This is a list of all Stygian Traits! ADDITIONAL Traits for your Stygian/ MYO can be purchased using the shop link below and/or obtained in various site ARPG activities. They show up in your items inventory, and you can use them in the Redeem MYO/ML link below.

Stygian being redeemed have a MAX TRAIT ADDON CAP OF 20 COMMON/UNCOMMON/RARE/GUARDIAN/LEGENDARY traits (not including subspecies default traits such as "spine fur" for Parasitic Stygian). Of course this is a highly ludicrous cap: Stygian are equally loved with no traits, some traits, or lots of traits!


Is restricted:
Artificial Okay:

Now searching Legendary type, by all eligible results. ( 18 results found)
[ ++ ] Trait Legendary

Increases the size of certain traits. Is "Reserved" for special grants only.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Stackable: Small Animal Companion Large Animal Companion Weapons Mastery Animate Weapons Mastery Extra Mouth Foliage Takeover Halo Spine Fur Modified Ears Tentacles Whiskers Head Crest Body Rings Hollow Crater Parasitic Foliage Heavy Accessories Enchanted Accessory Long Fangs Antennae Back Spines Multiple Spines Fantasy Horns Weaponed Tail Fairy Ears Sentient Tail Elemental Weaponed Tail Elemental Weapons Mastery
This is a Reserved trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific [ ++ ] Trait potion. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians or passed on to Alt MYOs
  • Increases the size of any of these following traits: Small/ Large animal companion, Weapon/Animate weapon mastery, Extra mouth, Foliage Takeover, Halo, Long Spine Fur, Tentacles, Whiskers, Headcrest, Body Rings, Hollow Crater, Parasitic Foliage, Fantasy Horns, Heavy Accessories, Enchanted Accessory, Antennae, Back Spines, Multiple Spines, Weaponed Tail, Sentient Tail, Elemental Weaponed Tail, Elemental Weapon Mastery. Allows for these traits to be made extra large. There is no upper limit to the sizing, however, oversized traits cannot obstruct or hide the Stygian, species defining traits, or other traits. (Traits still need to be visible on masterlist art!)
  • For Fairy Ears, Modified Ears, and Long Fangs, these traits can only be made double their usual sizing (so twice as big as normal).
  • Weaponed Tail and Elemental Weapon Tails can increase in length but not width.
  • For very large oversized traits, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Stygian for cert only to fit the cert!
  • It does not affect any traits other than those listed above.
  • Can be obtained through Patreon as well as special auctions/promotions.
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).
Anomalous Legendary

A trait exclusive to and required for all Diver Stygian disguise forms.
MAX SIZING: % body size
Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Fragmented Body Elemental Insides Semi-Transparency Cosmic Eyes Glowing Eyes Multiple Eyes
Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Heads Object Head Long Fangs Long Tongue Third Eye Exposed
  • Required for and limited to Diver Stygian Disguise forms. It will automatically carry over to any Alt Form a Diver has. For more information on Divers, please visit see the DIVER INFORMATION.
  • The mask will always fully cover the 'void', so it must be large enough to fully cover the face. The mask cannot have any cut-outs or openings in it.
  • The mask should be any Stygian-like face shape, and can be any color. Masks should be of an appropriate size for the disguise form.
  • CHARMS: Divers will always have a charm (see reference image) attached to their mask. It will always look like the reference image above in shape (no alterations can be made, the charm must look like the above), and must be visible in masterlist art.
  • Masks can have Elemental Aura or Glowing Markings layered over them. However, Elemental Aura can never come from inside the mask, it will always layer over the outside.
  • Masks cannot have holes or cut outs in them of any kind. They will always be solid and fully hide what lies underneath them. They cannot be affected by semi-transparency, fragmentation, or any other trait that may reveal what lies beneath.
  • Traits that would only affect the face (mask area) of a Stygian cannot be applied to the mask/Diver Disguise Forms. For example, Long Tongue, Long Fangs, and Third Eye Exposed cannot be used with the Anomalous trait.
  • The mask can have eye-like markings, but it cannot have functional eyes attached to it in any way. As such, eye affecting traits cannot be applied to the mask either. (Multiple Eyes can be applied to other parts of the body, though!)
  • The "void" of the face under the mask cannot be visible in masterlist art (nor revealed in character!). The head and neck area cannot be affected by any trait (such as Semi-Transparency) in any way that might make what lies beneath the mask visible. (Other parts of the body can have these traits, but they cannot affect/change/reveal the Anomalous Trait.)
  • The "void" itself is always dark/black/blank; it cannot be affected by Elemental Insides or any other trait. (The rest of the body can have Elemental Insides, but it cannot affect the Anomalous Trait in any way.)
  • The Anomalous trait cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian. It cannot be added to any Stygian that is not a Diver.
  • This trait does not affect a Stygian Disguise's rarity. (A common disguise with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian disguise.)
This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).

Gives your Stygian the Corrupted Aether trait. This is a restricted trait that fully exposes a Stygian's inner aether.
MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
Traits Cannot be Used With: Exposed Aether Elemental Insides Glass Body Elemental Outer Body
This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Corrupted Aether. This is essentially removing all outer aether (colors and markings) to leave only the single color, more wispy inner aether exposed. This fully replaces any other colors or markings the Stygian might otherwise have had. Glowing markings and blood splatter cannot be applied to aether parts of a Stygian.
  • Corrupted aether will always be made of one, single dark colour and shades of that single dark colour. (Black aether will have black/gray shades, not red or blue shades.) These shades supply the wispy markings that corrupted aether will always have.
  • Corrupted aether is wispy at the Stygian's edges. These wisps should be small (see the reference image). The edges of the body (such as limbs and ears) should be somewhat semi-transparent. The limbs cannot be so wispy that they lose form, they will always hold form.
  • Corrupted aether itself will always glow with a red glow. The glow will always be red and will always glow along the outside of the aether. It will be more dominant in semi-transparent areas.
  • This trait will always affect the entire core of the Stygian - The head, the torso, and the four legs. It cannot affect only part of these, it will affect all. (So you can't have just the legs exposed, or just the front half, it will fully expose all of it.
  • Corrupted Aether will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • The corrupted exposed aether will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental or tail tufts.
  • Hollow crater can be added to a Stygian with exposed corrupted aether, however, the crater must then be fully hollow (no dark inside, and it must show through to the other side). The crater is in the aether itself, there's nothing left to exposed inside.
  • Corrupted Aether cannot have elemental outer body or glass body applied to it, as it is the inner body already. Likewise, it cannot have elemental insides applied to it, as it is the inside already.
  • Corrupted aether cannot have any star (or other shape besides the wisps) patterning inside the aether, or outside of it. If body sparkles are applied to a Stygian with corrupted aether, the sparkles can only affect non-aether traits.

  • Allows a dream and nightmare form.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    • This allows your Stygian to turn into another coloured version of themselves. This means, in the ARPG they can easily and fluidly (or are consistently phasing) between two colour modes, a "dream" one and a "nightmare" one.
    • ONLY the colour changes, not the traits themselves (though the trait colours can change too).
    • ONLY Light Accessories (common), Light Body Foliage (common), and the Stygian's bangs/fringe (short hair above/around the face) can be slightly modified: ie red roses for light body foliage to black lillies.
    • Traits cannot be removed, or modified outside of colour. That means if they had blue fire element, you can colour change it to green or pink fire element, but it can't become pink ice element.
    • You cannot change the markings on the Stygian however: you can change the colours of the markings (as well as all base colours etc).
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).

    Gives your Stygian the Exposed Aether trait. This is a restricted trait that fully exposes a Stygian's inner aether.
    MAX SIZING: 100 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Elemental Outer Body Elemental Insides Corrupted Aether Glass Body
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be inherited by Guardian Stygian, and passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Exposed Aether. This is essentially removing all outer aether (colors and markings) to leave only the single light color, more wispy inner aether exposed. This fully replaces any other colors or markings the Stygian might otherwise have had. Glowing markings and blood splatter cannot be applied to aether parts of a Stygian.
  • Exposed aether will always be made of one, single light colour and shades of that single light colour. (Blue aether will always have blue shades, no purple or black shades inside.) These shades supply the wispy markings that exposed aether will always have.
  • Exposed aether is wispy at the Stygian's edges. These wisps should be small (see the reference image). The edges of the body (such as limbs and ears) should be somewhat semi-transparent. The limbs cannot be so wispy that they lose form, they will always hold form.
  • Inside the aether itself will always be a white starry pattern. No other shapes or colors - stygian aether will always have white starry patterns. These can glow slightly.
  • This trait will always affect the entire core of the Stygian - The head, the torso, and the four legs. It cannot affect only part of these, it will affect all. (So you can't have just the legs exposed, or just the front half, it will fully expose all of it.
  • Exposed Aether will not extend to most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • The exposed aether will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental or tail tufts.
  • Hollow crater can be added to a Stygian with exposed aether, however, the crater must then be fully hollow (no dark inside, and it must show through to the other side). The crater is in the aether itself, there's nothing left to exposed inside.
  • Exposed Aether cannot have elemental outer body or glass body applied to it, as it is the inner body already. Likewise, it cannot have elemental insides applied to it, as it is the inside already.
  • The aether itself cannot glow.

  • Allows your Stygian's entire appearance take on a fragmented look, like a mirror that was just broken.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be inherited by Guardian Stygian, and passed to Alternate MYOs.
    • Fragments can be of any crystalline shape, but detached pieces should not be "missing" from the Stygian (though they can be floating, above, around, behind, or below it).
    • Can affect all traits.
    • Fragmented pieces affect the whole part of the Stygian. This means that fragmented parts (traits or body) are fragmented all the way through, as seen in the reference image above.
        Fragmentation does not only take off the outer layer of a Stygian and show the aether inside, it would be hollow all the way through (as seen above).
    • Cannot have any missing parts/pieces of the fragments (ie incomplete body)
    • Cannot fragment a leg, tail, or other extremities so much that they are wholly free-floating or separate from the body. (See Detached Limbs in order to have floating limbs)
    • Is not "glitchy", the fragments have a broken mirror-like effect.
    • Fragmentation effect cannot exceed more than 50% of the Stygian.
    Ghost Legendary

    Gives the Stygian ghostly invisibility and a head wisp.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It can be passed down to Guardians and passed to ALT MYOs.
    • Must be a wispy ghost-like flame/element on top of its head/forehead.
    • Can be multiple wisps on top of head and extending down the spine spine and tail (max 10 wisps total). Must always have one main wisp over the head/forehead.
    • Wisps can be of any wispy shape (as long as it looks fluid)
    • Wisps should be semi-transparent and of one colour.
    • Wisps also extend to all Avatar forms of the Stygian (meaning if it has a human form, the human form has the wisps too).
    • While the Stygian cannot be completely invisible (save wisp) in its masterlist art, it can however, in the ARPG be all forms of visibility (save wisp). The wisp will always be visible.
    • Wisps cannot imitate an actual object shape.
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).

