This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


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Now searching Invisible Stripes [ Restricted ] trait, by all eligible results. ( 1 results found)

Gives your Stygian invisible stripes that appear to cut through it's whole body.
MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Invisible Stripes. These are stripes that appear to cut through a Stygian's body - they make parts of the Stygian invisible!
  • Inivisble Stripes will always appear as thin loops (closed-loop stripes), or as thin tapered stripes (see example above). They cannot appear as branching, wide, spring-like, or oddly-shaped stripes.
  • Invisible Stripes will affect between 20% and 50% of a Stygian's whole body, not counting any wings, tail, tentacles, or similiar extremities. Meaning it will always affect at least 20% of Stygian's core body, and no more than 50% of a Stygian's body.
  • Invisible Stripes will mainly affect the core of a Stygian, meaning it will appear on it's body and legs. (It cannot affect just a tail, for instance.) Invisible stripes will not affect a Stygian's head in any way.
  • Invisible Stripes can only affect non-elemental traits of a Stygian. It cannot affect a wishing Stygian's space elementals body parts, or a pirmoridal void's elemental belly and tail.
  • Invisible Stripes will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to hair, back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • Will always have a 3D effect, meaning the other side of the stripe will be visible on the other side. This does not allow aether or elemental insides to show on the inside, the invisible stripe makes the WHOLE of the Stygian's body invisible, as seen above.
  • Can affect Mimic Stygian, however, it will only affect their shadow body (which will still remain black on all sides).
  • Invisible Stripes does not cut a Stygian, nor does it allow pieces to float - it is simply a stripe of invisibility on the Stygian's body.
  • Stripes cannot be used in a way to mimic detached limbs or detached head - it will always have more than one ring if affecting limbs or neck, and will also affect the body.