipsy, if not drunk on the elemental wine that floats around her, Mei Lin is a court magician for the Treatling Queen. While originally a student, she pledged her loyalty to the queen after the second stygian invasion and was rewarded with a position in the royal court. She's still not entirely sure how to handle the sudden duties placed upon her, but she tries her best to help everyone who needs it and serve the queen as best she can. 



Reference Art
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Character Sheet:

Mei Lin (梅琳)

Nightmare of:
Dream of Peaceful Vineyards

Grape Cultivator

Apprentice Witch