    Gives your Stygian invisible stripes that appear to cut through it's whole body.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Invisible Stripes. These are stripes that appear to cut through a Stygian's body - they make parts of the Stygian invisible!
  • Inivisble Stripes will always appear as thin loops (closed-loop stripes), or as thin tapered stripes (see example above). They cannot appear as branching, wide, spring-like, or oddly-shaped stripes.
  • Invisible Stripes will affect between 20% and 50% of a Stygian's whole body, not counting any wings, tail, tentacles, or similiar extremities. Meaning it will always affect at least 20% of Stygian's core body, and no more than 50% of a Stygian's body.
  • Invisible Stripes will mainly affect the core of a Stygian, meaning it will appear on it's body and legs. (It cannot affect just a tail, for instance.) Invisible stripes will not affect a Stygian's head in any way.
  • Invisible Stripes can only affect non-elemental traits of a Stygian. It cannot affect a wishing Stygian's space elementals body parts, or a pirmoridal void's elemental belly and tail.
  • Invisible Stripes will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to hair, back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • Will always have a 3D effect, meaning the other side of the stripe will be visible on the other side. This does not allow aether or elemental insides to show on the inside, the invisible stripe makes the WHOLE of the Stygian's body invisible, as seen above.
  • Can affect Mimic Stygian, however, it will only affect their shadow body (which will still remain black on all sides).
  • Invisible Stripes does not cut a Stygian, nor does it allow pieces to float - it is simply a stripe of invisibility on the Stygian's body.
  • Stripes cannot be used in a way to mimic detached limbs or detached head - it will always have more than one ring if affecting limbs or neck, and will also affect the body.

  • Gives your Stygian the Laybrinth Shadowweaving Shadow companion. This is a RESERVED trait.
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Common Shadowweaving Uncommon Shadowweaving Rare Shadowweaving
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Laybrinth Shadowweaving
    This is a reserved trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. This trait is reserved to events. It does carry over to each form the Stygian has. It cannot be inherited by Guardian Stygian.
    • Gives your Stygian a Labyrinth Shadowweaving shadow companion.
    • This trait can only be applied to Stygian that were involved with the Mystery Hunt Labyrinth event and completed part 2 of that event. or Stygian that completed all 3 parts of the Labyrinth Returns quest event.
    • This companion should be shadow - dark and flat. It can have some form, but no shading or shape as it is a shadow and would be flat. It must have at least one eye, but can have multiple. These eyes can be of any color.
    • The Shadoweaving Companion should look like a shadowy, non-solid familiar (it's a companion, after all!) or figure of some sort, that is completely separate from the Stygian (but connected to its shadow, of course). Giving it a head or something similiar is recommended! The shadoweaving companion cannot be of any shape/position that mimics traits on a Stygian.
    • This Shadow can be a maximum of twice (200%) the Stygian's body size.
    • It must be connected to the Stygian at the Stygian's feet. .
    • This shadow can stack with all other forms of Shadowweaving.
    • Shadow Weaving can affect every form on a Stygian with a single potion, but cannot pass to guardians.
    • This trait does not affect a Stygian's rarity. (A common stygian with this trait will remain a common rarity Stygian.)

    A general legendary trait potion that can add a non-restricted legendary trait to your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Can be used to add a single, non-restricted legendary trait to your Stygian, in place of a specific potion.

    Gives your Stygian a molting outer body, revealing the aether underneath.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Exposed Aether Corrupted Aether Elemental Insides
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Elemental Outer Body
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It CANNOT be inherited by Guardian Stygian, or passed to Alternate MYOs.
  • Gives your Stygian Molting Body. This lets their outer, fur-like covering almost peel away to show the aether that lies underneath.
  • Molting Body will always peel away in random molting patterns. It will always always have some small molting bits that are visibly peeling off and away from the body.
  • The molting body reveals a Stygian's inner aether. This aether is always a single colour (no glows, sparkles, swirls, or other things). This inner aether cannot drip or leak, it simply shows through the molting parts of the outer body.
    • When paired with Elemental Insides, the Elemental Insides will behave and appear similar to Stygian's normal aether. These elemental insides will not be able to drip or leak out through the molting body. Elemetnal insides can, however, glow, sparkle, and be of mutliple colours.
    • When paired with Exposed Aether or Corrupted Aether, the aether wisps will float like normal, coming through the areas of molting body. All other Exposed/Corrupted aether rules apply. (Traits like glowing markings and crystalline growth can affect a Stygian's body with Exposed Aether/Corrupted Aether, but only on parts where the outer body has not molted away.)
  • Molting body will affect between 20% and 50% of a Stygian's whole body, not counting any wings, tail, tentacles, or similiar extremities. Meaning it will always affect at least 20% of Stygian's core body, and no more than 50% of a Stygian's body.
  • Molting Body will mainly affect the core of a Stygian, meaning it will appear on it's body, legs, and head.
  • Molting Body can only affect non-elemental traits of a Stygian. It cannot affect a wishing Stygian's space elementals body parts, or a pirmoridal void's elemental belly and tail.
  • Molting Body will not extend most other traits added to a Stygian. This includes but is not limited to hair, back wings, tails, extra limbs, horns, antlers, back spines, manes, spine fur, long fur, and elbow wings.
  • Molting Body will affect some traits - those that change the shape of the core body, such as front paws. Tails will only be affected in some subspecies and cases - those that have a solid tail that cannot be replaced, such as wishing and primordial void. It will not affect any elemental tails or fur tail tufts.
  • Molting Body cannot molt in uniform or repeating patterns, or in any specific or recognizable shapes. It will always be random molting.
  • Molting Body cannot be used with Elemental Outer Body.
  • Molting Body cannot affect Mimic Stygian.

  • Allows your Stygian UP TO THREE IDENTICAL multiple heads. Must be identical to the original head look of the Stygian subspecies.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Object Head
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion.
    • Heads must look identical to the original look of the Stygian subspecies.
    • Each head however, can have their paired horns, single horn, hair (any length), eye colour, sclera, markings, manifest seperately.
    • Each head can have a different elemental aura if multiple elemental potions are being used.
    • Each head can have different accessory manifestations (as long as it fulfills the conditions/requirements/restrictions for light/medium/heavy accessories)
    • Halo must be placed behind the entire set of heads (or above) - each head does not get an individual halo as halos cannot stack.
    • Cannot be used with Object Head.
    • Necks cannot become shorter or longer than Stygian subspecies's original design.
    • Cannot be used with subspecies that already have multiple heads.

    Gives your Stygian multiple pairs of wings (MAX 16 wings/8 pairs).
    MAX SIZING: 200 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Supersize Elemental
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Back Wings
    • Wings MUST be on the back, from the base of the neck onto the tail along the spine (for ear wings, please purchase ear wings potion).
    • Wings CAN be different type of wings (ie one wing is bat one wing is bird).
    • Follow the same rules as back wings in terms of trait addons (ie: can be stacked with element or multi-eyes to get an element or multi-eyed effect, etc).
    • Each wing has the same size restriction as regular Back Wings: Individually, wings cannot exceed more than 150% of your Stygian's body size (head to foot, not including tail) for bipedal Stygian, and not more than 200% of your Stygian's body size (torso length, not including head and tail) for quadrupedal Stygian.
    • Cannot be sticking out of anywhere but from spine/back/tail area.
    • Cannot exceed more than 16 wings (8 pairs of wings).
    • Canot be stacked with the "rare back wings trait" (instead, replaces back wings)

