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Dharc came from the nightmare of someone with a high fever, and is wild and chaotic. A fearless rock climber, as sure footed as any mountain goat. In her human form she resembles the ghost of a small child in ragged furs, with a feral grin and a penchant for following others and looming in the shadows while giggling eerily.
Name: Dharc |
Nightmare of: A dark forest on a haunted island |
Title: the edge of the shadows |
Pronouns: she/they
Theme Song: Imagine a blend of emo, ska, and like, ren faire metal
Occupation: probably best suited to something along the lines of "loony hermit from the village outskirts"
Personality Traits: Boisterous
Mischievous (but not maliciously so)
Likes: rock climbing, adventures, chasing games
Dislikes: boredom, puzzles
Strengths: fearless, helpful, cheerful
Weaknesses: fearless, impatient, impulsive
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral