This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


Is restricted:
Artificial Okay:

Now searching Enchanted Accessory trait, by all eligible results. ( 1 results found)

Allows a magic accessory. This accessory can be summoned and desummoned at will and floats/glows with an aura of its own.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Enchanted Accessory
  • Can be based off any organic or inorganic object, preferrably ones that are commonly associated with magic artifacts
  • Must be solid in texture/ identical to that of the object (ie a book has pages)
  • Must be floating or hovering above or around Stygian
  • Must have an aura around or behind them. Can come with runes as well.
  • Because it is magical, it can be magically controlled, but otherwise hovers
  • Can also be dismissed for the ARPG (ie quest art with no enchanted accessory)
  • Can be stacked with itself.
  • Cannot be combined with any other trait.
  • Cannot look like a familiar/ animal familiar (have eyes, etc). Cannot be a plushie or doll or similiar things. Basically it cannot be something that could be mistaken for a familiar/companion. Use a companion potion instead!
  • Cannot exceed more than 100% of your Stygian's body size for quadrupedal Stygian or 75% of your Stygian's body size for bipedal Stygian.
  • Cannot be a copyright object
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).