    Your Stygian's original head is replaced by an object and/or floating head. Allows for multiple heads.
    MAX SIZING: 50 % body size
    Traits Cannot be Used With: Multiple Heads
    • The head must be a "replacement" head that shows the original head is missing (ie absence of original head or a floating head). These "replacement" heads should be inorganic and non animal/ mythical object heads such as: organic items (plants which still need foliage potion), artficial items (TVs, masks, etc etc), floating element (with elemental potion), or completely missing head.
      • Heads CANNOT be any type of ORGANIC CREATURES, to not accidentally get mixed up with avatar forms or other species. This includes animals, human, and mythical creature shaped heads, as well as object heads that are "inorganic" but look exactly like an organic creature head.
    • You are allowed to do animal STYLIZED object heads as long as they don't literally look like an animal head, such as a floating plush head, mecha head, animal mask head, so on so forth. These inspired heads should not have actual functioning eyes or mouth (so like fake eyes and fake mouth)
    • The head MUST be clearly separate from the Stygian's body.
    • The head can be floating, or held, anywhere on canvas, or just be entirely missing (in this case, it would have no "head" at all @ missing).
    • Object also allows for up to 4 multiple heads (of the SAME head type- different markings/colours okay) on the Stygian as long as they are free floating.
    • The heads combined cannot exceed 50% of the body of your Stygian
    • Object heads cannot have a functional mouth or eyes as they are not actually functional "heads".
    • The clear-cut separation line CANNOT be hidden in any way. It cannot be covered with a collar/accessory or with fur/hair. Nor can the head 'rest' or 'sit' on the neck.
    • They cannot have any decorations or additional twists/unusual shapes added to the head without the purchase of other modifying potions (ie if you want plants on the head you need a foliage potion). For halo you need to add halo potion. If you want mist coming from the missing head part, add element).
    • Object heads cannot make a Stygian look exactly like another animal, human, or adoptables species. Object heads cannot make a Stygian look identical to their avatar forms. This is to prevent complete confusion between what is a Stygian species and what is their canonical avatar form.
    Primordial Legendary

    Allows Stygian to evolve to Primordial subspecies types. Also unlocks 1 Guardian Trait for your Stygian.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    This is a restricted trait and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. Primordial can extend to alt MYO forms. This trait cannot be inherited by Guardians (unless your Stygian owns the "Primordial Inheritance" skill)
    • This means it unlocks a new evolution form, or an evolved version of their subspecies. To learn more about primordial evolution, go HERE
    • Each subspecies has their own special rules and traits! To see the various subspecies you can also go here: HERE
    • Applying a Primordial Potion grants you one free rebase from normal to primordial subspecies per Stygian (not per alt form), to be used when the potion/trait is applied. The rebase cannot be claimed after the potion/trait has been applied, and it must be used on the first form the potion/trait is applied to. All future alt forms will be able to choose between regular form and primordial form at the time of creation, or whenever a rewind ticket or a rebase ticket for the corresponding subspecies is applied!
    • Primordial also unlocks 1 Guardian Trait when it is applied to a Stygian. It can unlock max 1 Guardian Trait per form, locked to that form. A Guardian Potion is needed to apply a Guardian Trait to the unlocked trait slot.
    Shapeshifter Legendary

    Allows you to change specific traits or areas of the Stygian's body. This trait has very specific guidelines that should be checked carefully before applying to a Stygian!
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    Traits Stackable: Front Paws Back Wings Multiple Limbs
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Short-Medium Tail Long Tail Multiple Tails Fantasy Tail
    This is a RETIRED TRAIT and cannot be used on ANY Stygian or MYO without owning this specific potion. It cannot be passed to ALT MYOs. This trait can no longer be inherited. Instead, if your Guardian jar rolls a legendary trait you may inherit Size-Changer as a replacement.
    • You can modify or add to any of these existing traits but you need the rare potions first:
    • Front paws: Can change the front legs to another unconventional front paw shape. This cannot exceed the size of the Stygian's original paws.
    • Back wings: Can change the back wings to another unconventional back wing-placed limb (ie back claws). This cannot exceed the size of the Stygian's original back wings.
    • Multiple limbs: Can change only the first of the front limbs, not all of them.
    • Can add a nonexisting trait to the front body or front legs, such as a spine reaching down the belly, or spines down the arms, or ears/a single wing sticking from its belly. These cannot exceed more than 25% of the body/torso. These are often reviewed case-by-case just to make sure they're not toeing the line of looking like an existing trait or subspecies.
    • Trait must be attached to body (cannot be free floating)
    • Cannot be a "sentient" trait (ie another head or animal sticking out of the body).
    • Cannot use this to nearly perfectly mimic any existing subspecies. Ie I can't create a combination of traits to make my non Owl Stygian look exactly like an owl Stygian (ie: using front paws then shapeshifter for the feathers), but I could use shapeshifter to add feathers to a Stygian's front non paw legs.
    • Cannot modify head, back paws, tail.
    • Cannot completely mimic an existing trait (ie using it to mimic Guardian traits, tentacles, extra mouth, etc. )

