Show G-410's Masterslist Info:
G-410: 🌱 Incu
Owned By: picopepin
Designed By: picopepin
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Spectral (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)


[ Can Gift / Trade for other Stygian/Treats only ]

Love Charm

Valentines Envelope

Collosweum Key (Hard)

Collosweum Key (Easy)

Mome Fluff Pink

Valentines Delivery

Strawberry Token

Energy Drink Candy

Piece of Toffee

Piece of Cookie

Piece of Dango

Piece of Ice Cream

Phoenix Hatchling Down

Arcade Elixir

Random Healing Potion

Jar of Stamina Restore

Jar of Revival

Jar of Raid Rewind

Remedy Poison

Remedy Heatstroke

Greater Healing Potion

Healing Potion

Dreamlands Stamina Restore