Show S-347's Masterslist Info:
S-347: Kellas
Owned By: kaethus
Designed By: Zoomutt
Rarity: Demi-God
Subspecies: Feline (Rare)

Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Open (unspecified)


+ Jobs Unlocked: Merchant

Chocolate Tile

Gummy Bear


Baby Carrot Plant

Small Pumpkin Plant

Mushroom Cap Plant

Small Shoot Plant

Small Harvest Plant

Small Tree Plant

Small Withered Plant

Small Starplant

Surprise Goob Seed Packet

Small Black Flower Plant

Small Blue Flower Plant

Small Orange Flower Plant

Small White Flower Plant

Pink Flower Plant

White Flower Plant

Purple Flower Plant

Egg Plant Pink

Goob Plant Rainbow

Dreamlands Chimkem

Dreamlands Ramen

Boss Key

Fishing Common Bait

Fishing Uncommon Bait

Fishing Rare Bait

Fishing Flashlight

Fishing Old Boot

Fishing Red Herring

Fishing Spool

Fishing Bandaid

Fishing Golden Pearl

Capture Capsule (Normal)

Capture Capsule (Good)

Capture Capsule (Great)

Basic Shovel

Gold Shovel

Random Restore (Greater)

Elixir Restore (Lesser)

Confusion Restore (Lesser)

W.Stamina Restore (Greater)

W.Stamina Restore (Lesser)

Jar of Raid Rewind

Jar of Revival

Jar of Stamina Restore

Dreamlands Stamina Restore

Remedy Poison

Plush ???

Plush Royal Vanilla

Plush Whimsy

Plush Bolt

Key Dream-Online (Easy)

Key Dream-Online (Hard)

Key Egg Raid (Hard)

Key Candyland (Easy)

Key Candyland (Hard)

Key W?nd?rl?nd (Hard)

Key W?nd?rl?nd (Easy)

Key W?nd?rl?nd (EX)

Aetheneum Key (Hard)

Collosweum Key (Easy)

Collosweum Key (Hard)

Ice Key (Hard)

Ice Key (EX)

Key Labyrinth (Hard)

Key Labyrinth (EX)

Key Order vs Chaos (Hard)

Key Order vs Chaos (EX)

Key Puzzle's Lair (Hard)

Key Puzzle's Lair (EX)

Stat Reroll Dice

Arcade Token