T-1777: Emanation < of The Empty Lord >
Owned By: werfenspeer
Designed By: puppy-nei
Rarity: Rare
Gift Art: OK
Guardian Requests Okay: Not open for requests


+ Sniper Treatling
Treat Form

[This treatling cannot be seperated from its Legendary Stygian. If rehomed, it must always be as a pair.]

T-1777: Emanation's Showcase

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ABOUT T-1777: Emanation

Not much is known about Emanation's early past. From the moment she awakened, she only remembers serving at her Lord's side, often on the field of battle. His overwhelming presence had a side effect of suppressing her personality, turning her into an emotionless puppet. For all intents and purposes, she was an emanation of his will, and he shrouded her with some of his power so that others would believe she was a Stygian and not a Treatling. They fought many battles together, both in the field and on the negotiation table - she knew she was a weapon, and she was content to serve her destined master.

All that changed when The Empty Lord disappeared. His sworn brother betrayed and seemingly killed him, yet left his Emanation unharmed. Now removed from her Lord's influence, she slowly regained her free will and emotions, yet she was left lost and floundering without someone to serve. She even forgot her own designation, only knowing the first three letters - EMA - which she would later take as her name.

Luckily, one of his allies found her and adopted her as a child. Blight's teachings and beliefs would influence Ema's personality in many ways, but also allowed her the room to discover and grow as an individual. After she stabilized under Blight's care, she set off on a journey across the realms to discover what she wanted to become. TEL's blessing made her very resistant to Nightmare energy, enabling her to survive for long periods of time in Stygian Kingdoms.

Eventually, whispers of her Lord's revival reached her, and she dedicated herself to searching for him. She was finally reunited with TEL after his awakening. After sleeping for so long, he decided to retire from his old conquests. Emanation was also given freedom from her servitude, but she still wished to accompany her Lord - seeing him more as a parent instead of a master.



  • Her eyes will blank (Cosmic Eyes) when she is being influenced by TEL's will. This tends to happen when they are in close proximity unless he is in his Styx form.
  • She went through many battles while serving TEL and is an all-rounded combatant. She prefers to use her rifle but is also very good with hand-to-hand fisticuffs. She's trained in pretty much every weapon 
  • TEL's blessing allows her to appear as a Stygian even in Treatling form, it tricks others into seeing her as a Stygian in Human Avatar form. (Except for people who already know she is a Treatling, it has no effect)
  • Her voice is rather monotone so one has to pay attention to her expressions to figure out how she feels
  • If she gets stressed out or heavily injured, she reverts to a robotic manner of speaking and thinking
  • She can't feel pain due to spending many years under TEL's control, which overrides her pain perception. She could walk around with bad injuries without reacting, but usually Blight or TEL will patch her up
  • She really loves spicy food because it makes her feel 'alive'
Reference Art
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Character Sheet:


Nightmare of:
An origin lost to time

of The Empty Lord


The Lord's Weapon

Neutral Neutral

Significant Others: