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Chapter 3 of the Labyrinth returns (THE FINALE) is here!!

If you have reached the end of chapter 1, simply hit [ CHAPTER 3] or [ NEXT] as seen in the image above to proceed! 

  • Extensions: The labyrinth returns deadline has been extended to APRIL 10th@ 11:59 PM PST (see deadline countdown here: . That gives a full TWO WEEKS to finish the mini-event!

  • EVENT HOW TO If you have not started the mini-event there is still time! Check out how to start here, it is a simple three part prompt to get AN EXCLUSIVE PRIZE THAT WILL RETIRE FOR AT LEAST A YEAR+ + AN EVENT ONLY CERT + more prizes as follows:

  •  The journey Thank you all for coming with us on this journey. A reminder you need to complete ALL THREE PARTS to get the exclusive restricted trait prize + cert!

Created at 2021-03-25 20:51:45