    Gives the Size-Changer trait along them to change to any size between 1-100 feet tall.
    MAX SIZING: % body size
    • Size can be fluctate anywhere from 1-100 feet tall
    • The entire size of the Stygian changes with all their traits, not just one part of them or one trait.
    • For masterslist, the size is always relative, meaning the Stygian will be certed at all the other sizes of Stygian certed. However, in the ARPG, you are now free to draw them fluctuating at all sizes.
    • Relative mass is up to you - since it's the Nightmare world, there's no real "physics" needed cause for how much they weigh when changing sizes.

    Allows you to supersize a Stygian's wings, (most) tails, elemental aura, or hair (one trait per potion only).
    MAX SIZING: 400 % body size
    Traits Stackable: Long Hair Long Tail Fantasy Tail Back Wings Multiple Wings Elemental Aura Object Tail
    Traits Cannot be Overlapped With: Sentient Tail Weaponed Tail Elemental Weaponed Tail
    • PICK ONE OF THESE TRAITS TO SUPERSIZE: Back wings, long tail, fantasy tail, multiple tails, multiple wings, elemental aura (MAX 1 this way), long hair. One potion = one trait to pick.
    • Allows these traits to exceed standard sizing! There is no upper limit on the size allowed.
    • Stygian still MUST BE SHOWING AND FULLY VISIBLE Traits should not cover up any of the Stygian's primary traits/details including species defining traits and other traits.
    • For subspecies with breed specific tails (such as serpent, void, lindwyrm, shark, wishing, etc) tails can increase in length but not in width (will always just be the standard width).
    • MULTIPLE WINGS/TAIL: Same as regular supersized, but multiple.
    • ELEMENTAL AURA: Only affects one element if you choose to supersize it. If free flowing (not attached to any existing traits), it must flow as one continuous trait (ie if you pick rainbow it must be one long continuous rainbow effect, not a multitude of rainbow throughout your Stygian).
      • If your Stygian has multiple elementals, only one can be supersized. Cannot look like elemental outer body or any other existing trait.
      • If stacked with hair or wings ie elemental hair, elemental wings, you only need one supersize potion, just for the element, and again must flow as one continuous trait.
      • Cannot look like any other existing trait.
      • Cannot be used to supersize any other elemental influences on traits not listed above (ie you CANNOT do elemental + supersized object head, elemental + supersized halo, or elemental + supersized animal companion, etc.)
    • For subspecies with default tails/wings, it can affect their default tail/wing (pick one).
    • One potion PER trait to supersize. For example, if you buy a supersize potion, you can supersize the wings OR the tail, not both (if you want both, you need another supersize potion)
    • Does not include elbow wings, ear wings, sentient tail, elemental weaponed tail, or weaponed tail.
    • Again, only one potion PER trait on your Stygian from the allow traits above.
    • Supersized traits cannot be stacked with themselves ie: you can have supersize + elemental with supersize + wings, but not supersize + elemental with supersize + another elemental
    • Supersize can ONLY affect Wings (Back Wings or Multiple Wings), Hair (Manes), (Non-Guardian) Tails, or Elemental Aura. It cannot be applied to any other traits.
    • For very large supersized images, we as per usual reserve the right to crop the Stygian for cert only to fit the cert!
    This trait is okay to replicate artificially on a Diver Artificial Human form. Traits not listed as Artificial okay can be used on their Stygian form as long as they combined (with Artificial okay traits) does not exceed their assigned rarity (ie if they are rare/ rank 2 rarity, they are allowed 1 rare and unlimited uncommon/common traits. If they are rank 3/ common, they are allowed 1 uncommon and unlimited common traits).